Your Wolf Girlfriend Gets Jealous - (Wolf Girlfriend x Neko Listener) [ASMR Roleplay] {F4M}
- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
- WARNING: This channel is NOT made for children. There are stories that are NOT appropriate for children. Your discretion is advised.
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Hello everyone! Welcome back to another ASMR Roleplay video! We got a part 3! I hope you like it!
Your wolf roommate/girlfriend decides to take you to the club to meet new friends. However, there is one girl that is flirting with you, and your wolf girlfriend is getting jealous, but she doesn't want you to know that!
Click here to part 1: • Wolf Girl Roommate Dra...
Click here to part 2: • You Shyly Ask Wolf Roo...
Art Made By: s_dassy on Twitter
Twitter: / s_dassy
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Art Made By: s_dassy on Twitter
Twitter: / s_dassy
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Script Written By: WhiteKatAudios
Reddit: u/WhiteKatAudios
This script was sent by email!
Background music:
Cru - Yung Logos
I'm Fly - Gunnar Olsen
Metal - Mike Relm
Shake - Anno Domini Beats
Autonomous sensory meridian response, sometimes auto sensory meridian response, is a tingling sensation that typically begins on the scalp and moves down the back of the neck and upper spine. A pleasant form of paresthesia, it has been compared with auditory-tactile synesthesia and may overlap with frisson.
This script is written by the awesome WhiteKatAudios! Please make sure to support them!
Reddit: u/WhiteKatAudios
The art is made by s_dassy on Twitter. Please make sure to check their social medias out!
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I hope to see this series continue if not thats ok your content is amazing and the script writer is also a goat
Someone tried to take me from you give her to scp 097
In my defense I was left unsupervised
That's a pretty strong defense
Well uh but um yeah I got nothin against
Listen we’re cats we can’t be left unsupervised
@@steveisthecommissar4013 especially at a bar
I love how the listener (me) is portrayed as more dense than a fucking rock when being flirted with, but when someone is trying to avoid telling the listener, its fucking batman level detective
Honestly that sounds about spot on for me
@@steveisthecommissar4013 bro same catch the small shit ignore the obvious shit
Batman 101 be the world's greatest detective be immune to flirting that's it
I'm able to spot someone flirting with one of my friends a mile away, but I super dense if someone's trying to flirt with me. The most embarrassing example of that is when I accidentally flirted back and forth with an IHOP employee in front of my best friend and his grandparents and I didn't realise untill my friend pointed it out on the way back.
maybe becase you dont see yourself as a prominemt catch so you assume anyone that talks to you is being friendly
Little does she know, this was all a ploy so that I could play with her tail!
It’s just so fluffy
Mr president what are you doing here
Aren't you dead?
Sir, what are you doing here? 😨
when the bush go mofu mofu
Mr George, are you all friendly with Michelle
A jealus wolfgirl? I'm picturing you growling at someone and that thought alone brings a smile to my face
My wolf girlfriend jealous that can't possibly happen with me because I follow the words of my great grandfather he always said " never make your girlfriend jealous even if she's human or otherwise because if you make them jealous they might go yandere and f ing stab the crap out of you " he was a wise man
Let me guess its Past tense because he made her jelous and paid the price
@@vincentduplooy5673 no but he did lift up his shirt and showed me all the scars he had when he told me this that's why I took it to heart
Or in this case she might take a bite out of you or mark you as their permanent “mate”
I guess those wise words were mine..
@@Mono_Autophobic well played God well played
I love this series, Wolf Girlfriend x Neko Listener I LOVE IT and your voice is sooooooo PERFECT
Agreed 😁🥰🥰
"She was being a bit more than friendly"
... Super Fwendly?
Heheh nice
"im still surprised you agreed to go out" i had no choice you said you were gonna take away my chicken nuggets
"oh noes my numgies"~cheems
*gasp!* "Not the nuggies!"
Don’t touch my Nuggs!!
Don't be jealous! These adorable purrs are for your ears alone!
She’s forgotten that were dense enough to be a star literally
Wolf!Kasumi: *(growling with teeth)* "Back. Off. MINE!"
Neko!Me: *(instinctively starts purring, remembers I'm supposed to be upset, covers it with a cough)* "W-what was that about?!"
Why do people add an exclamation mark instead of a space?
@@Kallichore09 It's a carry-over from tag etiquette, I think. In situations where spaces aren't an option, the exclamation mark became the go-to for this kind of thing.
@@Blindluck92 heheh I see you noice
Lmao same
There is a mini sentry among us!
