The hardest Breath of the Wild challenge just got harder

  • Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
  • The hardest Breath of the Wild challenge--Relics of the Past--was just updated and the entire game witnessed a huge difficulty spike. Malice Moblins, Orange-level enemies, and some never before seen content released just for this video. Get ready--it's insanity.
    Special thanks to / shadowmarth_jtw and / sdarkmagic :)
    ▶UNEDITED STREAM FOOTAGE HERE: • Relics of the Past
    ▶TWITCH: / pointcrow
    ▶MERCH: collectorsanxi...
    ▶VOD Channel: / pointcrowvods
    ▶Twitter: / pointcrow
    ▶Discord: / discord
    ▶Instagram: / pointcrow
    Artwork/Emotes by Lycel, SSSucrose, AbbyBagel
    Thumbnail by SSSucrose
    Editted by: / politesl
    #pointcrow #breathofthewild #botw

Комментарии • 2,8 тыс.

  • @PointCrow
    @PointCrow  3 года назад +2382

    subscribe if you liked the video and help make big subscriber number get bigger. thank you for your support in our collective quest for world domination

  • @J.Blazer
    @J.Blazer 3 года назад +1560

    "How fast can we speedrun this Lynel!?"
    *dies in two seconds *
    "See? Speedrun!!"

  • @BrunoLate98
    @BrunoLate98 3 года назад +760

    This mod was born as the result of a "imagine dying to dark beast Ganon" comment

    • @CaptainLSB
      @CaptainLSB 8 месяцев назад +4

      True! Wonder if you can though…

  • @soap6264
    @soap6264 3 года назад +2186

    I love how the Koroks go “I am completely useless so please leave me alone”

  • @bionicdragon5
    @bionicdragon5 3 года назад +512

    Breath of the Wild but Ganon remembered that Link is his biggest threat, and prepared accordingly.

    • @harrynevarez5361
      @harrynevarez5361 9 месяцев назад +4


    • @RealmsSMPStudios
      @RealmsSMPStudios 25 дней назад +2

      Even this would be underprepared for BOTW/Menace of Courage Link or Speedrunner Link…

  • @AmiraTheAmitrian
    @AmiraTheAmitrian 2 года назад +42

    *Smile slowly fades as he sees there's no guidance stone*

  • @FieryRed_BE
    @FieryRed_BE 3 года назад +3248

    To clarify something: The Malice Moblin was designed by me, not Kirby.
    Also: i don't mod myself. Stop asking me to implement mods.
    More Malice enemies are in the works!

  • @DylanMatthewTurner
    @DylanMatthewTurner 3 года назад +437

    9:05 "Dude this is WILD"
    Yes: Wild, Breath Of

  • @samgoesbam1108
    @samgoesbam1108 3 года назад +2508

    Relics of the past patch notes 43: ganon is now unkillable and attacks 4 times a second

    • @AnonymousOblivion
      @AnonymousOblivion 3 года назад +215

      Relics of the Past_ Patch Notes #75: Playtester beat Ganon in 3 hours. Far to quickly, if you ask me. Adding another one in there. Also, all five now spawn 10 Shock Keese a minute, just to make the player scramble for a bit.

    • @omegalilbchass8270
      @omegalilbchass8270 3 года назад +193

      @@AnonymousOblivion patch 455: everytime you hit ganon all of your weapons get deleted and u have to start the game over, and you keep wearing him down until you finally beat him, but once you do you have to do 1000 push-ups and win the presidential election otherwise he'd multiply into 5 other ganons

    • @LivelyEngineer
      @LivelyEngineer 3 года назад +116

      @@omegalilbchass8270path notes 90484: Game now deletes itself and needs to be rebought at $200 every time you damage Gannon or die. You are also Link inside the game you have to play it in irl and if the game gets deleted more than all gannons health then you get deleted too.

