Lady Gaga “Perfect Celebrity” Live on the Stern Show

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
  • Watch Lady Gaga perform “Perfect Celebrity” for the first time live during her Stern Show interview.
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Комментарии • 1 тыс.

  • @davidezammillo6411
    @davidezammillo6411 2 дня назад +2236

    She's just a rockstar.

    • @ScooterOnHisWay2024
      @ScooterOnHisWay2024 2 дня назад +5

      "Rock" star? Really? "Pop" star? Sure. No "rock" happening here.

    • @seanh5111
      @seanh5111 2 дня назад +71

      @@ScooterOnHisWay2024 she's a pop star but this song is a rock song. the nine inch nails influence on the non-acoustic version is very clear.

    • @twistedviewlabs
      @twistedviewlabs 2 дня назад +47

      @@ScooterOnHisWay2024 really? this isn't "rock"? as someone who's heard many different types of rock music over my many years alive, this is definitely rock at its core, especially stripped down like this.

    • @eberolivo9522
      @eberolivo9522 2 дня назад +36

      ​@@ScooterOnHisWay2024 so now u are the Police of rock or what? Hahaha she is a ROCK STAR💫 whether you like it or not.

    • @000vaskz000
      @000vaskz000 2 дня назад +45

      @@ScooterOnHisWay2024 she has way more rock attitude than most rock artists today

  • @YagoArgolo-z6n
    @YagoArgolo-z6n 2 дня назад +2010

    17 years being a fan and I still get surprised by her vocal performances

    • @horaciogonzalez3734
      @horaciogonzalez3734 2 дня назад +6

      😢 Mi preciosa lady Gaga❤

    • @tylercooke920
      @tylercooke920 2 дня назад +27

      It’s just so good she’s SO GOOD AND SO TALENTED

    • @TheRioooooo
      @TheRioooooo 2 дня назад +10

      So do i, sheeeeeee’s insane in a good way

    • @chlagace
      @chlagace 2 дня назад +8

      Its insane how good she sounds

    • @LosCoolArrows321
      @LosCoolArrows321 День назад +4

      Her first time on Stern blew my mind.

  • @PhoenixStartsOver
    @PhoenixStartsOver День назад +1097

    Was NOT expecting an acoustic version of this song and I'm sooooo SHOOOKK

    • @Santo-rr4vn
      @Santo-rr4vn День назад +2

      Me too

    • @eisgavajs
      @eisgavajs День назад +2

      I did NOT know this song can be turned into acoustic!!

    • @vinidiz
      @vinidiz День назад +7

      @@eisgavajs every gaga song can be "turned" into acoustic. she writes all of them in the piano first

    • @danishmaqsood5025
      @danishmaqsood5025 День назад

      Vocals! ❤❤❤❤

    • @ginocooper6676
      @ginocooper6676 8 часов назад

      Me toooooooo!

  • @eduardod14s
    @eduardod14s 2 дня назад +965

    It's crazy how her vocals are better than the studio version

  • @bc3029
    @bc3029 2 дня назад +971

    Anyone that knows 90s alternative knows it was impeccably written. Genius

  • @johnpavlovitzofficial5565
    @johnpavlovitzofficial5565 2 дня назад +1001

    She is so locked in with this album. Just vintage.

  • @twistedviewlabs
    @twistedviewlabs 2 дня назад +554

    proof right here that she could drop a straight up rock album and it would be a certified banger

  • @mariabedolla5673
    @mariabedolla5673 2 дня назад +585

    If she releases this version of the album I will implode. The rock influence on this is EVERYTHING.

    • @maireadseery802
      @maireadseery802 День назад +3

      Totally agree! Full album like this pleaseee ❤

    • @ceasarsalad2055
      @ceasarsalad2055 День назад +23

      I'm convinced this is a rock album that was turned into a pop album. I'm hearing 2000s dark gothic vibe and I'm here for it 😭

    • @theodornjoh8797
      @theodornjoh8797 День назад +8

      ​@@ceasarsalad2055 Yeah she said that she was initially going to do an entire rock album but her fiance told her to not do that !

