Hey everyone, I uploaded a video today reacting to Dimash Stranger, but RUclips has made it a nightmare trying to reupload it with edits. I wanted to ask you guys if I should just record some random footage to add to sections of the video so I don't get copyright flagged, or should I just let it go and move on to the next song and forget it. Please let me know and I'll do what's right by you guys. Much love ❤
That video is notoriously difficult to avoid copyright. Some of the most popular ones are Sinful Passion, Olympico, All by myself (Celine cover), Opera 2 or anything from Singer 2017. Be well and enjoy.
თქვენ ჯერ არაფერი გინახავთ ეს მხოლოდ დასაწყისია.დიმაში არის საუკეთესო მომღერალი მათ შორის ვინც კი ოდესმე ყოფილა და თქვენ ამაში თვითონ დარწმუნდებით როცა მოუსმენთ მის სიმღერებს.ის მღერის ნებისმიერ ჟანრში და მისი ყველა სიმღერა შედევრია.არასოდეს იცი რას უნდა ელოდე მისგან.გარდა ამისა ის არის ძალიან თავმდაბალი და კეთილი ადამიანი ამაშიც თვითონ დარწმუნდებით როცა უკეთ გაიცნობთ დიმაშს.მადლობა რეაქციისთვის,მოკითხვა საქართველოდან🇬🇪🇬🇪
I would put a filter on the video, that one always has issues, so even if that song really gives a great look at how truly vast his vocal range is, I never recommend it first. Usually filters will do the trick.
I'm definitely going to try to do something creative with it today. Re-upload should be coming out later today unless RUclips completely locks me out from trying everything I can. But I'll make it my mission today to get that out to you all!
How you ask? He's 29 and has been in training for 24 of those years. He started at age 5 when it was discovered he had perfect pitch. It has since been determined he has ' absolute pitch'. Only 1.01% of people have it. His 1st album went platinum in 37 seconds, triple in under an hr . He is known world wide. You haven't heard of him because he owns himself. He won't sign with anyone. It's common for fans from 70 counties to travel to see him in concert. He was on a sold out world tour in 2019 but covid hit. He did play in New York to a sold out crowd of 19,000 from 68 countries! Phenomenal. I recommend STRANGER SINFUL PASSION LOVE IS LIKE A DREAM OLIMPICO with Igor Krutoy SCREAMING ACROSS ENDLESS DIMENSIONS OFFICIAL VIDEO FOR LOVE OF TIRED SWANS BE WITH ME The list goes on. Enjoy the ride. BTW he's being called 'the best in the world'.
Dimash is a breath of fresh air! He’s a rare diamond! A genuine genius in his vocal abilities. Don’t call him a singer, he uses his voice as it is really an instrument. He uses his whole body, hand gestures, vocal apparatus, utilizing his extensive musical knowledge and God given ability in voice performance. He has captured all musical styles and genres , when to use the upper palette and drop the lower palette, tongue placement, clarity of all his notes in all of his vocal range. He’s multilingual, speaks fluently 13 languages. His fluency and expertise knowledge in playing many instruments; not to mention his unique ability to create magical cultural vocal utterances and yodel-like riffs etc… once you hear Dimash sing, you’re hooked! You always come back wanting more of him! His songs are masterpieces and he is their master maestro. Please listen to Dimash/Hauser duet version of SOS, Stranger, Mademoiselle Hyde, Olimpico. He can sing Bruno Mars Uptown Funk; Queen, etc. He sings in French, Kazakhstan, Russian, Chinese, Ukrainian, Italian and Spanish. An extensive impressive repertoire. Dimash’s mom is an opera singer, dad is a professor. Dimash unique style and infusion of a delicious culinary dish to be savoured. Dimash is my new Mozart Effect! I turn to his voice for calming my day! A GENIUS! 🎼🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶
Dimash is a phenomenon. Once in a century kind of artist. He has fans all over the world, maybe just less known in the Western country. His voice and performance style is truly unique. Greetings from his fanclub in Malaysia.
I think it's just not so well known in the western world, in Asia and Eastern Europe it's very well known. If he had been born in the USA and not in Kazakhstan, he would be winning Grammys. It's a cultural issue I think. But we are millions and from all parts of the world who love him.
This is where we start bridging the gap! I'm originally from Europe (however I haven't been connected to that side of the world for over 25 years). I'm really grateful for all the talents all over the world and I can't wait to be surprised even more. Thank you for checking out the video. I'm hoping to see way more soon!
No es necesario que nazca en eeuu, siempre he sabido que los asiático son unos cracks, son tan buenos casi en todo. Recordemos que Asia tiene mas gente que occidente y eso debería de bastarles y estar tranquilos. SALVE DIMASH ♥_ ♥
❤❤❤ Welcome to Dimash Universe, now you’re trapped , there’s no coming back 🤣 For more rocky Dimash, take a look at Dimash in Show must Go On, Power Rangers , Durdaraz, War&Peace or Stranger … you won’t regret Any way, it doesn’t matter what you hear from him, you’ll be in awe equaly. Dimash, Mozart of XXI century, Genius of music, Pearl pf all singers 🙌
When you listen to Dimash, you never know what you're going to get (opera, neo-classic, pop, jazz, rap, Kazakh folk...). One thing is for sure, his voice is always unique. - Dimash wants to be self-determined as an artist, which means he doesn't give up his rights to a big music company. This explains why he does not often appear in the Western media. But he is a big star in China, Russia and in his native country Kazakhstan. He has fans all over the world.
@@TheIapимеется в виду, певческий голос, помимо этого, его артистизм, интуиция, дар, если хотите, мало кем превзойдён. Дай Аллах, наслаждаться этим Даром!
Dimash is probably the best singer in the world in terms of vocal range (7 octaves), musical genres (opera, folk, rock,Broadway,jazz,pop, he does everything ), emotional impact/drama of the song,breath control, you name it. Every song is sung as an epic journey. His parents are professional singer of renown in Kazakhstan and hebega nmusical education at 5 years old. He has several degrees in various musical genres as well as composing and continues to explore new avenues, like directing. He does not rest on his talents and constantly seeks to do better, do more without losing his humility. He is involved in many humanitarian and education endeavors. around the world while supporting his native Kazak culture. He has his own company so is not tied to do any company's bidding, his dad is his manager, his childhood friends are part of his production company (all accomplished musicians themselves ) He is an accomplished musician of several instruments (.he won top priz e in national piano competition as a preteen )0verall, an amazing young man. He calls his fans'my Dears'. Dears' are now all over the world, our numbers growing each day as platforms like RUclips spread the phenomena of Dimash
I love watching someone watch Dimash for the first time. He is the greatest singer/actor/humanitarian of our century....truly. Please keep reacting to Dimash. You won't regret it. :)
Yeah, his last name sounds German, in Russian it is Kudaibergenov. At the end what matters to us, dears, is his great talent. Once we hear him, we are Dimashified. That was my case. I became Dimash addicted. ❤❤❤❤❤ Greetings from Costa Rica!
Orient rises. There is only one guy can (almost) keep up with him. He is like double age, from Taiwan, and they performed a song Dimash composed and wrote at age 17, in China, during a Jackie Chan show. His name is Terry Lin.
He signs with no one he does play the game of music industry,he his the boss of his voicw,any one that composes for him he arranges and has the final say about it all,he is a genius on the mastery of music,so be open ,listen to more and you will start to understand the music experience and the art of the best singer on the planet ,the rest is Bla,bla,anyione who masters music art does understand the unique instrument of dimash his voice and his ONLY,I MEAN ONLY HIS TECNIQUE,he came on a mission,he revolucionizes the art of voices,registers,tone,shades,riffs,spinss,sttacco,KING OF VIBRATO,SO I WOULD ADVISE BE CAREFUL HE IS A BEAST IN THE GOOD SENSE OF THE WORD IN THE ART OF MUSICALITY!