    • @Forkmanjr.
      @Forkmanjr. 3 года назад +36

      @@LivelyEngineer EA be like:

    • @squibster81
      @squibster81 3 года назад +40

      @@LivelyEngineer patch notes 63862846: The game now crashes every time you click it on the Home Screen. The game cannot be played no matter what you do. The game will never be beaten

  • @iogameplay3r348
    @iogameplay3r348 3 года назад +415

    Imagine something even greater then a “malice” tier, after it would be the “calamity” tier, where the mob in that tier is some rendition of the “blight” forms, but as mobs, as in a bokoblin completely reformed to look like wind/fire/thunder/water blights. Just a thought.

    • @hazeltree7738
      @hazeltree7738 3 года назад +37

      Thunderblight guardian

    • @christopherfleetwood5252
      @christopherfleetwood5252 3 года назад +26

      Thunderblight Lynel

    • @Kzalex.
      @Kzalex. 3 года назад +12

      @@christopherfleetwood5252 Thunderblight Ganon

    • @christopherfleetwood5252
      @christopherfleetwood5252 3 года назад +11

      @@Kzalex. That’s good! But it’s taken. 😒

    • @Kzalex.
      @Kzalex. 3 года назад +8

      @@christopherfleetwood5252 I mean, Thunderblight Ganondorf heh

  • @spiritedaway0tutu
    @spiritedaway0tutu 3 года назад +87

    I am literally begging you to do a full playthrough with this mod. Imagine how amazing it would feel to finally beat it

  • @Lonewolf360gaming
    @Lonewolf360gaming 3 года назад +4506

    The five hearts are just to boost your confidence because everything kills you in one hit

  • @skyemoore428
    @skyemoore428 3 года назад +324

    6:17 can we just appreciate the fact that the octorock was brave enough to hit a Flower Blight?

    • @thelagnificentleader
      @thelagnificentleader 2 года назад +19

      The only thing powerful enough to challenge the might of Flowerblight: a normal-ass Oktorok

    • @miraculousmongoose
      @miraculousmongoose 2 года назад +10

      Not just *a* Flowerblight. *THE* Flowerblight

    • @incognitocow8172
      @incognitocow8172 2 года назад

      bro when that happened it had me rolling

  • @belle4774
    @belle4774 3 года назад +403

    “We have red, silver, blue, black, and gold bokoblins, and then we have…….. hot sauce. And hot sauce do be spicy.” -PointCrow, 2021

  • @eetuthereindeer6671
    @eetuthereindeer6671 3 года назад +17

    21:50 that guy at the dueling peaks stable that watches the moon phases when you say goodbye when talking

  • @hugs4773
    @hugs4773 2 года назад +26

    “Why is there a bokoblin?”
    See, now that was a question you weren’t supposed to ask.

    • @Tphfoxy
      @Tphfoxy Месяц назад

      Why is there a bokoblin plewubdkeudfh

  • @Realgar_J
    @Realgar_J 3 года назад +583

    24:11 "why is there a bokoblin" last words of the champion Link

    • @xaneization
      @xaneization 3 года назад +22

      @Katie Speck *link was obliterated by the orbital cannon*

    • @dorkpool768
      @dorkpool768 3 года назад +13

      literally got shot by a railgun

    • @nschwartz311
      @nschwartz311 3 года назад +11

      It’s a distraction 😉

    • @pome-granit992
      @pome-granit992 3 года назад

      "Why is there a bokoblin?"
      *proceeds to get shot*

  • @kea6412
    @kea6412 3 года назад +2532

    I swear the developers of this mod just love suffering.

    • @BlackBladeSombra
      @BlackBladeSombra 3 года назад +17

      It's fun tho

    • @MK_Brie
      @MK_Brie 3 года назад +17

      Who doesn't?

    • @user-kd3ii6ux8i
      @user-kd3ii6ux8i 3 года назад +5

      Yeah ikr.

