Hiliary 2020
It sure is.The MSM are really losing their freaking minds this point over Mr. Trump. They are all in need of psychological help. The spaz fest is troubling.
They had a choice after the election- Try to gain the trust of the people back my simply being less bias or double down on the bullshit.
They chose the to double down.
I still know people who have the "Well they wouldn't say it if it wasn't true" attitude.
But theyre not that smart. As long as someone pays their bills and they have enough money to get high everyday theyre fine.
Anyway its literally a madhouse out there at this point.
Not only has the msm gone in complete attack with propaganda and lies mode more than ever before but you have the so called conservative media and a good amount of the independant and/or Alt Right doing nothing but responding to the msm's nonstop bullshit.
Its like were trapped in a fucking house of mirrors. The only clues we have to figure out how to escape is the blood from our noses all over the glass that we smashed into already.
Its a serious problem. We might not let them propagandize us but too many do.
Thats what they are doing. They know they cant get us all but they can get the weak minded.
They also know that many will just say fuck it and tune out entirely.
Its a plan, and a gamble on their part.
How can we combat this?
I don't know for sure.
I guess step one is ignore them as much as possible and don't believe anything they say. Not a word.
On yootoob thumbs down all their shit which most videos are almost all thumbs down already.
And educate the people around us. Make them see they are being lied to and manipulated.
And educate ourselves as best we can.
But its a mess. They are really creating a major shitstorm and they are actually hurting the People even more than they have been for years.
The media as I said here many times is our enemy, a huge enemy.
We all know the great majority of people, people without voices, want to see Trump do well for the benefit of everybody.