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A Couple of Cuckoos
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Jul 9, 2022 9:58 AM

Nov 2011
Another study date with Hiro...

But it turns out, this episode was much more than hanging out in the library as Hiro got dressed up for a workout and training. Not going to lie, I like the change of pacing and Hiro didn't hold back because she's so competitive.

Nagi and Erica also had their own moments together to catch up.

Love Revolution lol
Jul 9, 2022 9:58 AM

Apr 2014
Young Namie was so cute. What we need now is a spin-off where she is the main heroine of the story.
Jul 9, 2022 10:54 AM
Jun 2020
A date with Hiro and sort of a date with Ericka.
and with that the Harem is on full blast now that Nagi realized that he is very fond on the 3 girls.

oh well. Definitely on Hiro x Nagi ship and im all aboard!!
Jul 9, 2022 11:14 AM

Feb 2019
The hiro x Nagi moments were awesome. I think I slightly lean to her over Sachi as best ship. Just seems like she gives Nagi something to strive towards and to try and be a better version of himself. That said, cause itā€™s romcom she probably wonā€™t win smh.

Really solid end to the first cour. Definitely felt like a first half finale. Nagi is finally starting to realise how he feels about all 3 girls. Canā€™t wait to see how it plays out in the second cour

Love the end card!
Jul 9, 2022 11:20 AM

Dec 2020
It's walking in the same path as Rent a Girlfriend lmao...
Jul 9, 2022 11:27 AM

Sep 2021
Well It seems he wants an harem
Jul 9, 2022 11:43 AM

May 2021
Great episode! Nagi was very happy Segawa accepted his study group invitation at first xD. But they can't talk in the library! So they pass notes instead. He ends up going to kickboxing with her as she has started to practice it lately! Erika sees them out together and so invites him on a date! Nagi didn't like the animal zoo lol. She was jealous of him and Segawa but denies it of course xD.
'Its not that I like you. Yet!'

Looking forward to the next episode!
Jul 9, 2022 11:46 AM

Jul 2017
A study session between Nagi and Hiro, and just being Sachi.

For Nagi, it's revenge against Hiro for the absolute embarrassment from the amusement park date, and the secret conversation felt like they were a legit couple talking in secret. Where else to study, than Hiro going kickboxing instead, and Nagi really defending her punches well...a +1 for the growing common interests...that Erika spotted them out of coincidence. Of course, that sparked Nagi's interests into leaning more towards Hiro and going all Asta-like to impress her more.

And Erika's a request for a date with Nagi. It's certainly strange for Erika to call Nagi out for a sudden date, and thsi is her way of infusing jealousy on him, from the pet shop snakes to training exercises. It's no secret that Nagi has a crush on her, yet never show affection for Erika, that's what the latter is looking for in their relationship as well that the dense former would never understand.

If anything, this is Nagi and Erika's first legit couple fight, and left Nagi pondering who and what's the meaning of love. And this surmises a trip back home to find some help...and the unlikely source of his parents' memento of love exchange letters. To think and feel of a bride, Nagi has the 3 obvious girls in his mind...a harem ending, or a true one and only bride?

The love quadrangle is just getting started...
Jul 9, 2022 11:46 AM

Jan 2022
Nagi got caught red-handed. He blew the chance to hang out with Erika to hang out with Hiro instead. I'm still tired of Hiro, I feel like she's only using him. Poor Erika :( so is he in love with Sachi or?
cooldogmomJul 9, 2022 11:49 AM
As a wise man once said, "No one hates anime more than anime fans"

Jul 9, 2022 11:57 AM
Feb 2021
cooldogmom said:
Nagi got caught red-handed. He blew the chance to hang out with Erika to hang out with Hiro instead. I'm still tired of Hiro, I feel like she's only using him. Poor Erika :( so is he in love with Sachi or?

Erika makes him do all the chores around the house without as much as a thank-you, but Hiro's the one who's using him?
Jul 9, 2022 11:59 AM
Feb 2021
KANLen09 said:
A study session between Nagi and Hiro, and just being Sachi.

For Nagi, it's revenge against Hiro for the absolute embarrassment from the amusement park date, and the secret conversation felt like they were a legit couple talking in secret. Where else to study, than Hiro going kickboxing instead, and Nagi really defending her punches well...a +1 for the growing common interests...that Erika spotted them out of coincidence. Of course, that sparked Nagi's interests into leaning more towards Hiro and going all Asta-like to impress her more.

And Erika's a request for a date with Nagi. It's certainly strange for Erika to call Nagi out for a sudden date, and thsi is her way of infusing jealousy on him, from the pet shop snakes to training exercises. It's no secret that Nagi has a crush on her, yet never show affection for Erika, that's what the latter is looking for in their relationship as well that the dense former would never understand.