Thank you for reacting to my request. DIMASH always is amazing. He definitely is the best male vocalist in the world. He is very talented and humble. Thank you for the great reaction. Suggestion for the next reactions : Stranger, Opera 2, Sinful Passion, Ikanaide ( 20th Tokyo Jazz Festival ), Olympico & Igor Krutoy, etc....
I will definitely try to get to these requests. This one really blew my mind. I seriously appreciate your support. I'm still processing what I just saw. I'll try to analyze these videos a bit more but I don't know if people will be tired of hearing my voice for too long lol. Much love, thank you again!
@@Nexialyst Do not worry about having to do any particular thing. Many reactors go completely non-verbal. Others just say "wow" and that's about all they can manage. Provided it's genuine -- and all you have to do to be genuine is be yourself, with or without words -- we'll still come visit, and appreciate listening to Dimash sing a song, just about any of his songs, for the 200th time, because they never cease to be exquisite experiences. And we'll click like again, leave comments if we feel like it, and hope for another. So we can enjoy watching your face as you experience the never ending surprise and delight that you'll experience with Dimash performances if you keep listening to the most popular recommendations that you haven't heard before. Just get used to having your mind blown. Don't forget this one was almost entirely high registers, so you've not yet experienced half his range. And it's not really about his voice's range. Nor even his voice. Nor even his presence, though that turns out to be the most astonishing thing, as you'll come to understand. (A LOT of people think he should get into acting. He's on the fence about it.) Nor even his music compositions, and collaborations, and screenplays. Anyway, enough. Just enjoy. That's the main thing. (Or at least appreciate; for some of his darker material "enjoy" isn't quite the right word.)
@@NexialystYou will have a massive following from Dimash fans (Dears) if you continue down the wonderful Dimash road. We won’t tire of hearing your voice if your reactions are genuine as I’m sure they are 😊❤
Dimash Best Singer in the World 🎤🎶🌏 Subscribed to the channel for more reactions to Dimash. Suggest: STRANGER(New Wave) OLÍMPICO( Dimash & Igor Krutoy) SINFUL PASSION (Fancam) EL AMOR EM TI(Concert Almaty)
I must admit I enjoy watching people nearly fall out of their seats when they first hear Dimash - doesn't matter if newcomers or veteran musicians or teachers - they tend to all react much the same to his wonderful talents.
You’ll be told this a lot… you’ve seen nothing yet. Please listen to stranger it’s in English and you’ll hear a range that you never have before. He does all kinds of music including rap. Thanks for reacting to him.
Димаш - лучший певец в мире. Он достоин большего, он достоин лучшего. Сейчас Димаш переехал жить в Америку, где записывает альбом на английском. Надеюсь, работа в Америке это даст ему великую славу, которую он заслуживает. Я из Беларуси 🇧🇾🇧🇾🇧🇾
Я считаю, что лучшим его исполнением этой песни - это был Славянский Базар 2018. Там он непревзойденно спел. Самая лучшая версия исполнения - оттуда! А я видела их все.))
THANKS for your reactions to Dimash!!!!…….from baritone to soprano……. Dimash Qudaibergen from Kazakhstan, 29 years old and 6’3”. Widely known as the greatest vocalist in the world today although he also play 7 different instruments. With bachelors degree in vocals, a master degree in composition and about to finish his PhD this year he’s able to sing in 15 languages, every genre from opera to rap and is currently living in US with the composer and producer David Foster……saludos desde México! 👏🏻❤️🥰🇲🇽🇰🇿😍🔥
You've seen the tip of the iceberg. There's more. This singer has more shocks and surprises waiting for you. He's a countertenor like none we have ever experienced. 'Ave Maria' composed by Igor Krutoy will demonstrate this for you. 'Love Is Like a Dream' shows his baritone and tenor capabilities - and a little more. Strap in, it's a wild ride!
When you said that Dimash needs more recognition...I guess you meant in the U.S.? Dimash is a major celebrity in many countries and people travel from all over the world to see his live concerts. To attend his Almaty concert, fans flew in from over 67 countries. The American music industry certainly knows who Dimash is and what a goldmine he could be for them but Dimash wants to keep control over his music, style and goals. It is difficult to pin down Dimash in any specific musical genre because he can to it all and he does it all ! in 15 languages! How many mainstream Americans are ready to hear a guy sing in multiple languages or him play the dombra? My guess is, not that many. I don't know what Dimash will decide for the next steps in his career but we do know he has been spending a lot of time in the U.S. this year and recently met with David Foster. Time will tell. Recognized or not in the U.S., either way, Dimash does not really need the U.S. market to succeed. He's already successful and recognized in almost every other parts of the world. In China for example, which is 3 times the size of the U.S. market, when Dimash's first album came out, it went platinum within the first 37 seconds of its release and 5 times more over the next 12 hours.
@@geminitwin1160 So true! The entire world needs to hear more of Dimash. Those who haven't yet have no idea what they're missing out on in their lives.
Welcome to the best singer in the world and this century right now. No male or female can match his voice. Not even Mariah Carey can match his voice. He's 29 y.o from Kazakhstan. You're in for a ride now deep down in his huge rabbit hole. Next, Sinful passion in Russia or STRANGER in English. 👍 Best regards from Norway 🇳🇴
Subscribed for more Dimash! ❤ Us "Dears" (pet name he has given his fans), are all passionate about him and you will get all kinds of recommendations, but I daresay you could pick anything of his and be awestruck. Or you could just listen to them all 😅. Another Dear, might I say, has been found?
Dimash - Adagio (2017) - even more vocal and emotional intensity Dimash - Stranger - very wide vocal range Dimash - Sinful Passion - very long, very high vocal riff Dimash - Olympico (aka Ogni Pietra) - lower vocal range Dimash - Confessa and Diva Dance (the first public attempt to sing the alien song from the Fifth Element) Dimash - Diva Dance (Bastou) - the best version of the song Dimash - Drunken Concubine and Diva Dance - another version, this time with whistle note Dimash - Unforgettable Day (Gakku, 2017) - the highest whistle note by Dimash
Not only is he one of the best, if not the best, singers of all time, but more importantly, his voice touches your soul. Well, at least it touches mine and millions of others. You won't be disappointed if you go down the Dimash rabbit hole!
You guys really know how to break my mind 😂 thank you for checking out the channel and watching my mind get blown up, melt then go back to a semi conscious state, just to break again 😆
He puts on huge concerts! this performance was during covid lockdowns, he found a way to perform anyway. He won't sign with any company, he's got his own production enterprise... so he can keep his musical integrity and do things the way he wants. Looks like you might have been "Dimash-ified!"
Welcome to Dimash world!! The GREATEST vocalist of all time ( not joking ) he has the widest vocal range in history! About 8 octaves😵💫 believe me you still didn’t see anything yet of what Dimash can do with his voice!!! You’ll be amazed every single time you listen to him and be like HOW ON EARTH DOES HE DO THAT😂 Thank you for your reaction❤️ and please continue this journey with Dimash- NB: it’s a hole that you can’t go out of it anymore 😅
"Stranger," the New Wave performance) will give you an even better perspective on Dimash's vocal capabilities. But for a sheer thrill, "Olimpico" (the version that appears on producer Igor Krutoy's channel) is an early must-see. And you'll never be ready for his performance of "Adagio" on the 2017 Chinese reality talent show, I Am a Singer.