    • @asherouk7308
      @asherouk7308 День назад +1

      A funky emo album.

    • @nh2201
      @nh2201 День назад

      Katy would sound amazing dueting with her seeing as her roots are rock.

  • @NikitaUbeda
    @NikitaUbeda 2 дня назад +508

    WE ARE READY FOR LADY GAGA MTV UNPLUGGED !!!! This is freakin insaaane Mother💕🔥

  • @MattB0610
    @MattB0610 День назад +288

    I know everyone expects her to be the pop diva but I’d truly listen to whatever the hell kind of music she wants to make. This is incredible

    • @kukuhsantoso5190
      @kukuhsantoso5190 День назад +20

      She is diva in her own lanes

    • @ceasarsalad2055
      @ceasarsalad2055 День назад +14

      Real fans know that pop was just a side quest for her. Her real love was theater, musical, and jazz, so this is basic for her!

  • @simplyemily8251
    @simplyemily8251 День назад +173

    She’s an indie artist at heart and I love that about her

    • @bloodmavis
      @bloodmavis 16 часов назад +1

      She and indie artist that's made pop record

  • @Santo-rr4vn
    @Santo-rr4vn 2 дня назад +164

    How her vocal technique absolutely INSANE

  • @robbiesmoonmusic
    @robbiesmoonmusic День назад +205

    Her voice is more crisp and powerful than it’s ever been. Her vocal peak (not even) at 39 is crazy

    • @knownothing5518
      @knownothing5518 День назад +6

      The vocal health is healthing!

    • @jayzzsesssve
      @jayzzsesssve День назад +5

      Realll. She really recovered her vocals very well. It's way better than during chromatica.

    • @espitiag84
      @espitiag84 22 часа назад +1

      She really is “just starting”

    • @andrewlew89
      @andrewlew89 21 час назад +2

      @@jayzzsesssveShe recently said she’s still doing vocal training very frequently. Not surprised.

  • @shannonlund4331
    @shannonlund4331 2 дня назад +330

    from a music history perspective, the album is so rich with detail. one of the best in years

  • @pedrocavalcanti4536
    @pedrocavalcanti4536 День назад +180

    the way she sang all the words and riffs

  • @bastian_x.x
    @bastian_x.x 2 дня назад +531


    • @rosalindapcrosby5385
      @rosalindapcrosby5385 2 дня назад +7


    • @Santo-rr4vn
      @Santo-rr4vn День назад +6


    • @markj65
      @markj65 День назад

      Haha no. Wait till Mother Taylor releases the real ALBUM OF THE YEAR❤

    • @gabdf70
      @gabdf70 День назад +7

      Perfect ❤❤❤

    • @SUNNY4401
      @SUNNY4401 День назад +1


  • @lucasrifonseca1
    @lucasrifonseca1 2 дня назад +229


  • @Pokemon1231-c3q
    @Pokemon1231-c3q День назад +75

    Someday she will record FULL rock/metal album (i think she'll do this 100%, I just dont know when exactly) I'll be patiently waiting. 😊

  • @Hendrix64
    @Hendrix64 День назад +115

    A guitar. A piano. That voice. That's all GAGA needs.

    • @carlottafabris225
      @carlottafabris225 День назад +2

      13-14 years ago when I heard the acoustic version of Paparazzi, I started to search for other acoustic versions and I found some gems. I put them all in a CD and named it Gaga: Acoustic Album. I have dreamed about her making an acoustic album so much during these years.
      As you said, we just need a guitar, a piano and her voice. She can say everything she has to using only her voice, nothing more. Perfect!

  • @DFlemming
    @DFlemming 18 часов назад +20

    She has one of the best singing voices in today's world. A total Artist, Performer, a Legend.

  • @majigu96
    @majigu96 2 дня назад +171

    We will NEVER have another Lady Gaga ❤ Her talent is UNMATCHED .