If anything, this is Nagi and Erika's first legit couple fight, and left Nagi pondering who and what's the meaning of love. And this surmises a trip back home to find some help...and the unlikely source of his parents' memento of love exchange letters. To think and feel of a bride, Nagi has the 3 obvious girls in his mind...a harem ending, or a true one and only bride?

The love quadrangle is just getting started...

Well the thing is, Nagi likes Hiro but doesn't have feelings for Erika, so that's the difference. Except apparently he does like Erika now, for some reason. Man's very confused.
Jul 9, 2022 12:02 PM

Jan 2022
MugenNoShirayuki said:
cooldogmom said:
Nagi got caught red-handed. He blew the chance to hang out with Erika to hang out with Hiro instead. I'm still tired of Hiro, I feel like she's only using him. Poor Erika :( so is he in love with Sachi or?

Erika makes him do all the chores around the house without as much as a thank-you, but Hiro's the one who's using him?

It's more so leading him on since she can't be in a relationship. Also, I never said Erika isn't using him though. Look at my past forum posts, I've complained about her plenty of times. Plus Sachi is the worst when it comes to using Nagi.
As a wise man once said, "No one hates anime more than anime fans"

Jul 9, 2022 12:05 PM
Feb 2021
cooldogmom said:
MugenNoShirayuki said:

Erika makes him do all the chores around the house without as much as a thank-you, but Hiro's the one who's using him?

It's more so leading him on since she can't be in a relationship. Also, I never said Erika isn't using him though. Look at my past forum posts, I've complained about her plenty of times. Plus Sachi is the worst when it comes to using Nagi.

That's a fair assessment. In my opinion, though, she's not really leading him on if she's set proper boundaries. Nagi knows what he has to do if they want to go to the next level, until then they're free to enjoy each other's company. At least that's how I'm viewing the relationship right now. She definitely seems interested in the possibility of dating in the future, at least.
Jul 9, 2022 12:08 PM
Jun 2020
I'm seriously considering dropping it after this episode, unless someone says there will be some development after this point. Or something happens now or anything will happen in the next TWELVE episodes.
Jul 9, 2022 12:10 PM
Feb 2021
Polvo_Aranha said:
I'm seriously considering dropping it after this episode, unless someone says there will be some development after this point. Or something happens now or anything will happen in the next TWELVE episodes.

Things will certainly happen. What things in particular were you interested in?
Jul 9, 2022 12:14 PM
Jun 2020
MugenNoShirayuki said:
Things will certainly happen. What things in particular were you interested in?

ANY romantic development. At this point or anyone tries anything to get closer the one they like or it will become a Rent-a-Girlfriend.
Jul 9, 2022 12:16 PM
Feb 2021
Polvo_Aranha said:
MugenNoShirayuki said:
Things will certainly happen. What things in particular were you interested in?

ANY romantic development. At this point or anyone tries anything to get closer the one they like or it will become a Rent-a-Girlfriend.

Jul 9, 2022 12:21 PM
Mar 2022
IronHeartSA said:
It's walking in the same path as Rent a Girlfriend lmao...
Oh please don't compare this to that trash even with the weird incest shit
Jul 9, 2022 12:22 PM
Jun 2020
MugenNoShirayuki said:

Jul 9, 2022 12:24 PM
Feb 2021
Polvo_Aranha said:
MugenNoShirayuki said:

Jul 9, 2022 12:39 PM

Jun 2015
Its nice to see Sachi and Nagi revert back to their old selves though. The notes was a nice way to circumvent the library's rules. Somehow kickboxing is a perfect match for Hiro given her personality. The shop clerk really had quite the uniform choice huh. Erika's version of cuteness really needs to be looked at lol. Its nice to see Erika show jealousy for once though as it reflects well on her own growing feelings for Nagi. The love letters-haiku's from his parents courtship sure was fun. Still now that Nagi finally realizes what love is im real curious to see what 2nd cour will bring to the table.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jul 9, 2022 12:40 PM
Jan 2022
well it's full harem time (nisekoi flashbacks)
Jul 9, 2022 1:07 PM

Aug 2020
This season finale was interesting. Nagi invited Hiro for a study date, but it escalated to a kickboxing date xD

Jealous about it, Erika decided to date Nagi, and it turned into a running date. They are finally paying attention to their own feelings.

Nagi really thought about Sachi, Erika and Hiro uh. He wants all three, but I don't blame him. They are cute and outgoing.

Overrall, I liked this season. Romcoms are my cup of tea.