    • @just_quantum2666
      @just_quantum2666 3 года назад +21

      Yes we do :)

    • @MK_Brie
      @MK_Brie 3 года назад +6

      @@just_quantum2666 wait a minute- are you one of the devs? If so, the mod looks super cool

  • @tempura8976
    @tempura8976 3 года назад +341

    I love how his reaction to the bridge moblin changed immediately upon seeing what an absolute nightmare it was. “Oh no, there’s a monst- wHAT IS THAT”

  • @NamHoang-oy7lj
    @NamHoang-oy7lj 3 года назад +12

    17:28 "careful that spear has a long reach" *dies to a guardian anyway*

  • @LoganLatios
    @LoganLatios 3 года назад +9

    21:01 the way he raised his glasses after that joke LOL

  • @BlackBladeSombra
    @BlackBladeSombra 3 года назад +326

    5:19 "demand just isn't there"
    Bokoblin: Ya that's real nice buddy but my people are in high demand of hylian meat.

  • @Piggy24
    @Piggy24 3 года назад +221

    “Hey batta batta batta...”
    That Lizalfos animation XD

  • @Silverdenn
    @Silverdenn 2 года назад +15

    "Okay, how fast can we beat this Red Lynel?" - The last words of a man whose confidence touched the sun

  • @lionljb
    @lionljb 3 года назад +4

    17:46 "I want every gun we have to fire at that man
    18:02 "more... MORE!"

  • @fightingdreamer123
    @fightingdreamer123 3 года назад +408

    Why are we here, just to suffer?
    -Link, 100 years after the Calamity, circa disputed timeline

  • @thedemonunderyourbed3587
    @thedemonunderyourbed3587 3 года назад +602

    “Revali died to him what a loser”
    Revali: *only dies once without information”

    • @DDoodles_
      @DDoodles_ 2 года назад +30

      well nobody died once to windblight, many players didn't have information about the fight at first, and windblight never requires the shiekah slate to attack back, meaning he could of beat him if he knew how to fly correctly

    • @superheriber27
      @superheriber27 2 года назад +12

      @@DDoodles_ You're right! I never noticed windblight is the only one that doesn't require the sheikah slate in order to beat him

    • @CharinVZain
      @CharinVZain 2 года назад +12

      @@superheriber27 neither does water blight, you can do everything with a bow, no?

    • @superheriber27
      @superheriber27 2 года назад +1

      @@CharinVZain True

    • @morbinkobold
      @morbinkobold 2 года назад +1

      @@CharinVZain I did everything for waterblight with a sword because I forgot I could use the slate

  • @thechosenone4319
    @thechosenone4319 3 года назад +1245

    We GOTTA see thunderblight in relics of the past!

  • @Honeyandoatsss
    @Honeyandoatsss 2 года назад +7

    I think it'd be really interesting that if instead of upgrades being two spirit orbs all the time, it was random. For example, one time you buy a heart container for two spirit orbs, the next time ten spirit orbs, the next time it's normal again and it's just four spirit orbs.

  • @Leffrey
    @Leffrey 3 года назад +24

    It's so funny how the difficulty of the entire mod gets broken in half once you get the ancient shield

  • @hectorwhoz
    @hectorwhoz 3 года назад +126

    "i think she got what she deserves"
    Karma: 3-5 guardians at once, kill

  • @Adel_KP100
    @Adel_KP100 3 года назад +69

    7:55 PointCrow : Yeah I think she got what she deserved
    Guardian appears out of nowhere*
    Karma hits*

  • @bodhidupree676
    @bodhidupree676 3 года назад +97

    I just love the "sir weve been trying to reach you conerning your epona's warrenty" at 10:38

  • @Cuccos-forever
    @Cuccos-forever 3 месяца назад +4

    24:12 "Why is there bokoblin in here" famous last words

  • @FredtheTurtle999
    @FredtheTurtle999 2 месяца назад +4

    10:36 dude i like how someone just says in chat “sir weve been trying to reach you conerning epona’s warrenty