2:43 I skipped 10 seconds ahead and heard 10 seconds of silence followed by "It's not that small..."
She needn't be jealous knife is hers and will always stick to her side for as long as he lives!
Correction, rusts*
Not very long then if he sticks to her side
Her: Im so glad for you to come here!
Me: I mean you said if i did I would get headpats
the master negotiator
fun fact: white holes are a similar substance to black holes that have the opposite effect white holes push out matter and energy while black holes dont
Favorite series so far, glad to see it continue
Everytime she says "Oh buddy" I either think "Fuck, here we go" or "That's rough."
**le gasp** my favorite ASMR series has a new episode, thanks!
All those other girls better keep their paws off of spoon! There’s only one girl he’ll let give him head pats!
Lies. Also, which side is your head? You still haven't answered me!
@@CabeliotCometier the world may never know
@@nightmareennardneko2136 Fork has informed me that the space where the prongs are on standard inanimate forks houses their teeth, and that the connection between the handle and prongs is their head. This information may not transfer well to Spoon, but it's still pretty interesting.
Ayyyy my fav series returns. Glad to see it come back so soon!
(No immediate part 4 request this time XD tho I do hope (for one >.>) that if the writer does make more parts, that the listener character and girlfriend get a sort of conclusion to their little story.)
For real though, the writer once again did a great job here and Kasumi did phenomenal voice work as always. Amazing job all around 👍
I like writing this dynamic too much [*cough* personal fantasy *cough*] and I.. uhm.. don't really have any idea on how to write a 'conclusion' T.T But I do have lots more plans for additional parts. Glad you enjoy it ^w^
@@MaxtheKat Tbh by conclusion I sorta meant like, maybe the neko boi and wolf girl settle down and such. Maybe the neko boi slips a ring on the wolf. Idk lol. (Your series overall though, whatever ya wanna do is awesome. Can't wait to see what ya do next.)
Wolf!Kasumi: Hey Buddy, who's this?
Me: Ashley
Wolf!Kasumi: Ashley?
Out Of Character Me: Where the cameras at?
Jealous wolf girl is the best kind of wolf girl
- Lots of love from me and Wario
Kasumi's another masterpiece
This was my personal fav.
Shes so adorable I love this series and hope to get more! Keep up the great work!
We are one dense bag of bricks. Not picking up a hint when the first text is 8 hearts.
They're friendly hearts! - MC
@@MaxtheKat just like all the friendly cuddles we got episode 1.
bro mc be progressing faster than I do, 3 weeks into school and all my friends seem too busy to hug for a bit
Let’s go we have an official story
I need one of these to be an hour long.
She's just being friendly, no worry...
I don't know what Ashley looks like, but she'd have to look pretty amazing to match this Awesome art!
Thankyou for another part to this brilliant story I'm starting to really hope they end up together amazing work as always Kasumi 💕💕
In my case I am the wolf girlfriend, trauma makes it really hard to trust that I'm actually worth something to anyone I date, bad self esteem, trust issues, anxiety n depression. Had the first hard hit of jealousy today while watching a twitch stream with my girlfriend, let's just say she simps for the streamer n the streamer is very flirty, streamer also does hypnosis, girlfriend let the streamer try to hypnotize her, it worked and my girlfriend said some things while under, I didn't like it in the least and had to leave because of it, everyone involved thinks I left to go take a nap. Worse part is I don't want to say anything and seem controlling, I don't wanna ask her to stop doing what she likes because I know how it feels to be in a very toxic n overcontrolling relationship, I don't EVER want to do that to her. Communication is key in any relationship and I know that but...I also don't wanna seem like a baby that doesn't trust her or her love
Sorry for the rambling, if anyone actually reads my ramblings thanks for your time
Awww you poor soul
I hope things are at least a little better now and if not I hope they get better soon
I love this series. Not just that, but that low alto is voice goals. X3
I fell asleep almost immediately after starting episode 2 but episode one was the end of months of flirting and cuddles due to a oblivious Neko.
i know wright
Anime protag logic
Because the power of anime harem protagonist.
Yea, I dont like how male charaters are always portrayed as dumb.
Yet, female characyers being dense is considered cute.
Tbh I figured there'd be a love interest conflict in the third episode but I thought it'd be a Wolf Boy trying to convince the listener that they should date her and not the listener
And it keeps going on the series..... Probably the best....
This is such a good series
Loved it. Nicely done, Kasumi hope you have a good day/night
Pancakes 🥞
Omg I thought I was gone I love this series please more
There’s something about they way she says “hey there buddy who’s this?” That fucking kills me
Fun fact: superman was meant to be a villain.