    • @kukuhsantoso5190
      @kukuhsantoso5190 День назад +3

      Artist like her maybe come to this world just for 100 years once

    • @Santo-rr4vn
      @Santo-rr4vn День назад +2

      Talent like her just comes to this world once in 100 years

    • @Maderlololohio
      @Maderlololohio День назад +2

      I just need a chappell roan collaboration 😊

    • @alexba1ley
      @alexba1ley День назад +3

      ​@@Maderlololohioshe shouted chappell out on SNL, so we know she is on her radar. I hope they collaborate.

  • @jingambit
    @jingambit День назад +49

    I hear Stefani Germanotta singing, not Lady Gaga. I'm a big fan of both and I am feeling the pain in her voice in this song. She really put her soul in singing, plus now she has improved technique. This woman's talent is infinite.

    • @carlottafabris225
      @carlottafabris225 День назад +7

      she is definitely more present now, she is both, in fact, I hear both Stefani and Gaga in this song and I guess that this is what she wanted to say with this album. She found a way to make the two co-exist because she is both, as she said at the beginning of this performance, she got lost but now she is back

  • @sizzle9000
    @sizzle9000 2 дня назад +120

    love the rawness and grit. she's an all-timer

  • @vincentnicoletti
    @vincentnicoletti Час назад +1

    Her voice sends ripples through the universe.There is no end to the beauty of it

  • @utiueo
    @utiueo День назад +22

    the way she belted while sitting down tbh………. HER POWERRR

  • @lovelyyvon
    @lovelyyvon День назад +60

    Further proof she should release a rock album, "Perfect celebrity" is one of my loved ones from Mayhem and we need more of it❤️‍🔥

  • @thegenob
    @thegenob 2 дня назад +113

    She’s so exciting to watch and listen to. You can tell she loves studying music as much as she loves making it, and the breadth of references in her new album are so fun to uncover.

    • @Santo-rr4vn
      @Santo-rr4vn День назад

      Even when she grabbed the microphone absolutely with the manner lol

  • @PurpleHeartPh
    @PurpleHeartPh День назад +31

    when gaga's performing on the radio stations again it's gonna be a hit era!!!

  • @betoramosrocha
    @betoramosrocha 2 дня назад +169

    just WOW, please stop comparing your favs, it’s just impossible at this point ❤

  • @tylermaynard240
    @tylermaynard240 День назад +51

    True icon. She is really in her own league.

  • @TheLeonDarko
    @TheLeonDarko День назад +12

    My god, this song is INCREDIBLE acoustic... really brings it to life. PLEASE give us this acoustic album!!

  • @SovereignKing
    @SovereignKing День назад +60

    My favourite song on the album and I think it’s already one of Gaga’s all-time greatest songs (Vanish Into You too!) the vocals here are absolutely stellar 🤌🏽
    Would love to hear a Metal version of this😮‍💨

  • @nyctrends
    @nyctrends 16 часов назад +8

    Throw her the Grammy already.🔥🏆🔥

  • @baturbaturs
    @baturbaturs 11 часов назад +5

    her vocals just keep getting better every single time

  • @Erica-xo4dz
    @Erica-xo4dz День назад +9

    I loved this version!👏👏👏👏👏

  • @Patroclus_7
    @Patroclus_7 День назад +19

    I can really picture her in an unplugged concert, grunge version of herself...the way they used to do in the late 90s MTV era. The rockstar status is here.

  • @Me-lj1rk
    @Me-lj1rk 2 дня назад +61

    she in pain over it...the loss of herself...what a lovely human

    • @kukuhsantoso5190
      @kukuhsantoso5190 День назад +2

      True she feels it

    • @gagamanic
      @gagamanic День назад

      She always lives her performances as though her life depends on it.

  • @SeaBassTian
    @SeaBassTian 2 дня назад +63

    I love her acoustic versions, Chefs kiss!

  • @matthew33.714
    @matthew33.714 12 часов назад +4

    Why does this not have 5 million views yet

  • @St.christophermusic
    @St.christophermusic 2 дня назад +29

    Her performances on Howard’s show are always SO BEAUTIFUL 🫶😍

  • @neekimanashinanalternative5218
    @neekimanashinanalternative5218 2 дня назад +37

    2:16 this literally sounds exactly like the studio version

  • @gudenuff3417
    @gudenuff3417 День назад +12

    Wow perfect celebrity she is
    Loved how the guitarist and Gaga performed together

  • @hillaryroberts3623
    @hillaryroberts3623 День назад +9

    Maturity, what a spark you are! Acoustic, stunning!