Dimash THE greatest vocalist of ALL time. What you also didn’t mention is that he’s an amazing composer. He won’t sign with anyone as he wants full control of his music since he sings in all genres from Opera to Rock to Folk to Pop to Rap. He is a multi millionaire and he is very well known all over the world especially in China. You should watch more of his Digital Concert in January 2021, there were 400 people involved in putting this concert together during COVID when Dimash had to cancel his worldwide concerts. The Digital effects are incredible. All the songs are on his RUclips channel. One of his last concerts before COVID hit, was in New York in December 2019 where he had a sell out solo concert in the Barclay Centre. He has recently been working on a project with David Foster in LA (16 grammy award winner) but it’s very hush, hush as to what they are actually doing at the moment!
Thank you for your information and promotion of Dimash. I agree with your statements, except the one about him being a multi-millionaire. Maybe he would be, if he had signed with a record company and had lots of promotion in the western world and globally. Do you have a factual source to back up your statement? If so, please share.
@@MT-oj2nj Perhaps he has become so during his career, but this does not detract from his humility, on the contrary, it adds even more respect. And anyway his family was already well off. He is an artist who does a lot of charity, the flowers they give him he gives in turn to the rest homes in the place where he performs. He tells his Dears ( Fans ) not to spend money on him. During the pandemic he filled many poor villages in his country with food. He often goes to hospitals to talk to teenagers and children. All of this has always been disclosed by people close to him, but never by him. It is as we dears know, he is a very sweet and humble man.❤❤
@@MT-oj2nj DIMASH is a great humanitarian, during covid in Kazakhstan, he donated about 4 million to provide medical supplies and food to victims of covid. He even wore mask and gloves and was on back of trucks handing out these items to covid patients. He also donated the proceeds from one of his concerts to victims of a factory explosion that had deaths and hospitalizations, those funds donated had to be very large amounts as it provided food and aid for serveral months until many were able to get back to work and the families of the deceased needed the money to take care of their family when they lost the member of family working to provide support.
Excuse me, where do you get that Dimash is a millionaire? and where are you working with David Foster? He has met with many people in Los Angeles, it does not mean that he will work with everyone, there is no official information on these two data. To say that Dimash is a millionaire is the worst, it can do him a lot of damage. Please do not give information irresponsibly.
Did you know that his concert at Barclays was financed by the government of his country? How can you be a millionaire artist where you sacrifice monetary gains for the quality of your work, because you hire 400 people to present the Digital Show in 2021? because he presents technological innovation and spills all his creativity in that show? because it uses the best scenery, the biggest screens and the best graphics? and then he charges 10 dollars for the right for his followers to follow the transmission? money will never be the most important thing for him and he will sacrifice everything for his dears and for the quality of the music, so no artist can become a millionaire.
welcome to the world of Dimash! He's been training from age 5, He has a range of 7 octaves and sings in 15 languages. He sings in all genres from full on opera to rap! His music videos are like mini movies and he has his own production company. Some suggestions for you are Adagio, El Amor En Ti, Stranger, Fly Away, Olympico, Opera 2, Sinful Passion, Ikanaide, Be With Me )mv is best, he raps in Kazak lol) please don't react to anything from The World's Best, he was treated like cr*p! and the Dears (fan base) won't like lol
Welcome to Dimash. Tip of the iceberg. Buckle up and be prepared to be blown totally away with every performance. Saw him in New York in 2019 at the Barclays. Unbelievable. Only artist in the world I would get on a plane to see. Try Stranger which is in English. You can find songs in English, Kazakh, Russian, Ukrainian, Italian, Mandarin, French etc. He is fluent in his native Kazakh, and Russian and speaks English quiet well. There are songs in other languages as well, Japanese, Turkish, Armenian etc. He deserves to be a grammy award winning artist instead of some of the trashy music that actually wins. Please do more because he is known world wide.
And he can do more then this and live, 1000 % live. Wellcome in the world of the bigest singer of all time, i have 40y i don' t exagerate one bit. From Romania love❤
The reason you have never heard of Dimash is because he never signed with "anyone". He is independant and your music industry makes no profits "allowing" you to hear him.☹️ Dimash is the top vocal talent on the planet. Perfect pitch, excellent musical genetics, and 25 years of daily practise all come together to create perfection.👍💜👍😎 Dimash has millions of fans in 140 countries worldwide. He is a humble, generous soul with a quirky sense of humour.🤣🥹🤣 His fans are called Dears because we are dear to his heart like family. 😍😍😍 While SOS displays many incredible transitions and other vocal techniques, it only displays 4 Octaves. For a wider range in 1 song, try Drunken Concubine and Diva Dance duet with Li Yugang. I tend to prefer his middle of the road type Pop songs or his incredible folk songs like Samaltau/2021 Welcome to the world of Dimash. Subscribed. I look forward to sharing this journey of discovery with you.🌹🎹🌹 🥰🥰🥰Hugs from a Canadian Dear🇨🇦
I honestly cannot believe I just listened to him for the first time. He deserves a ton of love and respect. I'm still trying to process the talent lol.
#dimash... Thanks for your reaction to Dimash's singing and artistry. Subscribe to his RUclips channel and you'll be blown away by his songs and MVs. Please next react to Stranger and Ave Maria. Love from Portugal 🇵🇹
Congratulations, you just witnessed the greatest vocalist alive. He is a twenty-nine year old multi-faceted artist with a soul of a thousand years, who hails from Kazakhstan. He sings in 16 different languages (speaks Kazakh and Russian fluently, some English, and a little Mandarin), plays 8 musical instruments and is currently working on his PhD in musicology (has a Masters in composition). He’s been training since the age of 5, has a 7 octave 2 semi-tone range, has absolute pitch, and is an amazingly humble and kind man. His mother is an opera singer and his father is a singer and producer. He sings every genre (even raps) He has many recent performances, but I would highly recommend "Sinful Passion" 2018, "Stranger" 2021,"Olimpico" 2019 link on Igor Krutoy's (composer that came out of retirement to work with Dimash) RUclips channel, "Adagio" from The Singer 2017, "Ikanaide" 2021 Tokyo Jazz Festival, and "Ave Maria" 2021 at New Wave. After digesting those performances, I can't stress enough my recommendation for one of his most recent songs and music video (mini movie) the artistic masterpiece "The Story of One Sky" that he wrote the screenplay for and spent 3 years composing the music for, which displays a lot of his range (not all) and soooo many vocal techniques and dynamics, including sub harmonics, whistle register, bass, tenor, baritone, classical, jazz, pop, rock and unreal metal screams....and unbelievable dramatic acting. Each performance will leave you stunned. Thank you for reacting to our Dimash from a loyal "Dear" (fandom name given to us by Dimash, because we are dear to him like his family). He has fan clubs in 132 countries.
His first digital music album "ID" went platinum in only 37 seconds after release, and 3x platinum in only one hour, and 5x platinum in only one day on Chinese music platforms In December 2019, he made his US debut in New York at the Barclays Center. Dears (those he calls his fans) traveled from 68 different countries, 43 states & 2 US territories, and was sold out. At age five Dimash was accepted into the most distinguished music academy in his country. Now writing his Doctoral thesis for a PhD in Musicology/ Composing, received all his degrees with honors while simultaneously filling arenas and maintaining his performing career, a first! He has a bachelors degree in vocals, a master's degree in composition and is about to complete his PhD in musicology this year.
subscribed. Dimash is very special, for me the best vocalist of all time. I'm not exaggerating. If you keep watching his presentations, you'll understand. Much success in your channel, I see that it is new. I support you, you are very good!!!