  • @levelseamstress9412
    @levelseamstress9412 3 года назад +266

    “But I also wanna be a DILF”
    “If so, then the first thing you’ll want to do is find yourself a map”

    • @susk5090
      @susk5090 3 года назад +17

      The first step in becoming a dilf: m a p

    • @Real_Isopod_Hours
      @Real_Isopod_Hours 3 года назад +4

      Don’t we all

    • @WalkingTNT
      @WalkingTNT 3 года назад


    • @zekemedia9742
      @zekemedia9742 3 года назад +2

      then he goes "oh god, you can see the changes already" 🤣

  • @Ceral_
    @Ceral_ 3 года назад +90

    24:12 That Bokoblin had to have been put there as a distraction. Why else would you only find a red one in the divine beast?

  • @Xaaaach
    @Xaaaach 3 года назад +4026

    I can’t believe he did this with 0 deaths. That’s crazy

    • @cjsjourney4459
      @cjsjourney4459 3 года назад +91

      Yeah totally (even tho he died from a guardian)

    • @cjsjourney4459
      @cjsjourney4459 3 года назад +192

      OOOHHH your being starcastict

    • @BigDaddyHC
      @BigDaddyHC 3 года назад +41

      Damn it i was to late, i was your 70th comment
      i was so close

    • @DragonStem44
      @DragonStem44 3 года назад +37

      @@cjsjourney4459 r/wooooosh

    • @DragonStem44
      @DragonStem44 3 года назад +51

      oh wait
      r/woooosh me

  • @Xp366
    @Xp366 2 года назад +4

    Pointcrow: "i have yet to doe in this mod"

  • @drawnwithlove3499
    @drawnwithlove3499 2 года назад +23

    Pointcrow: "touch grass, go outside for once please"
    Also Pointcrow: "The Penetrator out to get his ass 😏"

  • @guywithaguitar8521
    @guywithaguitar8521 3 года назад +81

    23:32, me when my dad breaks out of his coffin at the funeral to use the belt one last time

    • @ja-melvinson7994
      @ja-melvinson7994 3 года назад +16

      I love how the first two words imply you were the cause of your dad’s death.😭

  • @matteofoley1225
    @matteofoley1225 3 года назад +77

    6:20 the silver lizal was seriously like “omae wa mu, shinderu!”

  • @nikodenwietrzykowski2736
    @nikodenwietrzykowski2736 3 года назад +130

    Point crow: When they give u some OP stuff in the beginning...
    Game: RuStY cLaYmOrE

    • @matheusalvarenga7820
      @matheusalvarenga7820 3 года назад +24

      pretty op considering that your very first weapon in the base game is a damn STICK

    • @soulofrei643
      @soulofrei643 3 года назад +8

      i mean theoretically you can just get the claymore to an octorok and it turns out to be a royal claymore-

  • @reii1126
    @reii1126 3 года назад +2

    24:12 “….why is there a Bokoblin-” *explodes*

  • @hibbdibb7519
    @hibbdibb7519 2 года назад +1

    23:32 that Guardian literally just said "IF I'M GOIN DOWN, YOU ARE TOO!!!"

  • @jonahahotaeiloa8151
    @jonahahotaeiloa8151 3 года назад +53

    Normal people, getting overpowered gear in the begining: "Oh Nice!"
    RUclipsrs: " Oh NO!!"

  • @shadowkatto
    @shadowkatto 3 года назад +111

    The Korok After Giving The Seed: I am completely useless in Relics Of The Past, so please leave me alone.

  • @Bea-ic8jo
    @Bea-ic8jo 3 года назад +97

    I'm so glad this chaos got turned into a video. I cannot wait for the rest of the divine beasts and the absolute hell that was the final boss fight.

