The Trump Presidency

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Hiliary 2020
The MSM are really losing their freaking minds this point over Mr. Trump. They are all in need of psychological help. The spaz fest is troubling.
It sure is.
They had a choice after the election- Try to gain the trust of the people back my simply being less bias or double down on the bullshit.
They chose the to double down.
I still know people who have the "Well they wouldn't say it if it wasn't true" attitude.
But theyre not that smart. As long as someone pays their bills and they have enough money to get high everyday theyre fine.

Anyway its literally a madhouse out there at this point.
Not only has the msm gone in complete attack with propaganda and lies mode more than ever before but you have the so called conservative media and a good amount of the independant and/or Alt Right doing nothing but responding to the msm's nonstop bullshit.
Its like were trapped in a fucking house of mirrors. The only clues we have to figure out how to escape is the blood from our noses all over the glass that we smashed into already.

Its a serious problem. We might not let them propagandize us but too many do.
Thats what they are doing. They know they cant get us all but they can get the weak minded.
They also know that many will just say fuck it and tune out entirely.
Its a plan, and a gamble on their part.

How can we combat this?
I don't know for sure.
I guess step one is ignore them as much as possible and don't believe anything they say. Not a word.
On yootoob thumbs down all their shit which most videos are almost all thumbs down already.
And educate the people around us. Make them see they are being lied to and manipulated.
And educate ourselves as best we can.

But its a mess. They are really creating a major shitstorm and they are actually hurting the People even more than they have been for years.
The media as I said here many times is our enemy, a huge enemy.
We all know the great majority of people, people without voices, want to see Trump do well for the benefit of everybody.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Disagreeing with a point of view does not make the opposing point of view invalid, or false, as the case may be. However, facts are not up for debate and facts do not give a fuck if you disagree with them because they're right and you're wrong. Case in point, Sandy Hook. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you say it never happened. Fuck you, whatever the fuck your real name is, because calling you be a username just doesn't add enough emphasis.
Disagreeing with a point of view does not make the opposing point of view invalid, or false, as the case may be. However, facts are not up for debate and facts do not give a fuck if you disagree with them because they're right and you're wrong. Case in point, Sandy Hook. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you say it never happened. Fuck you, whatever the fuck your real name is, because calling you be a username just doesn't add enough emphasis.

My real name is SANDY HOOK aka sandy hooker amd I will fuck you for a price to be agreed on before we rent a room at Trumps new hotel.
Holy fuck! I just noticed your "location" xman :1orglaugh


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
My real name is SANDY HOOK aka sandy hooker amd I will fuck you for a price to be agreed on before we rent a room at Trumps new hotel.

You would probably better serve yourself to avoid drawing my ire, Just BC already has you in his cross hairs and subsequently your plate is already full, punchy.

Holy fuck! I just noticed your "location" xman :1orglaugh

Changed it a few days ago, I've almost made it to 10,000 and ready for my custom title, but couldn't wait. lol


Hiliary 2020
Disagreeing with a point of view does not make the opposing point of view invalid, or false, as the case may be. However, facts are not up for debate and facts do not give a fuck if you disagree with them because they're right and you're wrong. Case in point, Sandy Hook. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you say it never happened. Fuck you, whatever the fuck your real name is, because calling you be a username just doesn't add enough emphasis.

You talkin to me?
You talkin to me?
If so youre jumping on my shit because I know S Hook was a hoax?
Where did that come from all of a sudden?
But if you want to talk about facts then do it. Show me one fact that indicates, not even proves that anybody died. One thing please.
If Lenny Pozner is youre proof then save it. Its not even his real name or his wifes real name and he's a millionaire off of his sons "death".
And you use this site to discredit me?
Yeah ok.
There is a thread about it if you can show me anything.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
You talkin to me?
You talkin to me?
If so youre jumping on my shit because I know S Hook was a hoax?
Where did that come from all of a sudden?
But if you want to talk about facts then do it. Show me one fact that indicates, not even proves that anybody died. One thing please.
If Lenny Pozner is youre proof then save it. Its not even his real name or his wifes real name and he's a millionaire off of his sons "death".
And you use this site to discredit me?
Yeah ok.
There is a thread about it if you can show me anything.

Using Sandy Hook to illustrate how fucking psychotic you are. Why don't you come out of the closet as a Holocaust denier while you're at it.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
We already went through your Sandy Hook nonsense. The death certificates were released in 2013. Go back to our conversation to remind yourself of the other facts I shut your loony with.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
They were released? Where? By who?

Wouldn't do any good, it's all part of the conspiracy, maaaan.

What kind of sick fucking tool really believes an atrocity like Sandy Hook was fabricated, that real people didn't suffer, that real people aren't still suffering, and to shit on the memory of loved ones that were viciously and senselessly murdered because it pushes some fringe agenda is the realm of sociopaths and psychopaths. Really didn't want to hit 10,000 posts talking about this stupid shit, but it's part of a bigger issue which is why I drug it into this thread. "Fuck the MSM", yeah, sure, we get it, fucking liberal Media, that's one thing, disagree with the institutional perspective, social agenda, whatever, but to wholesale accuse the media of this conspiracy shit, that's going too god damn far.
Wouldn't do any good, it's all part of the conspiracy, maaaan.