Thank you so much for your kind words! I seriously appreciate it and cannot wait to see more of him. I walk into all my videos blind. I'm honestly so surprised to see and hear what others are passionate about. Thank you again!
PLease react to Sinful passion, Adagio, Stranger, Olympico 2021, Your love, LOve is like a dream, Ave María, The story of one sky, Omir, El amor en ti, Weekend.
Dimash does have fans all around the world, I myself grew up in New York, but of Japanese heritage and I only discovered him last year. But going to a Dimash concert was like attending a United Nations conference. Australians, English, Chinese, Italians, Japanese, Kazakh, Malaysians, Philipino, Vietnamese, French, Mexicans, Canadians, and many more. The Malaysia concert was attended by 40 countries and that number is on the smaller side. His concert in Almaty, Kazakhstan was at least 70 countries. This digital show was broadcasted in January 2022, as a chariity fundraiser to feed the people during the lockdown. So even though it is a digital show, it was live. And part of the proceeds went to charity. He feels the music, as you saw, and he is one of the most humblest, sincere people. He has a temporary residence in LA as he works on a new album (All English I hear), but currently in China for a month working on a Jackie Chan project and probably other things. Your reaction was truly refreshing, and I hope to see more. Try Olympico next, that one is in Italian.
It’s a crime how unknown he is in the USA! I discovered him only this March myself. He is the most creative, passionate Artist to me now, with the most beautiful and versatile voice! Hope you will do more Dimash reactions! ❤ P.S. He has a very versatile repertoire, so you never get bored.
@@barbarasaracini1271 First, I truly believe one discovers Dimash when he is most needed. I discovered him at a time when my stepmother passed away and then my father half a month later. He helped me in those months… As for discovery, I was looking up some performance from past AGT on RUclips when a reaction to Dimash caught my eye. The reactor named it “This is the most unbelievable voice I’ve ever heard!” It was the Slavic Bazaar “SOS”. I was blown away and was researching Dimash well into the night for many, many days.
Welcome to the amazing world Demash. Please take the journey as you have only gotten a taste here. There are so many to listen to and everyone has their favorite so you just need to take a Dimash weekend. You’ll never be the same!
Thank you for your reaction and welcome to the world of Dimash. Jewel of art and example for humanity. Continue listening to it You will not cease to be surprised🎉❤I LOVE to Dimash
Try "Stranger (new wave 2021)". It is jawdropping and sung in English performed on a Russian stage. Shows all his vocal prowess in one mind boggling performance.
"I really don't know where to start" is a typical starting point after hearing Dimash for the first time. You have just experienced the greatest vocalist of all (vocally recorded) time. There simply is no other singer who can do what Dimash can. There as singers who can sing bass. There are mid-range singers. There are high altos and sopranos. But there is only one who can do it all, and make it sound amazing. As many of us like to say, there are good singers, there are great singers, then there's Dimash. His talent is achieved by 20+ years of daily training. He doesn't have a contract with any labels, because he want's to be free to compose music as he sees fit. This is just the tip of the iceberg. You have many more mind-blowing performances to discover. This is going to be quite a journey, and as the OP stated... you won't be disappointed!!!
Dimash is a 29-year-old Kasakh vocalist and composer; he speaks kasakh, russian and english and is learning mandarin chinese. He sings in more than 14 languages, plays 7 musical instruments. He graduated from the Kazakhstan University of Arts with a master's degree in composition and a doctorate in musicology. He also dances, acts, and is an advertising model (he is 6.3 feet tall). He has received countless awards and honors around the world. He was recently in Los Angeles, USA, working on his new material that his fans (he affectionately calls us "dears") are looking forward to. He is a kind, well-mannered and compassionate person who leaves his culture and his country very well attached wherever he goes.
The only thing that is better than Dimash is his next performance! Keep listening to him, choose whichever of his songs and you'll never be disappointed! He is pure magic! Greetings from Greece!
Yes. More Dimash please. He has an official RUclips channel where he’s dropped scores of videos. He sings in many different genres so it’s not difficult to find music you’ll enjoy thoroughly. Personally, I enjoy them all because his voice is so stunning. 💗💗💗💗🌸
Когда слушаешь Димаша, нельзя крутить головой!!! Надо смотреть не отрывая глаз от него. Потому, что там не только великолепное пение, но и харизма! Ведь он проживает песню! Удивляют некоторые реакционеры - переигрывают!
Welcome to the world of Dimash! Our Prince of World Peace;) Dimash is to music as Shakespeare is to literature! Dimash is a musical genius with absolute pitch. We are so lucky to be alive at the same time! Recommendation: Stranger, Be With Me, Hello, Across Endless Dimensions, Sinful Passion, and more!
Beautiful reaction 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 more Dimash please 🙏 WELCOME TO DIMASH UNIVERSE. After listening to Dimash, nothing will ever be the same in music again. Enjoy the roller coaster of emotions that Dimash will cause you.
Hola muchas gracias por tu reacción a la mejor voz del planeta , Dimash es extraordinario, sublime, único muchas gracias nuevamente saludos desde Argentina ❤️🇦🇷❤️ bravo 👏👏👏👏👏
Hey everyone, I uploaded a video today reacting to Dimash Stranger, but RUclips has made it a nightmare trying to reupload it with edits. I wanted to ask you guys if I should just record some random footage to add to sections of the video so I don't get copyright flagged, or should I just let it go and move on to the next song and forget it. Please let me know and I'll do what's right by you guys. Much love ❤
That video is notoriously difficult to avoid copyright. Some of the most popular ones are Sinful Passion, Olympico, All by myself (Celine cover), Opera 2 or anything from Singer 2017. Be well and enjoy.
I think you should just keep disputing it since you already did so much work.
თქვენ ჯერ არაფერი გინახავთ ეს მხოლოდ დასაწყისია.დიმაში არის საუკეთესო მომღერალი მათ შორის ვინც კი ოდესმე ყოფილა და თქვენ ამაში თვითონ დარწმუნდებით როცა მოუსმენთ მის სიმღერებს.ის მღერის ნებისმიერ ჟანრში და მისი ყველა სიმღერა შედევრია.არასოდეს იცი რას უნდა ელოდე მისგან.გარდა ამისა ის არის ძალიან თავმდაბალი და კეთილი ადამიანი ამაშიც თვითონ დარწმუნდებით როცა უკეთ გაიცნობთ დიმაშს.მადლობა რეაქციისთვის,მოკითხვა საქართველოდან🇬🇪🇬🇪
I would put a filter on the video, that one always has issues, so even if that song really gives a great look at how truly vast his vocal range is, I never recommend it first. Usually filters will do the trick.
I'm definitely going to try to do something creative with it today. Re-upload should be coming out later today unless RUclips completely locks me out from trying everything I can. But I'll make it my mission today to get that out to you all!
歡迎加入Dimash 無與倫比美麗的世界~❤️❤️❤️
Hello From 🇹🇼💙💙💙
Welcome to the Dimash rabbit hole.
Welcome to Dimash World. Now you are Dimashified.....
You have just listened to the greatest singer in the world
God sent us an angel to remind us what heaven sounds like.
How you ask? He's 29 and has been in training for 24 of those years. He started at age 5 when it was discovered he had perfect pitch. It has since been determined he has ' absolute pitch'. Only 1.01% of people have it. His 1st album went platinum in 37 seconds, triple in under an hr . He is known world wide. You haven't heard of him because he owns himself. He won't sign with anyone. It's common for fans from 70 counties to travel to see him in concert. He was on a sold out world tour in 2019 but covid hit. He did play in New York to a sold out crowd of 19,000 from 68 countries! Phenomenal. I recommend
OLIMPICO with Igor Krutoy
The list goes on. Enjoy the ride. BTW he's being called 'the best in the world'.
