Update since it's been so long
Posted 6 months agoHello all I'm doing a journal today to just say I love the furry community and that I always supported the lgbtq community since well I have a lesbian sister and she's awesome. I want to thank all the people that are actually still watching and following me I appreciate it a lot it means a lot to me. I really hope my ex stops lying about me cause he knows nothing about me anymore and just can't stop dwelling on the past anyway enough about that I hope all of you amazing furries have a wonderful day/night. Love you All and hugs to all.
⚠️ warning ⚠️
Posted 2 years ago777.werewolfdragon.777 is at it again making up lies again not minding his business and not stopping dwelling on the past 🙄 quite pathetic actually but I'm perfectly aware of the art I do is not stolen art and I'm a proud furry and would never do such a thing like that. I really am a kind hearted person and try to make friends and enoy art but he has to try and ruin my reputation for no reason at all. So sorry that he's always causing drama lol hope you all have a wonderful day and thank u all so much for supporting what I do I will always be grateful for it.
Happy holidays
Posted 3 years agoI wanted to wish everyone the best of holiday's. I'm wishing you all the best. Love from me! I'm also fixing to go to college soon to become a vet tech and I'm so excited to get that chance!!! Hugs to all 🫂❤️
Normal chat
Posted 3 years agoApparently on 777.werewolfdragon.777 's page scrolling around through everyone's amazing art pieces and leaving comments on how an amazing job all u furs do I see and come across that my ex is being a jerk again for nothing and dwelling on the past making lies about me and he don't know me like he used to I'm not the same person anymore and I'm sick of lies being spread. I'm very happy right now and glad to be free and not treated like crap by his family and treated bad by him. I've already put it in the past and I'm a full fledged furry and a damn proud one. I love you all and hope to get more followers soon. Have an amazing day all u furs 💗🌈😋🐺🐉 p.s. sorry for all the mix ups and rumor lies going around and thank u all for being there and supporting me!
Happy new year
Posted 4 years agoHappy new year 🎉🥳 hope you all have a great new year. I hope 2021 will be better than 2020 was. Hugs to all and be safe
Why are people Cruel now a days?!
Posted 4 years agoI don't know why people are being so cruel now a days but it's not right. Some can't let go of what's true and made up truth/lies. I never lie and I have a few people who are very mean and disrespectful to others artwork and I got a few people who say my art is trash, sloppy, etc. Everyone is different when it comes to how there art work is drawn and stuff. I love seeing other peoples artwork and comment on others awesome art because It makes me happy to see other furries happy when they see all the positive comments on there site. I always get negative ones for no reason just because of a cyber bully furry on here not being reasonable and spreading lie rumors about me. I'm trying to do my best like every other furry on here to get through life even if it is tough. I'm just greatful for the furries who is still by my side. Thank u so much. Hugs to all and hope u all have a good day/night/evening. Love u all Raven out
Crazy ex
Posted 4 years agoTo all my friends and follower's. I have a problem again with my ex. As usual he's starting stuff again over stuff non important. I'm trying to enjoy the life I have and share my artwork for the world to see but yet my crazy ex is stalking me and bringing up my past for no reason and it's none of his business to bring up my past just because he's jealous of me 😒. Ever since I broke up with him, he's been acting like a complete jerk to everyone around him even other people on Xbox live. He literally just spased out on a complete different person on Xbox thinking it was me but in truth it was a guy who had a sex change and she's very nice and I friended her too. Apparently he doesn't know how much I've changed and how different I have become. I like to keep the past in the past not have a jerk ex bring it up to the whole furaffinity site just to make me lose followers and stuff. I'm a very nice person and would appreciate it if you all ignore what he's saying. He rants to much about stuff and is acting way to childish. I'm so sorry about all this misunderstanding going on. I love all my fellow friends and furry friends no mater what they are. I'm a proud furry and a proud supporter of whatever my fellow furry friends are into. Hugs to all and hope you all have a wonderful day/evening/morning. Raven out
Thanks everyone
