Am I the only one that thinks a 150,000+ post thread is not the way to do things?
Also, the download links are useless. I tried multiple times to download the splits using Nopy and Mega and I keep getting corrupted image rpa's. Was trying a torrent but there's only a dozen or so seeds and i really don't feel like waiting 6 hours.
Oh well, this might be the best game ever, like the reviews say, but I'll never know. Done are the days I waste hours of my time trying to "fix" things in a game.
There really should be a separate thread for all this discussion, and then this thread is just there for update posts, but it is what it is.
The good thing with all the posters here is if you post a question, it'll be answered.
But if you're ever looking for the latest update post, just go to the top of the page, and click on N7's name, just under the thread title, and then click on messages count. You'll then see a summary of his posts of which his latest status update for this game is usually near the top.
Not sure why you're having download issues, I've downloaded hundreds of gigs through here and not once was there a corruption (I mean no file corruption, there was plenty of other corruption

I've always used Mega where possible, and I've installed the MegaSync app. Sounds like there may be an issue on your end...
When we are happy and DPC come with something new
View attachment 1431472
Anyone else lingered on this GIF wondering how far her shirt would rise up?
Over six months for this release. The game is good, but it's getting ridiculous.
Let's say the game is halfway complete - it could be even longer. We're looking at 4 more years before we have a resolution to the story. There's two major issues with that:
1) 4 years is a long time to hold an audiences attention, no matter how good the game is.
2) There isn't really that much doubt and uncertainty in this story to last for 8 more episodes. If you add a new story line then it devalues the first two seasons. You'll need new characters, the universe expands, and everything that has been established becomes a bit watered down. If you run with what you have then it will become tired. How many times can you fuck the same characters before it loses its appeal? How long can you draw out the same dramas before people stop caring?
Ultimately, we have to assume that the MC will have to pick one of the main girls to settle with. Four more years waiting to see what happens? They're good characters, but it's hard to be that invested in any of them to hold out that long. Hell, the story is excellent, and that might not even be enough to keep people for four years.
And this is all assuming development times don't continue to increase, which they have from the start. We thought they would never take more than 5 months. We thought we would get faster development times once he got improved hardware. They continue to stretch.
DPC has a great game, but he's trying to make too much of a good story. A tightly-wrapped 12 episode story that progressed a bit more quickly (and avoided some of the filler scenes and mini-games) would have been more timely and easier to keep an audiences attention. Did we really need to wait for dev time on a new phone. For this new tetris-lite game? Of course not.
Does he really need to code the whole thing on his own? Would anyone (other than DPC) be upset or think less of the guy if he hired someone to help and episodes came out every 4 months? Of course not.
We waited over five months for the last episode, which was solid, but not great. Now we're waiting over six months for this one. Imagine being a Patreon supporter and paying $30 a month, only to wait 6 months for an episode. $180 bucks for one edition is mental. Spend your money how you want, but people will find it harder to justify with longer wait times.
It's a good game - maybe my favorite - but the pace of development is not sustainable. We might not see an ending until early 2026. Let that sink in for a minute. The culture moves on. New games will be developed and capture people's attention. People will lose interest.
It's been going for almost 3 years already and it's only gaining more and more traction.
I've used this analogy before, but it makes perfect sense to me:
Game of Thrones went for 9 years (8 seasons and the last season took 2 years). A season of GoT is somewhat equivalent to an episode of BaDIK.
If you waited until all the episodes were out and then binged the season, that's a 10 hour binge each year and then you have to wait for another entire year.
Same shit happens with this game except there are two releases a year, and the replayability factor is high, so arguably 10-20 hours of entertainment a year isn't a stretch.
You may lose interest, just like some people may have lost interest in GoT, however by the end of GoT they had record viewership.
This game has pretty much sat at or near the top of this sites rankings for its entire life. A lot of games have been inspired by it but none of them are coming close.
DPC's Patreon subscribers keeps trending upward.
The format of each episode, with the snippets from previous episodes to refresh your memory, the prologue setting the tone for the new episode, the fully fleshed out story arc for the episode and then the epilogue to tie it all in together is a winning formula.
If you consider how much work goes into this game, compared to how much work goes into the other games showcased here, there's very little chance that it's going to fade away.
Really it just comes down to one thing:
I'd be interested to get some form of a behind-the-scenes from DPC. Money doesn't solve every problem, but it definitely helps. I'm wondering what is taking so long (both up until this point and probably the next month or two until it releases.) Surely there is more talent that could be recruited to push the development he speaks of?
Granted - I'm not a developer, but this seems to be an ongoing problem of each update taking progressively longer to release, a common problem with a smaller team that either isn't hiring, or doesn't have a solid plan.
In no way do I mean to detract from the game or the work itself. This is one of the top, top games by a huge margin. I'm just very curious as to what is causing this exactly.
Each episode takes a little longer because it's a little bigger. I don't believe there are any behind the scenes development problems.
If you look at
statistics, you'll see that the trend is each episode has more images, more animations and is overall larger than the previous episode, but the time to develop the game, based purely on the time per GB, is now trending down.
At some point I believe he purchased 8 off RTX3090 video cards, and they immensely changed render times, and DPC has been learning new techniques that improve quality or efficiency.
The biggest issue is his own ambition, he's a crazy motherfucker who just wants to add more each time. More animations, more music, more renders, more runtime.