Welcome to the most brain chilling journey of Dimash. I think as you go on you will realize that Dimash is known worldwide. Great reaction.
Dimash is a breath of fresh air! He’s a rare diamond! A genuine genius in his vocal abilities. Don’t call him a singer, he uses his voice as it is really an instrument. He uses his whole body, hand gestures, vocal apparatus, utilizing his extensive musical knowledge and God given ability in voice performance. He has captured all musical styles and genres , when to use the upper palette and drop the lower palette, tongue placement, clarity of all his notes in all of his vocal range. He’s multilingual, speaks fluently 13 languages. His fluency and expertise knowledge in playing many instruments; not to mention his unique ability to create magical cultural vocal utterances and yodel-like riffs etc… once you hear Dimash sing, you’re hooked! You always come back wanting more of him! His songs are masterpieces and he is their master maestro. Please listen to Dimash/Hauser duet version of SOS, Stranger, Mademoiselle Hyde, Olimpico. He can sing Bruno Mars Uptown Funk; Queen, etc. He sings in French, Kazakhstan, Russian, Chinese, Ukrainian, Italian and Spanish. An extensive impressive repertoire.
Dimash’s mom is an opera singer, dad is a professor.
Dimash unique style and infusion of a delicious culinary dish to be savoured. Dimash is my new Mozart Effect! I turn to his voice for calming my day! A GENIUS!
Dimash is a phenomenon. Once in a century kind of artist. He has fans all over the world, maybe just less known in the Western country. His voice and performance style is truly unique. Greetings from his fanclub in Malaysia.
I think it's just not so well known in the western world, in Asia and Eastern Europe it's very well known. If he had been born in the USA and not in Kazakhstan, he would be winning Grammys. It's a cultural issue I think. But we are millions and from all parts of the world who love him.
This is where we start bridging the gap! I'm originally from Europe (however I haven't been connected to that side of the world for over 25 years). I'm really grateful for all the talents all over the world and I can't wait to be surprised even more. Thank you for checking out the video. I'm hoping to see way more soon!
No es necesario que nazca en eeuu, siempre he sabido que los asiático son unos cracks, son tan buenos casi en todo. Recordemos que Asia tiene mas gente que occidente y eso debería de bastarles y estar tranquilos. SALVE DIMASH ♥_ ♥
Welcome to Dimash Universe, now you’re trapped , there’s no coming back 🤣
For more rocky Dimash, take a look at Dimash in Show must Go On, Power Rangers , Durdaraz, War&Peace or Stranger … you won’t regret
Any way, it doesn’t matter what you
hear from him, you’ll be in awe equaly.
Dimash, Mozart of XXI century, Genius of music, Pearl pf all singers 🙌
When you listen to Dimash, you never know what you're going to get (opera, neo-classic, pop, jazz, rap, Kazakh folk...). One thing is for sure, his voice is always unique. - Dimash wants to be self-determined as an artist, which means he doesn't give up his rights to a big music company. This explains why he does not often appear in the Western media. But he is a big star in China, Russia and in his native country Kazakhstan. He has fans all over the world.
У любого человека голос уникален. Зачем об этом говорить?
@@TheIapимеется в виду, певческий голос, помимо этого, его артистизм, интуиция, дар, если хотите, мало кем превзойдён. Дай Аллах, наслаждаться этим Даром!
@@МавлюдаУмарова-э9ю Вы знаете что означает слово "уникальный"? Зачем оно здесь в данном контексте?
Dimash is probably the best singer in the world in terms of vocal range (7 octaves), musical genres (opera, folk, rock,Broadway,jazz,pop, he does everything ), emotional impact/drama of the song,breath control, you name it. Every song is sung as an epic journey. His parents are professional singer of renown in Kazakhstan and hebega nmusical education at 5 years old. He has several degrees in various musical genres as well as composing and continues to explore new avenues, like directing. He does not rest on his talents and constantly seeks to do better, do more without losing his humility. He is involved in many humanitarian and education endeavors. around the world while supporting his native Kazak culture. He has his own company so is not tied to do any company's bidding, his dad is his manager, his childhood friends are part of his production company (all accomplished musicians themselves ) He is an accomplished musician of several instruments (.he won top priz e in national piano competition as a preteen )0verall, an amazing young man. He calls his fans'my Dears'. Dears' are now all over the world, our numbers growing each day as platforms like RUclips spread the phenomena of Dimash
I love watching someone watch Dimash for the first time. He is the greatest singer/actor/humanitarian of our century....truly. Please keep reacting to Dimash. You won't regret it. :)
Dimash is the best singer on the planet. Not only because of his heavenly voice But for his beautiful soul
Welcome to the magical world of Dimash. He has the largest fan base in the world
Yeah, his last name sounds German, in Russian it is Kudaibergenov. At the end what matters to us, dears, is his great talent. Once we hear him, we are Dimashified. That was my case. I became Dimash addicted. ❤❤❤❤❤
Greetings from Costa Rica!
The moment you realize that your life will never be the same again....
Orient rises.
There is only one guy can (almost) keep up with him. He is like double age, from Taiwan, and they performed a song Dimash composed and wrote at age 17, in China, during a Jackie Chan show. His name is Terry Lin.
And that's not even his most blind blowing performance. If you hop aboard the Dimash train, you'll never want to get off.
He signs with no one he does play the game of music industry,he his the boss of his voicw,any one that composes for him he arranges and has the final say about it all,he is a genius on the mastery of music,so be open ,listen to more and you will start to understand the music experience and the art of the best singer on the planet ,the rest is Bla,bla,anyione who masters music art does understand the unique instrument of dimash his voice and his ONLY,I MEAN ONLY HIS TECNIQUE,he came on a mission,he revolucionizes the art of voices,registers,tone,shades,riffs,spinss,sttacco,KING OF VIBRATO,SO I WOULD ADVISE BE CAREFUL HE IS A BEAST IN THE GOOD SENSE OF THE WORD IN THE ART OF MUSICALITY!
Easy the best singuer world. Next STRANGER
Thank you for reacting to my request. DIMASH always is amazing. He definitely is the best male vocalist in the world. He is very talented and humble. Thank you for the great reaction. Suggestion for the next reactions : Stranger, Opera 2, Sinful Passion, Ikanaide ( 20th Tokyo Jazz Festival ), Olympico & Igor Krutoy, etc....
I will definitely try to get to these requests. This one really blew my mind. I seriously appreciate your support. I'm still processing what I just saw. I'll try to analyze these videos a bit more but I don't know if people will be tired of hearing my voice for too long lol. Much love, thank you again!
Thank you for recommending Dimash.
@@Nexialyst Do not worry about having to do any particular thing. Many reactors go completely non-verbal. Others just say "wow" and that's about all they can manage. Provided it's genuine -- and all you have to do to be genuine is be yourself, with or without words -- we'll still come visit, and appreciate listening to Dimash sing a song, just about any of his songs, for the 200th time, because they never cease to be exquisite experiences. And we'll click like again, leave comments if we feel like it, and hope for another. So we can enjoy watching your face as you experience the never ending surprise and delight that you'll experience with Dimash performances if you keep listening to the most popular recommendations that you haven't heard before.