  • @elishyahill7125
    @elishyahill7125 2 дня назад +45


  • @darwinpaiva
    @darwinpaiva День назад +6

    Chills all over my body. Her voice is truly a gift. Wow 🤯

  • @chazharris
    @chazharris День назад +5

    I love it when she does this. I used to send my friends the BBC Live Lounge versions of Paparazzi and Poker Face and they never doubted her talent in front of me again.

  • @queenmiamoore
    @queenmiamoore 2 дня назад +71

    I was obsessed with this song anyways, but the acoustic version was the cherry on top 🤌

  • @cassycreates481
    @cassycreates481 День назад +5

    her voice each era gets BETTER

  • @lilzuplada1564
    @lilzuplada1564 День назад +4

    I hope they don’t tire her vocals this era. Her vocals is in tip-top shape right now. This is her vocal peak

  • @leosperandix
    @leosperandix 2 дня назад +212


  • @luisescamilla5847
    @luisescamilla5847 День назад +14

    I think this rendition of “Perfect Celebrity” shows how resourceful of an artist Gaga is and also how talented!

  • @That_guy_antony_ware
    @That_guy_antony_ware День назад +10

    No backing track, no back up singers, just pure unadulterated talent and beauty ❤❤❤

  • @fernandoelbrat
    @fernandoelbrat День назад +20

    Can’t remember my life without Gaga music and memories of her performances ❤

  • @viniciusmonteiro4574
    @viniciusmonteiro4574 2 дня назад +33

    HER VOICE, the best song of the album ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @rogeriosarlo8601
    @rogeriosarlo8601 День назад +17

    She can sing absolutely anything and will be perfect! Her voice is amazingly versatile ❤

  • @evelintu_
    @evelintu_ День назад +7

    INSANE.. 😮 the vocals... Love this woman so much❤

  • @ianjohnson1249
    @ianjohnson1249 День назад +20

    This song made me emotional listening to it, such a standout from the album, her vocals are crazy!

  • @Lady_meowk
    @Lady_meowk День назад +71

    Gosh. Why is she so underrated? Can't people see how talented this woman is? She deserved more appreciation. I've been a fan since 2008 and I even love her more today

    • @Santo-rr4vn
      @Santo-rr4vn День назад


    • @azur1137
      @azur1137 День назад +14

      Underrated? 😂

    • @Santo-rr4vn
      @Santo-rr4vn День назад

      @@azur1137 why are u laughing

    • @Misterlanz-mz2ip
      @Misterlanz-mz2ip День назад +5

      She is not underrated 😂

    • @jeffrey2988
      @jeffrey2988 День назад +8

      She’s anything but underrated, the world knows she’s one of the best voices of this decade

  • @LiziSitchinava25
    @LiziSitchinava25 День назад +5


  • @Es1am
    @Es1am День назад +9

    We’re so lucky to be living at the same time as Lady Gaga. she’s a once in a generation kind of artist

  • @imalwaysright
    @imalwaysright 2 дня назад +50


  • @nicoo6724
    @nicoo6724 День назад +16


  • @limaferrufinodenilson3578
    @limaferrufinodenilson3578 День назад +22

    This performance gave me chills

  • @taylorchen678
    @taylorchen678 16 часов назад +6

    So happy that I ran into this acoustic version before listening to the original.

  • @mfal12345
    @mfal12345 День назад +6

    always been, always will be one of the most multifaceted artists we have alive. it's amazing to see the depths she can go in every music genre.