Jul 9, 2022 1:37 PM

Sep 2021
First of all...


...sorry, I just had to get that out. *ahem*
As usual, I really loved this episode and the time just flies by with this show! We got a Hiro date round 2 and I actually appreciated this one, Hiro's love of kickboxing is great, and it was nice to see her encouraging Nagi to do some boxing! I'm still team Erika, but their date was really sweet this time around. Also Nagi's "N-naruhodo" was the best "N-naruhodo" I've ever heard; understandable Nagi, you're just doing your best, after all. :3

But then we get into Erika's jealousy (she's totally not jealous tho), and again, I'm really enjoying the (mostly) realistic character writing- she does act like someone who's jealous but doesn't want to admit it. And it was so adorable that she dragged Nagi to run just because he did some form of exercise on his date with Hiro. Erika's love of reptiles is ~so cute~, 10/10, would buy that king cobra for her! ā™”

I feel like this is really a turning point for the season, where we have Nagi actually trying to learn what love means to him... and what that means in the context of his relationship with Hiro... while it was hilarious seeing all three of the girls showing up in his mind- and as much as I love the hint of harem shenanigans we've had so far- I'm praying that we're not heading down an actual harem route. That would just hurt my heart, especially after seeing Nagi's text to Erika.

"Not yet" is totally their phrase and I'm so here for it.

Really looking forward to next episode and getting to see how the dynamics between the four of them continue to shift and change.

(It is a 24-episode season, right?
I saw someone say the season ends here, but we're getting 24 episodes right?? plz I need my Kakkou no Iinazuke fix like you wouldn't believe)

I'm me! The choices I've made are mine!
I don't need your permission to be myself!

profile āœ§ watching āœ§ reading āœ§ art credit
Jul 9, 2022 1:49 PM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
Nagi invites Hiro for a study date, but Hiro manages to flip the script on him by taking him to a kickboxing center. Is there anything Hiro can't do because she's looking like a Mary Sue which makes her more toxic and unlikable. However Erika gets jealous and decides to go on a date with Nagi only to punish him for being with another girl. Turns out that Erika is starting to develop feelings for Nagi even though Erika doesn't know what jealousy is, but she's definitely in love since they are engaged. The harem is really in full swing now, but I still think Erika is going to win.
AddaeAkonoJul 9, 2022 5:10 PM
Jul 9, 2022 2:25 PM

Sep 2021
Marinate1016 said:

Love the end card!

I can't believe I didn't see this; wow that's so cute! ā™” Thanks for sharing~

I'm me! The choices I've made are mine!
I don't need your permission to be myself!

profile āœ§ watching āœ§ reading āœ§ art credit
Jul 9, 2022 2:38 PM

Jun 2021
Looks like Erika was too successful at playing matchmaker lol. Nagi and Hiro seem to be getting along very well and just made Erika confront her own feelings for Nagi. I know she said she doesnā€™t like him ā€œyetā€, but Iā€™m pretty sure she totally already does. She wouldnā€™t have felt jealous otherwise! At least this situation is making Nagi actually think about his feelings for all these girls in his life. Of course the dude consults the dictionary first lol.

I was surprised Papa Umino looked so different in his younger days. Would have thought heā€™d look more like his usual delinquent self but he was very boyish. Those letters are definitely his style lol. I get it after seeing mama Umino though. Hot damn! Mama Umino, Mama Komi, and Mama Izumi are the milf waifu trifecta this season haha.
Jul 9, 2022 2:41 PM
Aug 2021
sadly this episode shows clearly the kind of tropes the story will follow and who he ends up with. so..i will not drop it but my interest for it has go down quite a bit.
Jul 9, 2022 3:22 PM
Feb 2022
I liked it because the episode shows Nagi calling Segawa to go out in compensation for the previous meeting and Erika catches them both on the date and gets jealous of both of them and says she hasn't fallen in love yet by Nagi and he says the same
Jul 9, 2022 3:35 PM
Feb 2021
AddaeAkono said:
Nagi invites Hiro for a study date, but Hiro manages to flip the script on him by taking him to a kickboxing center. Is there anything Hiro can't because she's looking like a Mary Sue which makes her more toxic and unlikable. However Erika gets jealous and decides to go on a date with Nagi only to punish him for being with another girl. Turns out that Erika is starting to develop feelings for Nagi even though Erika doesn't know what jealousy is, but she's definitely in love since they are engaged. The harem is really in full swing now, but I still think Erika is going to win.

Can you elaborate on how Hiro is toxic and unlikable and also somehow a "Mary Sue"? The only person who displayed toxic behavior in this episode was Erika.
Jul 9, 2022 4:03 PM

Aug 2020
Nagi saw all three of them lool.I don't like you either yet, nice line from Nagi.