Posted 5 years agoI want to thank all the people who stayed with me and watched and followed me. I am so happy that I finally got to 1000 views and all by myself. Be aware of a user names 777.werewolfdragon.777 he's a liar and a thief. He's been targeting me on purpose to make me lose watchers and followers and threatening others as well just to have them unfollow me. I got proof of it in one of my old phones. I'm just here to help keep u guys safe from people like that and I'm so grateful and thankful to those who stuck by me the whole way. Thank u so so much. I hope you all have a wonderful day and stay healthy from this rough time with coronavirus. Love you all. Thanks again everyone. Raven out 🖤😘🐺🐉
To All my followers and watchers. Important and urgent
Posted 5 years agoHello everyone and I'm sorry to bother you all me fellow furry friends. I just need help and I'm determined to get it from at least someone that can trust me and me trust them. I got an issue and I'm about to get police involved if this doesn't stop because I'm tired of people accusing me of being a character thief when I'm not. All I'm doing is trying to make friends and enjoy viewing other people's artwork to get more followers and watchers and then get accused of something that's not true from a user named 777.werewolfdragon.777 I'm literally fed up with his BS and i actually knew him and we actually did share an account on fa and he's now trying to claim my character species ideas and the only reason why he has over 1,000 views is because of me. I don't know what else to do now because I will not give up till I save my species. I'm so sorry to bother you about all this but I really need help and suggestions because I will not allow anyone to steal my character ideas or species. Im no thief I'm just here to make friends, post art, comment on other people's artwork and get followers and watchers. I'm a very kind, nice, sweet person who just wants to try to make friends not enemies. Please trust me and believe in me. I got lots of people that will even tell u that I'm the actual creator of my species and know me in real life that will even tell u I'm the creator of the wolfdragon and Foxdragon species and that I got drawings and proof to show. Please keep following me and watching me on fa. I'm so sorry about the mix up that's happening. I love you all and hope you have a wonderful day everyone.
Late birthday wish
Posted 5 years agoMy birthday was yesterday 9/5 and forgot to post about it. Was busy with working lately.
To all my followers
Posted 5 years ago777.werewolfdragon.777 is a character thief. He stole my character idea just because he's trying to get revenge on me for something dumb. He saw a drawing of mine that was a creation of my species the wolfdragon and decided to take over it and created one of his own and trying to claim it so watch out for this character thief. He might try to steal yours too or ideas as well. Plz keep following me on my page. I'm still working on the problem of my character thief. Sorry for any inconveniences my dear furry friends. Have a great day everyone ❣️
Posted 5 years agoJuly 27th, 1942 to June 30th, 2019
In memory of my beloved Memere (grandma) died in the hospital from pnemonia. I wrote a letter poem for her even though ik she won't be able to read it. I just wished I could have heard her voice one last time. 😭😭😭😭 I miss you so much
In memory of my beloved Memere (grandma) died in the hospital from pnemonia. I wrote a letter poem for her even though ik she won't be able to read it. I just wished I could have heard her voice one last time. 😭😭😭😭 I miss you so much
About raven
Posted 6 years agoI'll be writing a story about the Wolfdragons and foxdragons. The story will be coming soon. Ik more about these species than anyone else. My ex boyfriend doesn't know anything about them and is trying to claim my species so I'm writing a story and info included in the story about my species and already have proof of copyrights on them. I will post the story when im done writing it. Have a wonderful day everyone 😘🐺🐉😀
About me
Posted 6 years agoI'm goth and a furry of course. I'm kind, nice and caring. I'm only mean when people are mean to me first. I had a rough life growing up and still do. I got certain disabilities that make me crazy sometimes but I'm a very cool person to hang around. I get depressed and stressed out about certain things easily. I love animals. My main favorite animal is a wolf. I like foxes,. Raven's, dragons, werewolves, etc. I've gone through five boyfriend's before I finally found the one that treats me right. The other four were not so good at all.... One was a cheater, another was a woman beater, one left me for no reason, another just wanted to get in my pants when I didn't want that and the last one was a Mama's boy that was mind manipulated by his mom, aloud her to control our relationship and never wanted to see me hardly. Anyhoo hope you like my drawings and hope to get a lot of views on here. I'd love to see how much views I can get and I'll be sure to like and comment on your guy's stuff too. Any questions about my species just ask and I'll tell you more about it when I get a chance to get on here. Have a wonderful day everyone. 😉😁😋🐺🐲