  • @travelinsights8868
    @travelinsights8868 День назад +3

    Her versatility is eye watering. ❤

  • @erroneousbotch4404
    @erroneousbotch4404 День назад +9

    Surprising how well this works acoustically

  • @EudesPablo
    @EudesPablo 2 дня назад +20

    Our perfect notorious being ❤️❤️❤️

  • @its_kahlo
    @its_kahlo День назад +8

    I just love when she's possessed by herself, her art & music. Kween MonStar is always top tier ❤️‍🔥

  • @TiagoSpsk
    @TiagoSpsk 10 часов назад +1

    And on my Birthday😌 thank
    You Gaga 🎉❤

  • @elibet6728
    @elibet6728 День назад +8

    She’s not only the rockstar she’s a beautiful soul ❤

  • @eduardolopes1871
    @eduardolopes1871 2 дня назад +12

    she said it, she's a perfect celebrity

  • @Spudiffer
    @Spudiffer День назад +5

    We didn’t deserve such a great performance 😭 Your completely amazing Gaga, keep it up! 🤙😌👏

  • @JimmyWood10
    @JimmyWood10 День назад +6

    Damn… I got chills

  • @PepperAnnRunway
    @PepperAnnRunway День назад +6


  • @Camrynn.ol14
    @Camrynn.ol14 День назад +5

    This is the best song on the album. Such incredible song writing from Gaga

  • @10Klauz
    @10Klauz День назад +7

    Her voice + the strings= perfection ❤️‍🔥

  • @AlexMarte-lf3sy
    @AlexMarte-lf3sy День назад +1

    I’m sure she started ALL of her tracks like this and I love this raw form 🤩

  • @beardown6574
    @beardown6574 2 дня назад +15

    Her range just always spectacular.

  • @officialjazer
    @officialjazer 4 часа назад +1

    I’m crying cause GAGA’s vocals are so mesmerizing!

  • @thehorrible.
    @thehorrible. День назад +5

    I'm crying because of her beautiful vocal, I was waiting for this my whole life🥹

  • @Maddi337
    @Maddi337 2 дня назад +12

    She never disappoints

  • @isabellamari444h
    @isabellamari444h День назад +8


  • @Allan-lq2zi
    @Allan-lq2zi 2 дня назад +19

    She’s just damn perfect. Out of this world.

  • @keiferbellajaro9917
    @keiferbellajaro9917 6 часов назад +3

    The best song on the album! Love this

  • @luis1111
    @luis1111 2 дня назад +39

    Gaga is the most talented artist in the whole world and she never stops to impress me. WOW!

  • @camilamelo6846
    @camilamelo6846 День назад +4

    just as the recorded version 🥰 what a voice!

  • @iCharLton
    @iCharLton День назад +1

    the first pre-chorus done in falsetto and the second one done in full voice?? her vocals are astounding.

  • @puertoruiz
    @puertoruiz 2 дня назад +31

    I always wondered how she was going to perform this song live because it's a reaaaalllyyy powerful song vocally. She has a lot of grit in it. She's wise to strip it down like this for the sake of preserving her voice.

  • @henriqueviana0000
    @henriqueviana0000 День назад +6


  • @hannahluizacutini
    @hannahluizacutini 10 часов назад +2

    She is a Perfect celebrity.

  • @manolitooooooo
    @manolitooooooo День назад +21

    She deserves every award in the earth only for this, just speechless

  • @breezybear6775
    @breezybear6775 День назад +4

    OMG her live performance voice sounds even better!

  • @bardothodol4472
    @bardothodol4472 День назад +3

    Her voice can heal some parts of my soul.....

  • @abrahamfelix1837
    @abrahamfelix1837 2 дня назад +26

    Simply the biggest we have ❤

  • @TyB1280
    @TyB1280 13 часов назад +3

    That spread at 0:34 - WOO! Go Tim!

  • @VirginieVMouth
    @VirginieVMouth 4 часа назад

    I'm just realising that every time she was on Stern it was a perfect gift to hear and see her in another way. No matter which songs she did.

  • @nevin_ftam
    @nevin_ftam День назад +7

    she is phenomenal, a unique artist

  • @tanatswamugabe8793
    @tanatswamugabe8793 7 часов назад +1

    This is amazing music for the soul

  • @alenaj.
    @alenaj. День назад +3

    This acoustic version is incredible! So in love with her pure powerful vocals.