What kind of sick fucking tool really believes an atrocity like Sandy Hook was fabricated, that real people didn't suffer, that real people aren't still suffering, and to shit on the memory of loved ones that were viciously and senselessly murdered because it pushes some fringe agenda is the realm of sociopaths and psychopaths. Really didn't want to hit 10,000 posts talking about this stupid shit, but it's part of a bigger issue which is why I drug it into this thread. "Fuck the MSM", yeah, sure, we get it, fucking liberal Media, that's one thing, disagree with the institutional perspective, social agenda, whatever, but to wholesale accuse the media of this conspiracy shit, that's going too god damn far.

I'd congratulate you for hitting 10,000 posts but you are a post actor and it is all fake. Look at the people smiling.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I'd congratulate you for hitting 10,000 posts but you are a post actor and it is all fake. Look at the people smiling.

I really need to leave the loonies on here alone. And when I say, "the loonies", I'm really just referring to meester, and maybe that Bloodshot dude, but mainly meester, he's over the top with that conspiracy stuff.
I really need to leave the loonies on here alone. And when I say, "the loonies", I'm really just referring to meester, and maybe that Bloodshot dude, but mainly meester, he's over the top with that conspiracy stuff.

I gotta defend Bloodshot Scott. He doesn't post whacky shit. He's just an enthusiastic supporter of Trump.
Speaks his mind then bows out for a couple of days.


Hiliary 2020
Using Sandy Hook to illustrate how fucking psychotic you are. Why don't you come out of the closet as a Holocaust denier while you're at it.

We already went through your Sandy Hook nonsense. The death certificates were released in 2013. Go back to our conversation to remind yourself of the other facts I shut your loony with.

Wouldn't do any good, it's all part of the conspiracy, maaaan.

What kind of sick fucking tool really believes an atrocity like Sandy Hook was fabricated, that real people didn't suffer, that real people aren't still suffering, and to shit on the memory of loved ones that were viciously and senselessly murdered because it pushes some fringe agenda is the realm of sociopaths and psychopaths. Really didn't want to hit 10,000 posts talking about this stupid shit, but it's part of a bigger issue which is why I drug it into this thread. "Fuck the MSM", yeah, sure, we get it, fucking liberal Media, that's one thing, disagree with the institutional perspective, social agenda, whatever, but to wholesale accuse the media of this conspiracy shit, that's going too god damn far.

1st bob as far as I know there has not been any death or birth certificates found.
Only Lenny and Veronique Posner posted a death certificate that was fake, and thats not even their real names.

I still dont know why he chose to get on my shit about Sandy Hook in this thread.
What he is really doing is getting on my shit for thinking differently than him.
Yeah I studied WWII a lot from many sources and I've come to the conclusion that there is no way possible 6 million jewish were killed. Ive said that here a few times when the subject came up. I don't hide it.
1st, there wasnt even 6 million jews in the areas that Germans occupied in the 1930's and 40's, so it makes it mathmatically impossible.
2nd the number 6 million had been used in various writings for decades prior to the Nuremberg trials, hundreds of times actually.
I've seen dozens of actual newspaper articles in the actual physical newspapers stating this number going back to the late 1800's.
In fact jews werent even the majority in the slave labor camps and the mass graves and piles of bodies we've all seen were the result of a typhus epidemic combined with starvation and exposure to 5 months of a horrible winter. Miracle anybody survived at all come April.
So Ive studied it a lot and thats what I believe not because I want to but because thats what the evidence shows me.
If that makes me a holocaust denier, an anti semite, and a bad person fine, call me what you want. At least I have the balls to call it as I see it.

I'm also a sick fucking tool because I believe Sandy hook and most all the other Obama era lone nut massacres were hoaxes.
Again Ive studied them extensively and that is what the evidence showed me. I've made my case here many times about these. That's me trying to make people think beyond what some actor in a news studio reading a script tells them.
I dont call people names for believing in things that have no evidence whatsoever happened.
You say accusing the media of conspiracy shit is going too far? They lie to us everyday and we all know it. Why would anyone think they have a moral line that they won't cross?

I have a right to my opinions and beliefs and so do all of us. No reason getting so emotional if someone doesnt see things the same as another.


Hiliary 2020
I really need to leave the loonies on here alone. And when I say, "the loonies", I'm really just referring to meester, and maybe that Bloodshot dude, but mainly meester, he's over the top with that conspiracy stuff.

Just saw this one too.
I'm not a loon. If you knew me in person and understood my responsibilities you would not think that I'm sure of it.
I don't talk about this stuff to people I know in person either.
Am I over the top? Maybe. In a sense that I talk about it too much I suppose but prior to the new year we were seeing massacre after massacre and I did my best to show the things that make no sense in pretty much all of them, and there is a lot of stuff that makes no sense like people getting shot multiple times and doing happy smiley interviews the next day, among many other things.
At this point my main goal is just showing and explaining the massive level of propaganda in the news media, the entire media actually and trying to get people to think twice before getting sucked into it.
But if its pissing people off I'll back off a little.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
No meester. You profess to be above the sheep when it comes to fake news. Sure it's out there but YOU are also the one being duped into your outlandish beliefs. You're a sheep to conspiracy theorists. Even with facts presented you won't let your ego admit when you have been duped. How do I know this? You brought up Sandy Hook after we had a discussion about that subject and I presented facts. I also cut down your central bank theory and you not only ignored the subject but diverted it. It's your opinion vs facts and facts never win for you.

If you want to come onto a public discussion board, with your beliefs, expect to have a discussion.
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