  • @andyhdswarstate2128
    @andyhdswarstate2128 3 года назад +3

    24:10 I wheezed and accidentally snorted my milkshake. Quality content.

    @ITSTHORNE 3 года назад +2

    PointCrow: why is there a Bokoblin here?
    *gets blown up*
    BTOW: *distraction sounds*

  • @Drew_Ardalle
    @Drew_Ardalle 3 года назад +79

    ''alright, so this is flowerblight.. the hardest- *bonk*''

  • @thetoxicgreninjashow8194
    @thetoxicgreninjashow8194 3 года назад +56

    At every turn its just "IS THAT THE GRIM REAPER."

  • @fireblaze5032
    @fireblaze5032 3 года назад +38

    I just love how you need the weapons more for the base enemies than the actual bosses its frightening.

  • @vo4786
    @vo4786 2 года назад +12

    9:47 it’s the new tears of the kingdom moblin

    • @AncroAnnaki
      @AncroAnnaki Год назад +3

      Yeah they predicted gloom infected enemies

  • @Levisgamesandstuff
    @Levisgamesandstuff 9 месяцев назад +3

    “Hot sauce do be very spicy” the words of a very educated man

  • @chameleonfoot
    @chameleonfoot 3 года назад +208

    “Revali died to it” that’s GOTTA BE why they made it so easy in this mod right? To clown on the cocky bird man?

    • @susk5090
      @susk5090 3 года назад +21

      that would be great, they made the blight the cockiest champion died to, the easiest to kill just out of spite

    • @unanaranja897
      @unanaranja897 3 года назад +10

      Tsundere birb worst person but best husbando- I mean birb

    • @susk5090
      @susk5090 3 года назад +4

      @@unanaranja897 w h a t

    • @unanaranja897
      @unanaranja897 3 года назад +2

      @@susk5090 What you heard
      I was half kidding lol

    • @Jemsie
      @Jemsie 3 года назад +6

      @@unanaranja897 HALF??????? xD

  • @revthescatman137
    @revthescatman137 3 года назад +34

    8:00 Hylians when the great calamity started

  • @terra-blejoke9941
    @terra-blejoke9941 3 года назад +12

    21:27 crow: I want to be a DILF
    Me: you will always be one in my heart

  • @bossboy191919
    @bossboy191919 3 года назад +8

    17:52 This legit looks like a final fantasy instant death attack

  • @arkadyarzamastsev6950
    @arkadyarzamastsev6950 2 года назад +3

    16:34 that was the smartest BOTW move I have evr seen in my entire life 😮😮

  • @Will-lh4lh
    @Will-lh4lh 3 года назад +38

    "He's alive, that's AWESOME !!"
    *Proceeds to instantly delete bokoblin*

  • @Toblerene
    @Toblerene 3 года назад +227

    “This is the worst shrine”
    Do you not remember the god damn GYRO shrines???

    • @angelajohnson1631
      @angelajohnson1631 3 года назад +18

      Those things were so bad I only used them to get some loot and then I leave.

    • @drthvrdr
      @drthvrdr 3 года назад +12

      I remember the one with the torch cube you had to light up while dodging water. I just used fire arrows instead bc no. not doing that.

    • @speshadowalker
      @speshadowalker 3 года назад +5

      How bout tryin to figure out twin memories with out google

    • @Sam-fq5hc
      @Sam-fq5hc 3 года назад +1

      What about the golf-like shrines?

    • @Pypamid
      @Pypamid 3 года назад +3

      @@Sam-fq5hc those were actually pretty fun

  • @lordpuggles1111
    @lordpuggles1111 3 года назад +593

    Next Stream: going outside: hardest real life mod.

    • @neko931
      @neko931 3 года назад +5

      He should definitely do that

    • @pyritepanx
      @pyritepanx 3 года назад +8

      Don’t you think that’s a bit much?

