Requests - VictoriaPatton/Victoria Patton | Social Media Girls

Requests VictoriaPatton/Victoria Patton

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You may find interesting 03:29, 05:08 and 07:53 of "17-55-29" file and 04:55 of "22-54-40"
I've done a fast pass, but she streams a lot and it's hard to keep up.

Also, her IG:

WallyWoo77 commented
Don't see "17-55-29" or "22-54-40" in there...
Djdbfkeodnfbe commented
Last edited:
Htozer132 commented
can someone pls upload these two to cause I can't play or download them.
anyone have a recording from today?
Djdbfkeodnfbe commented
Djdbfkeodnfbe commented
If you look at the filename you can see if I found anything interesting, for example this one:

TK_victoriapatton_2024-10-09_19-41-06_1238_1447-EDdffwWZ.mp4 -> that 2 suffixes means look at 12:38 and 14:47 so there's something there.
Not all files have been viewed so if you find something be nice and add timestamps for the people
dannyashley05 commented
Djdbfkeodnfbe commented
I'm too lazy for Victoria 😅. I've recorded many an I've deleted some because they seem too boring or low profile, but I think I keep some of them... Let me check
Anyone able to get a recording of today when Victoria flashed some under boob?
Mechanicmike2 commented
I have it but it won't let me post
Oldskoolzcar commented
Stop posting new comments without any content, The last 3 notifications I've got for this thread have been you begging for shit. Asking if people have new shit isn't gonna make it magically appear.
Sammyfootlong12 commented
Thank you! I missed that part but I got some other recordings I need to go through and see if there’s anything worth posting. I know I have some of her live this morning in her tight pjs with her tits poking through, I’ll have to post.
Sammyfootlong12 commented
Did anyone have anything from any of her lives when she first started? I remember one day she pulled her shirt down and I think her whole tit popped out. Does anyone have a recording of that by chance or anything else from before this page was created?
_itachi_ commented
paperstreetcompany commented
Any timestamps on anything? Scrubbed through a dozen or so and didn’t find anything noteworthy
Lololopop commented
The clip of her under boob that was posted before is in this batch. The video name ends in 19-02-09 and the time is 7:04
She has a feetfinder now!

It won’t let me add money to my account or pay with my card for some reason. If someone is able to buy the one picture and post it I’ll cash app you. I have no idea if it’s a foot picture or more but I’m curious and I’m wondering what sort of requests she does.
Spaceballs303 commented
It’s just feet pics. I asked if she’s selling more than just feet pics and told her I could cash app her for other types of pics but she simply replied, ‘only feet pics.’
toesandfeet86 commented
Are they all PPV? I'm sick of PPV being locked behind an expensive paid sub from these chicks
Sammyfootlong12 commented
She has a $20 subscription which I think unlocks all of her posts. Id chip in or pay for that if someone posts the pics. My credit cards won’t work on that site for some reason.
Sammyfootlong12 commented
She posted two bikini pictures which I’m curious about
Did anyone buy her subscription for $20 on feetfinder? She posts almost daily on it now and I’m curious about the two bikini pictures she posted.

She also had a couple slips on todays live I’m editing the videos for you guys.
_itachi_ commented
Waiting. I didn't have the time to see her live today.
Baseball132 commented
Still editing?