Just get used to having your mind blown. Don't forget this one was almost entirely high registers, so you've not yet experienced half his range. And it's not really about his voice's range. Nor even his voice. Nor even his presence, though that turns out to be the most astonishing thing, as you'll come to understand. (A LOT of people think he should get into acting. He's on the fence about it.) Nor even his music compositions, and collaborations, and screenplays. Anyway, enough. Just enjoy. That's the main thing. (Or at least appreciate; for some of his darker material "enjoy" isn't quite the right word.)
@@NexialystYou will have a massive following from Dimash fans (Dears) if you continue down the wonderful Dimash road. We won’t tire of hearing your voice if your reactions are genuine as I’m sure they are 😊❤
Dimash Best Singer in the World 🎤🎶🌏 Subscribed to the channel for more reactions to Dimash.
OLÍMPICO( Dimash & Igor Krutoy)
EL AMOR EM TI(Concert Almaty)
I must admit I enjoy watching people nearly fall out of their seats when they first hear Dimash - doesn't matter if newcomers or veteran musicians or teachers - they tend to all react much the same to his wonderful talents.
Респектище !!!
Welcome to the Dimash universe.
Simply the best singer on this planet.
Go Dimash. Go.
Your legend has started. Go.
Falling out of their chair, crying, swearing in astonishment…I have seen vocal coaches do it all in reaction to Dimash’s abilities.
Dimash is an unprecedented phenomenon in music. You will never get used to what you hear, he is always different.
You’ll be told this a lot… you’ve seen nothing yet. Please listen to stranger it’s in English and you’ll hear a range that you never have before. He does all kinds of music including rap. Thanks for reacting to him.
Stranger, Sinful passion, Ogni pietra, The story of one sky, Daybreak... We just need more,please!hahaha
Димаш - лучший певец в мире. Он достоин большего, он достоин лучшего. Сейчас Димаш переехал жить в Америку, где записывает альбом на английском. Надеюсь, работа в Америке это даст ему великую славу, которую он заслуживает.
Я из Беларуси 🇧🇾🇧🇾🇧🇾
He's in China now for about the next 4 months working on an album.
Он не переехал в Америку! Он туда ездит работать.
@@РИТА_НЕТ В Интернете русским языком написано, что он в Америку "переехал", но никто не говорил, что навсегда.
Я считаю, что лучшим его исполнением этой песни - это был Славянский Базар 2018. Там он непревзойденно спел. Самая лучшая версия исполнения - оттуда! А я видела их все.))
THANKS for your reactions to Dimash!!!!…….from baritone to soprano……. Dimash Qudaibergen from Kazakhstan, 29 years old and 6’3”. Widely known as the greatest vocalist in the world today although he also play 7 different instruments. With bachelors degree in vocals, a master degree in composition and about to finish his PhD this year he’s able to sing in 15 languages, every genre from opera to rap and is currently living in US with the composer and producer David Foster……saludos desde México! 👏🏻❤️🥰🇲🇽🇰🇿😍🔥
as a patriot you would like Dimash sing WAR and PEACE and THe Story of one sky
You've seen the tip of the iceberg.
There's more. This singer has more shocks and surprises waiting for you.
He's a countertenor like none we have ever experienced. 'Ave Maria' composed by Igor Krutoy will demonstrate this for you.
'Love Is Like a Dream' shows his baritone and tenor capabilities - and a little more.
Strap in, it's a wild ride!
I can't stop listening to this song.
Dimash has a magnificent voice.
He captivates me. 😍😍😍
Gracias! Y bienvenido al mundo DIMASH
I love your reaction, you're genuine. Dimash is unique, his voice is crystal clear, no one like him, please react to Ave Maria.
The ✨GOAT✨, my friend....
The ✨GOAT✨....
When you said that Dimash needs more recognition...I guess you meant in the U.S.? Dimash is a major celebrity in many countries and people travel from all over the world to see his live concerts. To attend his Almaty concert, fans flew in from over 67 countries. The American music industry certainly knows who Dimash is and what a goldmine he could be for them but Dimash wants to keep control over his music, style and goals. It is difficult to pin down Dimash in any specific musical genre because he can to it all and he does it all ! in 15 languages! How many mainstream Americans are ready to hear a guy sing in multiple languages or him play the dombra? My guess is, not that many. I don't know what Dimash will decide for the next steps in his career but we do know he has been spending a lot of time in the U.S. this year and recently met with David Foster. Time will tell. Recognized or not in the U.S., either way, Dimash does not really need the U.S. market to succeed. He's already successful and recognized in almost every other parts of the world. In China for example, which is 3 times the size of the U.S. market, when Dimash's first album came out, it went platinum within the first 37 seconds of its release and 5 times more over the next 12 hours.
Thank you for your true comment ! You are absolutely right about the US !
Well, Dimash may not "need" the American market, but thousands of us U.S.A. Dears "need" him! Hoping for a concert soon!
@@geminitwin1160 So true! The entire world needs to hear more of Dimash. Those who haven't yet have no idea what they're missing out on in their lives.
Welcome to DImashland,😂 The best voice in the world ❤ thanks for the reaction😊
Been a fan since 2018 - he's the best ! I need my daily dose of Dimash !
O yes! Dimash the best of the best vocalist ever! Thanks from Hungary
Welcome to the best singer in the world and this century right now. No male or female can match his voice. Not even Mariah Carey can match his voice. He's 29 y.o from Kazakhstan. You're in for a ride now deep down in his huge rabbit hole. Next, Sinful passion in Russia or STRANGER in English. 👍 Best regards from Norway 🇳🇴
Le 10 Décembre 2019, il a donné un grand concert au Barclay's de New York...
Subscribed for more Dimash! ❤ Us "Dears" (pet name he has given his fans), are all passionate about him and you will get all kinds of recommendations, but I daresay you could pick anything of his and be awestruck. Or you could just listen to them all 😅. Another Dear, might I say, has been found?
Dimash - Adagio (2017) - even more vocal and emotional intensity
Dimash - Stranger - very wide vocal range
Dimash - Sinful Passion - very long, very high vocal riff
Dimash - Olympico (aka Ogni Pietra) - lower vocal range
Dimash - Confessa and Diva Dance (the first public attempt to sing the alien song from the Fifth Element)
Dimash - Diva Dance (Bastou) - the best version of the song
Dimash - Drunken Concubine and Diva Dance - another version, this time with whistle note
Dimash - Unforgettable Day (Gakku, 2017) - the highest whistle note by Dimash
Yep, "one voice." The best the universe has to offer!❣
I love Dimash ❤ Kisses dears from Italy 😘😘😘
Not only is he one of the best, if not the best, singers of all time, but more importantly, his voice touches your soul. Well, at least it touches mine and millions of others. You won't be disappointed if you go down the Dimash rabbit hole!
He is the only artist that makes me cry. As much as I love Lara, even she doesn’t get to me like Dimash does!
Dimash is a soul healer ❤ He never disappoints
You : "I HOPE I'm in for a ride...?"
Me : 👍👍🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I think everyone was giggling
@@EllanaTs For sure! 😅🩵
You guys really know how to break my mind 😂 thank you for checking out the channel and watching my mind get blown up, melt then go back to a semi conscious state, just to break again 😆
@@Nexialyst You were wonderful! I subscribed for more. ❤️
P.S. Thank you for your service!
He puts on huge concerts! this performance was during covid lockdowns, he found a way to perform anyway. He won't sign with any company, he's got his own production enterprise... so he can keep his musical integrity and do things the way he wants. Looks like you might have been "Dimash-ified!"