    • @strife2874
      @strife2874 3 года назад +3


    • @zach_attacker
      @zach_attacker 3 года назад +3

      Lord Puggles I have fetched ur sword 🗡

    • @aboveaveragecat44
      @aboveaveragecat44 3 года назад +3

      Haha that's funny

  • @tjeerdtrekkie_YT
    @tjeerdtrekkie_YT 3 года назад +11

    I love how Magda has a running animation. In what circumstance other than the mod do enemies get there?

  • @Knight_Dragon
    @Knight_Dragon 7 месяцев назад +3

    You cannot tell me that Nintendo didn’t take inspiration from the malice enemies when making the gloom enemies

  • @kurtgobangg
    @kurtgobangg 3 года назад +87

    “What was the most difficult part of vah medoh?”
    *getting the map*

  • @mynameisvelk
    @mynameisvelk 3 года назад +14

    Eric: I wanna be a dilf
    Revali: If so, you’re going to want to find yourself a map.

  • @masteroogway8470
    @masteroogway8470 3 года назад +11

    "Your dying oh well, it happens to everyone" is one of the best things I've ever heard

  • @reapmasta
    @reapmasta 3 года назад

    I love how at 3:07 the korok says "I am completely useless in Relics of the Past, so leave my alone please."

  • @liamdaughton
    @liamdaughton 3 года назад +33

    I actually just noticed that eric flipped off the guardian that shot him from the grave after he killed it.

  • @JessieTrinket
    @JessieTrinket 3 года назад +57

    I love how the blights are literally the easiest enemies he faces in this mod.

  • @squareline
    @squareline 3 года назад +18

    I love how Link backflips 3 times and breaks his spinal chord in 9:56

    • @monkeyman767
      @monkeyman767 2 года назад

      I was just about to comment that it actually looked cool as hell!

  • @awitt2001
    @awitt2001 2 года назад

    I love how at 9:54 chat was just as surprised at the Moblin as Eric

  • @shelbyj6783
    @shelbyj6783 2 года назад

    12:40 the sheer DISGUST is killing me. “Feel the sun raise, just once!”

  • @NathanTruby
    @NathanTruby 3 года назад +21

    Wow, I didn't expect the Divine Beast bosses to be so weak. Maybe when you go into the boss Gauntlet they'll be a lot stronger

  • @localidiot1334
    @localidiot1334 3 года назад +50

    okay, so I accidentally clicked another video while trying to watch this, and I thought Eric just decided to do mediashare in the middle of this..

  • @jaspernemo1825
    @jaspernemo1825 3 года назад +30

    Even though pointcrow wasn't a FAN of that shrine, he BLEW through it with ease.

  • @Sans-b2z
    @Sans-b2z 10 месяцев назад

    1:55-2:33 the straight face the whole time hes just like “a classic! love to see it! 😊😊😊

  • @avidinterworldgamer
    @avidinterworldgamer 6 месяцев назад +1

    7:55 bro got instant karma right after 😂

  • @yqgameryt3835
    @yqgameryt3835 3 года назад +21

    We all knew the second he got OP stuff at the beginning that the mod was gonna be difficult
    Also, the guidance stone threw me for a loop

  • @seirrebwarts3612
    @seirrebwarts3612 3 года назад +13

    6:23 that surprise attack got me laughing

  • @cameronjensen4581
    @cameronjensen4581 3 года назад +14

    Imma say it, this needs to be a WHOLE series

  • @infinicat2376
    @infinicat2376 3 года назад +2

    Relics of the past should have a mechanic that if you dont have full hp at the end you die and have to restart the shrine

  • @ghost.woolo0
    @ghost.woolo0 3 года назад +10

    9:42 love how they predicted Malice Moblins

  • @kaelynthomason3342
    @kaelynthomason3342 3 года назад +24

    I love how his first thought for the boko was hot sauce.