Ā» [The World's Continuation怐äø–ē•Œć®ć¤ć„恍怑- UTA/Ado ā™Ŗ] Ā«
0:00 怇ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ā”€ 4:55
ā†ŗ |ā— II ā–·| ā™”

āœ¦ Come and Join us! āœ¦
Evil Club Ļˆ
FuwaFuwa Sanctuary āœæ
āœæ DeaD Blossoms āœæ
Jul 9, 2022 4:16 PM
Jun 2022
great ep, nothing bad to say tbh.
Jul 9, 2022 5:10 PM

May 2019
We're finally getting somewhere, kind of, but at least now Nagi realize he likes the 3 girls that have implied that they like him too. For a while Ericka had been kind of passive but that changed when she saw Nagi and Hiro on a "date" doing kickboxing. Nagi did have a point when he mentioned that Ericka was pushing for him and Hiro to get together but that has now changed. I wonder if Ericka and Hiro will remain as freinds? We'll see.

Ericka and Sachi's mom was definitely a hottie when she was younger and even now is a MILF, I see where the girls' get their looks from, wow. We're at the halfway point now and I'm looking forward to the 2nd cour, that's for sure.
Jul 9, 2022 5:54 PM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
MugenNoShirayuki said:
AddaeAkono said:
Nagi invites Hiro for a study date, but Hiro manages to flip the script on him by taking him to a kickboxing center. Is there anything Hiro can't because she's looking like a Mary Sue which makes her more toxic and unlikable. However Erika gets jealous and decides to go on a date with Nagi only to punish him for being with another girl. Turns out that Erika is starting to develop feelings for Nagi even though Erika doesn't know what jealousy is, but she's definitely in love since they are engaged. The harem is really in full swing now, but I still think Erika is going to win.

Can you elaborate on how Hiro is toxic and unlikable and also somehow a "Mary Sue"? The only person who displayed toxic behavior in this episode was Erika.

I actually retract the idea of Hiro being a Mary Sue for now, but she's slowly moving into that Mary Sue category because it was stated that Hiro is good at academics and athletic activities. This episode reinforces that statement when she already excelling at kickboxing after picking it up recently. I'm willing to bet that she's knows how to cook too. lol.

What makes her possibly toxic and unlikable is the fact that she continues to go on these little play dates with Nagi even though she already rejected him already. I don't think Hiro sees Nagi as a potential lover, but as a rival to give her some sort of competition. She really is just making use of the free time she has left before she graduates from high school and becomes a shrine maiden for life.

Erika on the other hand was just jealous due to the fact that she might have feelings for Nagi which he wasn't aware of until now.
Jul 9, 2022 6:10 PM
Mar 2022
IronHeartSA said:
It's walking in the same path as Rent a Girlfriend lmao...

Reiji is showing other mangakas the power of no progression šŸ˜‚
Jul 9, 2022 7:20 PM
Aug 2018
Who will Nagi stay with and will she have children with Erika or Ai or Sachi since hiro is out?
Jul 9, 2022 8:01 PM

Dec 2020
RandomTry said:
IronHeartSA said:
It's walking in the same path as Rent a Girlfriend lmao...

Reiji is showing other mangakas the power of no progression šŸ˜‚
In terms of cringe factor, it rivals Rent a girlfriend...(MC might be cringe but at least he knows what he's doing unlike someone from ..., lol...)
Jul 9, 2022 8:12 PM

Jan 2017
Suddenly Erika is jealous at him for going on a "date" with Hiro.... WHAT..????

Just get the Hiro arc over already so we can focus more who among the siblings of Erika or Sachi would progress more with Nagi tbh
Jul 9, 2022 8:51 PM

Jan 2020
Easily the best episode so far. All it took was less of Sachi and more of the other 2 girls. If the 2nd half of the season is more like this episode rather than the past few then it could be good
Jul 9, 2022 9:23 PM
Feb 2021
AddaeAkono said:
MugenNoShirayuki said:

Can you elaborate on how Hiro is toxic and unlikable and also somehow a "Mary Sue"? The only person who displayed toxic behavior in this episode was Erika.

I actually retract the idea of Hiro being a Mary Sue for now, but she's slowly moving into that Mary Sue category because it was stated that Hiro is good at academics and athletic activities. This episode reinforces that statement when she already excelling at kickboxing after picking it up recently. I'm willing to bet that she's knows how to cook too. lol.

What makes her possibly toxic and unlikable is the fact that she continues to go on these little play dates with Nagi even though she already rejected him already. I don't think Hiro sees Nagi as a potential lover, but as a rival to give her some sort of competition. She really is just making use of the free time she has left before she graduates from high school and becomes a shrine maiden for life.