Great reaction!dimash the best voice in the
Welcome to Dimash world!! The GREATEST vocalist of all time ( not joking ) he has the widest vocal range in history! About 8 octaves😵💫 believe me you still didn’t see anything yet of what Dimash can do with his voice!!! You’ll be amazed every single time you listen to him and be like HOW ON EARTH DOES HE DO THAT😂
Thank you for your reaction❤️ and please continue this journey with Dimash- NB: it’s a hole that you can’t go out of it anymore 😅
Since I discovered Dimash I have been listening to him every single day.
Me too...for five years!
"Stranger," the New Wave performance) will give you an even better perspective on Dimash's vocal capabilities. But for a sheer thrill, "Olimpico" (the version that appears on producer Igor Krutoy's channel) is an early must-see. And you'll never be ready for his performance of "Adagio" on the 2017 Chinese reality talent show, I Am a Singer.
Dimash THE greatest vocalist of ALL time. What you also didn’t mention is that he’s an amazing composer. He won’t sign with anyone as he wants full control of his music since he sings in all genres from Opera to Rock to Folk to Pop to Rap. He is a multi millionaire and he is very well known all over the world especially in China. You should watch more of his Digital Concert in January 2021, there were 400 people involved in putting this concert together during COVID when Dimash had to cancel his worldwide concerts. The Digital effects are incredible. All the songs are on his RUclips channel. One of his last concerts before COVID hit, was in New York in December 2019 where he had a sell out solo concert in the Barclay Centre. He has recently been working on a project with David Foster in LA (16 grammy award winner) but it’s very hush, hush as to what they are actually doing at the moment!
Thank you for your information and promotion of Dimash. I agree with your statements, except the one about him being a multi-millionaire. Maybe he would be, if he had signed with a record company and had lots of promotion in the western world and globally. Do you have a factual source to back up your statement? If so, please share.
@@MT-oj2nj Perhaps he has become so during his career, but this does not detract from his humility, on the contrary, it adds even more respect. And anyway his family was already well off. He is an artist who does a lot of charity, the flowers they give him he gives in turn to the rest homes in the place where he performs. He tells his Dears ( Fans ) not to spend money on him. During the pandemic he filled many poor villages in his country with food. He often goes to hospitals to talk to teenagers and children. All of this has always been disclosed by people close to him, but never by him. It is as we dears know, he is a very sweet and humble man.❤❤
@@MT-oj2nj DIMASH is a great humanitarian, during covid in Kazakhstan, he donated about 4 million to provide medical supplies and food to victims of covid. He even wore mask and gloves and was on back of trucks handing out these items to covid patients. He also donated the proceeds from one of his concerts to victims of a factory explosion that had deaths and hospitalizations, those funds donated had to be very large amounts as it provided food and aid for serveral months until many were able to get back to work and the families of the deceased needed the money to take care of their family when they lost the member of family working to provide support.
Excuse me, where do you get that Dimash is a millionaire? and where are you working with David Foster? He has met with many people in Los Angeles, it does not mean that he will work with everyone, there is no official information on these two data. To say that Dimash is a millionaire is the worst, it can do him a lot of damage. Please do not give information irresponsibly.
Did you know that his concert at Barclays was financed by the government of his country?
How can you be a millionaire artist where you sacrifice monetary gains for the quality of your work, because you hire 400 people to present the Digital Show in 2021? because he presents technological innovation and spills all his creativity in that show? because it uses the best scenery, the biggest screens and the best graphics? and then he charges 10 dollars for the right for his followers to follow the transmission? money will never be the most important thing for him and he will sacrifice everything for his dears and for the quality of the music, so no artist can become a millionaire.
Dimash is the best singer ever ❤from Sri Lanka
welcome to the world of Dimash! He's been training from age 5, He has a range of 7 octaves and sings in 15 languages. He sings in all genres from full on opera to rap! His music videos are like mini movies and he has his own production company. Some suggestions for you are Adagio, El Amor En Ti, Stranger, Fly Away, Olympico, Opera 2, Sinful Passion, Ikanaide, Be With Me )mv is best, he raps in Kazak lol) please don't react to anything from The World's Best, he was treated like cr*p! and the Dears (fan base) won't like lol
Welcome to Dimash. Tip of the iceberg. Buckle up and be prepared to be blown totally away with every performance. Saw him in New York in 2019 at the Barclays. Unbelievable. Only artist in the world I would get on a plane to see. Try Stranger which is in English. You can find songs in English, Kazakh, Russian, Ukrainian, Italian, Mandarin, French etc. He is fluent in his native Kazakh, and Russian and speaks English quiet well. There are songs in other languages as well, Japanese, Turkish, Armenian etc. He deserves to be a grammy award winning artist instead of some of the trashy music that actually wins. Please do more because he is known world wide.
know how you feel I too flew to one of his concerts and enjoyed it tremendously. never did that to any other person in concert.
I would do it all over again. I was there just for the day of the concert and flew out at 5 am the next morning. It was still worth it.
Perfect reaction 😂❤
And he can do more then this and live, 1000 % live. Wellcome in the world of the bigest singer of all time, i have 40y i don' t exagerate one bit. From Romania love❤
The reason you have never heard of Dimash is because he never signed with "anyone". He is independant and your music industry makes no profits "allowing" you to hear him.☹️
Dimash is the top vocal talent on the planet. Perfect pitch, excellent musical genetics, and 25 years of daily practise all come together to create perfection.👍💜👍😎
Dimash has millions of fans in 140 countries worldwide. He is a humble, generous soul with a quirky sense of humour.🤣🥹🤣
His fans are called Dears because we are dear to his heart like family. 😍😍😍
While SOS displays many incredible transitions and other vocal techniques, it only displays 4 Octaves. For a wider range in 1 song, try Drunken Concubine and Diva Dance duet with Li Yugang. I tend to prefer his middle of the road type Pop songs or his incredible folk songs like Samaltau/2021
Welcome to the world of Dimash. Subscribed. I look forward to sharing this journey of discovery with you.🌹🎹🌹
🥰🥰🥰Hugs from a Canadian Dear🇨🇦
It is always nice to watch a 1st Dimash reaction 🥰
This guy has an amazing voice, they even throw roses at the end of his performance.
I honestly cannot believe I just listened to him for the first time. He deserves a ton of love and respect. I'm still trying to process the talent lol.
Dimash is an amazing human being as well as being an amazing vocalist/musician/composer!
Welcome to the Dimash Rabbit Hole. Nothing will ever be the same again and that is a great thing.
#dimash... Thanks for your reaction to Dimash's singing and artistry. Subscribe to his RUclips channel and you'll be blown away by his songs and MVs. Please next react to Stranger and Ave Maria. Love from Portugal 🇵🇹
Congratulations, you just witnessed the greatest vocalist alive. He is a twenty-nine year old multi-faceted artist with a soul of a thousand years, who hails from Kazakhstan. He sings in 16 different languages (speaks Kazakh and Russian fluently, some English, and a little Mandarin), plays 8 musical instruments and is currently working on his PhD in musicology (has a Masters in composition). He’s been training since the age of 5, has a 7 octave 2 semi-tone range, has absolute pitch, and is an amazingly humble and kind man. His mother is an opera singer and his father is a singer and producer. He sings every genre (even raps) He has many recent performances, but I would highly recommend "Sinful Passion" 2018, "Stranger" 2021,"Olimpico" 2019 link on Igor Krutoy's (composer that came out of retirement to work with Dimash) RUclips channel, "Adagio" from The Singer 2017, "Ikanaide" 2021 Tokyo Jazz Festival, and "Ave Maria" 2021 at New Wave. After digesting those performances, I can't stress enough my recommendation for one of his most recent songs and music video (mini movie) the artistic masterpiece "The Story of One Sky" that he wrote the screenplay for and spent 3 years composing the music for, which displays a lot of his range (not all) and soooo many vocal techniques and dynamics, including sub harmonics, whistle register, bass, tenor, baritone, classical, jazz, pop, rock and unreal metal screams....and unbelievable dramatic acting. Each performance will leave you stunned. Thank you for reacting to our Dimash from a loyal "Dear" (fandom name given to us by Dimash, because we are dear to him like his family). He has fan clubs in 132 countries.