Brightburn decided to fill in that gap, huh.
Well while we're on this subject
Pretty sure Superman was made by a Canadian who sold the idea or something like that... don't exactly remember the details
@@sunhunter0914 It was co-created by Joe Shuster. A Toronto born artist.
@@jamal2592 Well that's an interesting piece of that I'm probably never gonna need... but hey I have 5 years of useless mathematical methods that I'm never gonna use so what's a few more knowledge ?
Another fun fact Superman is overrated
Man, this makes me wonder how many times I've been hit on and never noticed it, considering I am very like the listener character.
Same m8 same
Wolf girl- gets jelly
Me- oblivious to everything
Wolf girl- states that I’m oblivious
Me- holy shit I was actually oblivious irl… wait a sec… did that girl at the gym actually hit on me and that’s why she… oh ohhh ooooooooooohhhhhh
4 years later, he realises that the girl in his class was flirting with him.
Heheh I'm pretty fkn dense all the time so if I'm being flirted with in any way I'll think it's a joke or just won't notice it
@@rans0mware 10 years later in the dead of night a man wakes from his slumber and shoots straight up in a cold sweat as the sudden realization that the girl from across the street from so long ago was inviting him over incessantly to her house late at night was in fact a sign of her interest in him....oh well and he goes right back to sleep
@@nightmareennardneko2136 I'm so dense that my ex literally had to grab me and drag me to a corner and looked me straight in the eyes and said "I'm going to suck your d because I like you and been flirting with you for months but you just don't get it "... The sad part is that I replied with "wait does this mean you like me?". The disappointment in her face was pretty bad lol I didn't get a bj that night btw.
Just a thought
In someone’s life story, you are the villain.
Can’t wait for the next one
*after getting ashley's number*
"Right, now to block her number"
Not the wolf jealous 💚✨😂
I've been itchin for this part 3
Love this series
This one hit me hard. Ironically my ex girlfriend who I was together with for 8 years. At first I'm like oh God. But then there were parts where it was gutwrench laughing and I don't know why.
I love this series
Hug on you KazumiVA, i Hope you had a good day take care of yourself
I'm never left alone when someone is keeping a eye on me
Me: gets new notifications from Kasumi that says new
Me: yes
Vid:30 minutes ago
Me looking at the notification: LIAR
Carl approved this video good job ❤🐺
I absolutely love this!
Wolf Girlfriend is AWESOME
My favorite series YES
I like you being protective! I feel safe around you! Meow!
Can we please go home now? This was a very confusing evening for my little neko brain. Can we hold paws on the way home and coil our tails together? Please! Meow.
Love this series meow
Love your voice! Can't wait for next one!
This gets the hot pockets stamp of approval
That's how we get our plot armor; innocence. Therefore, innocent until proven guilty.
Gotta be honest, I haven't been keeping up on the lore of this cute couple
very good job out so very good
I love being a neko!
Same bro
This series yay
Cucumber Approved
The character's eyes in the thumbnail are yellow but me thinks they were actually green in this segment. Great audio work.
I love and understand this video
I'm not into alcohol but at least the music slaps
The doom slayer shall always be loyal to his beloved
Aww this is such cute asmr
Im really that dense and I love it
I love how protective you are of me.
Loud bars are the best ones
Who doesn't love a jealous wolf
Sorry I'm late had to go do something but I'm glad get watch this finally excellent job
I love jealus kasumi
Not gonna lie, I laughed at the part when she said, "so, how was your day?"
I love your new video keep it up your awesome 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎
Lets acknowledge we are consently like this :3
Can you do a video with wolfgirl doing the laser thing with neko listener, i mean he or she are half cat right?
That'd be mean! Kind of in character of her though xP
I was about to sleeep perfect timeeeeeee
Bro i could see when it says “hey there,BUDDY” i could just picture it being in a fukin demonic voice for some reason
Cwrtain lyrics come to my mind when i hear the beat. Im not entirely sure what to think of it other than Josh, Cotten, and Hollow with the videos
There's also a lot of alcohol at this area and going through a little
Fork likes this series
Oh fork u just missed spoon XD
*HAY!* dogs guard. Cats watch…
And judge
Déjà vu
@@lappiefernsch.6725 have I been in this place before
KasumiWolfGirl: I forget that you're an oblivious type.
NekoListener: Yeah my over 30 AC and low Wisdom Status Score is not helping me much is it?
But yoshi loves making new friends
That’s why I always have note saying dumb
Something is reminding of desa vu when listening to this?
* Inner Thoughts *