Erika on the other hand was just jealous due to the fact that she might have feelings for Nagi which he wasn't aware of until now.

She explicitly does see Nagi as a potential lover. That's why she asked him to change her destiny.
Jul 10, 2022 12:09 AM

Mar 2012
Based on all the anime I've watched so far the end couple is most likely going to be Nagi x Erica but I still like Nagi x Hiro much more, I don't like how Erica got jealous and kept on bringing up the fiancƩ thing this episode despite knowing that the relationship was forced on by their parents.

Always the sameā€¦ Every age, every generation.
Human beings are infinitely more cruel and selfish than any demon in hell

~Dantalion (Makai Ouji)
Jul 10, 2022 12:30 AM

Jan 2018
Ahh yess, Nagi-kun peeked deep into his hearth, and found out his true desire: harem
sezbian lex
Jul 10, 2022 12:41 AM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
Wait wait wait, if his vision is anything to go by, is he really going to marry ALL THREE OF THEM??!!! WTF!!!!!

whiskey tango foxtrot

Jul 10, 2022 1:08 AM
Jan 2021
I gotta say, this show is still pulling me in to continue watching it. Iā€™m not a big guy when it comes to romcoms, but this sure does makes me want to watch more of it on howā€™s its pacing.

One of the more funny scenes in this episode that Iā€™ve found was when Nagi was like ā€œah shit, we in a library, we canā€™t talkā€, Hiro asks howā€™s its going, says its miserable, than after getting a note back from her bout how it feels like theyā€™re having a secret conversation, Nagi than goes ā€œSAIKODESUā€. Cute stuff ww

Canā€™t wait to see what the production team has in stock for the next few episodes!
Jul 10, 2022 1:51 AM

Jan 2021
Please not the harem route. This isn't TQQ where I like all of the love interests

Jul 10, 2022 4:55 AM

Jan 2019
Oh man we're only half way through and as Nagi's dad said: "your romance is just getting started".

I cannot wait for this dumpster fire to burn as bright as the sun, will they have the balls to commit to a harem ending?

Jul 10, 2022 4:57 AM

Feb 2011
EZ soluion - become mormon, marry all 3!

Good episode. Glad to see some movement with Erika getting jealous over Nagi + Hiro.

Was hoping to see Hiro and Nagi actually kickbox each other. Arent they competitive? I wanna see that shit! Nagi got a mean punch!
Jul 10, 2022 5:04 AM

Dec 2018
Nagi was eating good this episode, went on a hot date with Segawa and even got kicked in the process, and then another date with Erika which wasnā€™t quite as hot but was still very meaningful to their relationship so far because now Nagi has caught on that Erika is into him and Erika probably realized it too, very awesome.

And I really liked seeing Nagiā€™s parents when they were younger, sending a ton of letters to your crush probably isnā€™t the best way to go but it worked out here and now theyā€™re married lol, and Nagiā€™s mom was definitely hot too (not that she wasnā€™t already.) And wow, my man thought of the harem route in his head lol, Iā€™m kinda surprised heā€™d already be thinking of Sachi as a love interest, but hey, it makes things interesting lol.

And thatā€™s the first half of the show, been really loving this so far, very excited for the 2nd half through the Summer season!
Jul 10, 2022 7:48 AM

Nov 2014
Oh cmon, don't start doubting Hiro now! Nagi being so focused on her was his best point. I know that Erika is the "main" girl, but I really hope this goes another way...
Jul 10, 2022 8:18 AM

Jan 2022
AddaeAkono said:
MugenNoShirayuki said:

Can you elaborate on how Hiro is toxic and unlikable and also somehow a "Mary Sue"? The only person who displayed toxic behavior in this episode was Erika.

I actually retract the idea of Hiro being a Mary Sue for now, but she's slowly moving into that Mary Sue category because it was stated that Hiro is good at academics and athletic activities. This episode reinforces that statement when she already excelling at kickboxing after picking it up recently. I'm willing to bet that she's knows how to cook too. lol.

What makes her possibly toxic and unlikable is the fact that she continues to go on these little play dates with Nagi even though she already rejected him already. I don't think Hiro sees Nagi as a potential lover, but as a rival to give her some sort of competition. She really is just making use of the free time she has left before she graduates from high school and becomes a shrine maiden for life.

Erika on the other hand was just jealous due to the fact that she might have feelings for Nagi which he wasn't aware of until now.

Thank you!!! This is what I was trying to say, very well said!
As a wise man once said, "No one hates anime more than anime fans"

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