The most ammmmazing vocalist on earth ❤❤❤❤
His first digital music album "ID" went platinum in only 37 seconds after release, and 3x platinum in only one hour, and 5x platinum in only one day on Chinese music platforms In December 2019, he made his US debut in New York at the Barclays Center. Dears (those he calls his fans) traveled from 68 different countries, 43 states & 2 US territories, and was sold out. At age five Dimash was accepted into the most distinguished music academy in his country. Now writing his Doctoral thesis for a PhD in Musicology/ Composing, received all his degrees with honors while simultaneously filling arenas and maintaining his performing career, a first! He has a bachelors degree in vocals, a master's degree in composition and is about to complete his PhD in musicology this year.
JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA. Genia. Despues de ver mas de 200 reacciones a Dimash SOS , sigo gozando cada una como la primera vez. Saludo desde Colombia.
💕 More Dimash, please!
subscribed. Dimash is very special, for me the best vocalist of all time. I'm not exaggerating. If you keep watching his presentations, you'll understand. Much success in your channel, I see that it is new. I support you, you are very good!!!
Thank you so much for your kind words! I seriously appreciate it and cannot wait to see more of him. I walk into all my videos blind. I'm honestly so surprised to see and hear what others are passionate about. Thank you again!
PLease react to Sinful passion, Adagio, Stranger, Olympico 2021, Your love, LOve is like a dream, Ave María, The story of one sky, Omir, El amor en ti, Weekend.
Dimash does have fans all around the world, I myself grew up in New York, but of Japanese heritage and I only discovered him last year. But going to a Dimash concert was like attending a United Nations conference. Australians, English, Chinese, Italians, Japanese, Kazakh, Malaysians, Philipino, Vietnamese, French, Mexicans, Canadians, and many more. The Malaysia concert was attended by 40 countries and that number is on the smaller side. His concert in Almaty, Kazakhstan was at least 70 countries. This digital show was broadcasted in January 2022, as a chariity fundraiser to feed the people during the lockdown. So even though it is a digital show, it was live. And part of the proceeds went to charity.
He feels the music, as you saw, and he is one of the most humblest, sincere people. He has a temporary residence in LA as he works on a new album (All English I hear), but currently in China for a month working on a Jackie Chan project and probably other things. Your reaction was truly refreshing, and I hope to see more. Try Olympico next, that one is in Italian.
Nice commentary. 😊
FAV singer of ALL time! Thank you for reviewing Dimash!! 🙋🏻♂
It’s a crime how unknown he is in the USA! I discovered him only this March myself. He is the most creative, passionate Artist to me now, with the most beautiful and versatile voice!
Hope you will do more Dimash reactions! ❤
P.S. He has a very versatile repertoire, so you never get bored.
I'm curious to how you discovered him. I'm always interested in knowing that.😊
@@barbarasaracini1271 First, I truly believe one discovers Dimash when he is most needed. I discovered him at a time when my stepmother passed away and then my father half a month later. He helped me in those months…
As for discovery, I was looking up some performance from past AGT on RUclips when a reaction to Dimash caught my eye. The reactor named it “This is the most unbelievable voice I’ve ever heard!” It was the Slavic Bazaar “SOS”. I was blown away and was researching Dimash well into the night for many, many days.
Subscribe from Chile. Thanks. Dimash is unique
Thank you so much for your support! He really is an all time great. I'm so blessed to finally hear this talent. I seriously appreciate the support!
Welcome to the amazing world Demash. Please take the journey as you have only gotten a taste here. There are so many to listen to and everyone has their favorite so you just need to take a Dimash weekend. You’ll never be the same!
Thank you for your reaction and welcome to the world of Dimash. Jewel of art and example for humanity. Continue listening to it You will not cease to be surprised🎉❤I LOVE to Dimash
Try "Stranger (new wave 2021)". It is jawdropping and sung in English performed on a Russian stage. Shows all his vocal prowess in one mind boggling performance.
Welcome to the world of music wonderland 😊 he is easily the best out there.... Next try Stranger 😊
"I really don't know where to start" is a typical starting point after hearing Dimash for the first time. You have just experienced the greatest vocalist of all (vocally recorded) time. There simply is no other singer who can do what Dimash can. There as singers who can sing bass. There are mid-range singers. There are high altos and sopranos. But there is only one who can do it all, and make it sound amazing. As many of us like to say, there are good singers, there are great singers, then there's Dimash. His talent is achieved by 20+ years of daily training. He doesn't have a contract with any labels, because he want's to be free to compose music as he sees fit. This is just the tip of the iceberg. You have many more mind-blowing performances to discover. This is going to be quite a journey, and as the OP stated... you won't be disappointed!!!
Dimash is a 29-year-old Kasakh vocalist and composer; he speaks kasakh, russian and english and is learning mandarin chinese. He sings in more than 14 languages, plays 7 musical instruments. He graduated from the Kazakhstan University of Arts with a master's degree in composition and a doctorate in musicology. He also dances, acts, and is an advertising model (he is 6.3 feet tall). He has received countless awards and honors around the world. He was recently in Los Angeles, USA, working on his new material that his fans (he affectionately calls us "dears") are looking forward to. He is a kind, well-mannered and compassionate person who leaves his culture and his country very well attached wherever he goes.
Stunning performance
The only thing that is better than Dimash is his next performance! Keep listening to him, choose whichever of his songs and you'll never be disappointed! He is pure magic! Greetings from Greece!
Yes. More Dimash please. He has an official RUclips channel where he’s dropped scores of videos. He sings in many different genres so it’s not difficult to find music you’ll enjoy thoroughly. Personally, I enjoy them all because his voice is so stunning. 💗💗💗💗🌸
Dimash having no way as way - no limitation as limitation !! Best vocalist in the World - period !!
Когда слушаешь Димаша, нельзя крутить головой!!! Надо смотреть не отрывая глаз от него. Потому, что там не только великолепное пение, но и харизма! Ведь он проживает песню! Удивляют некоторые реакционеры - переигрывают!
Welcome to the world of Dimash! Our Prince of World Peace;)
Dimash is to music as Shakespeare is to literature!
Dimash is a musical genius with absolute pitch. We are so lucky to be alive at the same time!
Recommendation: Stranger, Be With Me, Hello, Across Endless Dimensions, Sinful Passion, and more!
Beautiful reaction 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 more Dimash please 🙏 WELCOME TO DIMASH UNIVERSE. After listening to Dimash, nothing will ever be the same in music again. Enjoy the roller coaster of emotions that Dimash will cause you.
РАХМЕТ за реакцию 👍❤️🌍
Thank you for your reaction. Love from Denmark ❤🇩🇰
He will never sign with anyone. He has his own entertainment center. He is the GOAT
Казах, думала..
Hola muchas gracias por tu reacción a la mejor voz del planeta , Dimash es extraordinario, sublime, único muchas gracias nuevamente saludos desde Argentina ❤️🇦🇷❤️ bravo 👏👏👏👏👏
Dimash es maravilloso ❤❤
Great reaction.. Dimash is a monster.. Watching your face through the song was priceless.. ❤