  • @TacoBlend
    @TacoBlend 3 года назад +14

    PC: "Dude, this is Wild!"
    ME: Yes it is, now breathe it in... 😏

  • @the_doodle_dragon
    @the_doodle_dragon 3 года назад +23

    Link: haha flower lady got what she deserved
    Guardians: spoke too soon >:)

    • @PatThePerson
      @PatThePerson 3 года назад +5


  • @MrHelgish
    @MrHelgish 3 месяца назад +1

    The lynel: twice the pride double the fall

  • @glasses4you1974
    @glasses4you1974 3 года назад +1

    You are in my top 10 favorite RUclipsrs because you always make me laugh when I watch your videos

  • @BoogerFart956
    @BoogerFart956 3 года назад +62

    Someone: beats this
    Me: can’t even beat the lynel at the beginning of the normal game
    Edit: Yo still can’t beat it.

    • @Darenz-cg9zg
      @Darenz-cg9zg 3 года назад +1

      It's all about dodging.

    • @TheNocturneMoon
      @TheNocturneMoon 3 года назад

      James is right, let them come to you, then dodge the attacks. Make use of the flurry rushes to do lots of damage. Good luck.

    • @BoogerFart956
      @BoogerFart956 3 года назад +3

      @@TheNocturneMoon yeah dude I’m just really bad.

    • @apocalypse8346
      @apocalypse8346 3 года назад

      @@BoogerFart956 you must be really bad if you're really bad

    • @BoogerFart956
      @BoogerFart956 3 года назад +1

      @@apocalypse8346 I really am.😎

  • @gretahhounshell3061
    @gretahhounshell3061 3 года назад +11

    14:41 sounds like something one of the Blight Ganons would say after you head straight to the castle

  • @thespanishinquisitionprofe2151
    @thespanishinquisitionprofe2151 3 года назад +12

    3:07 "i am completely useless, please leave me alone"
    Edit: Crow noticed it like 5 hours later LMAO

  • @monkeyexpress7
    @monkeyexpress7 Год назад

    24:11 “Why is there a bokoblin here?” Famous last words

  • @CybertineZ
    @CybertineZ Год назад

    1:15 As he reads, the dead guardian suddenly wakes up behind him and shoots XD

  • @lau.h7772
    @lau.h7772 3 года назад +5

    24:54 You're telling me the Ravioli bird died because of this ?! S H A M E

  • @barbarosbozkurt758
    @barbarosbozkurt758 3 года назад +136

    I pressed so fast that a Nutella ad welcomed me

  • @Jspr4618
    @Jspr4618 3 года назад +78

    Never turned off my mic and cam so fast

    • @minimik75
      @minimik75 3 года назад +5

      Ahahaha for me it’s night rn but i get what u mean

    • @samgoesbam1108
      @samgoesbam1108 3 года назад +6

      @@minimik75 he lived in a place outside of america

    • @TheRealSupernoah47
      @TheRealSupernoah47 3 года назад

      @@samgoesbam1108 gross

    • @fateerah851
      @fateerah851 3 года назад +5

      @@TheRealSupernoah47 yes America is gross

    • @minimik75
      @minimik75 3 года назад

      @@samgoesbam1108 ye ik

  • @somenerd4572
    @somenerd4572 3 года назад +1

    22:23 a brillient demenstration of inertia

  • @pbj-5583
    @pbj-5583 2 года назад

    At 11:22 as crow dies to a red Lynel, someone in chat asks him what his biggest botw fail is----
    Comedy at it's finest

  • @princesscadance197
    @princesscadance197 3 года назад +69

    Imagine this mod...
    But with an unskippable Blood Moon every night.

    • @insertnamehere1555
      @insertnamehere1555 3 года назад +1

      Wait aren't all blood moons unskipable

    • @GodOfFame373
      @GodOfFame373 3 года назад +1


    • @brianalejandro7420
      @brianalejandro7420 3 года назад +1

      And in master mode

    • @jongameaddict
      @jongameaddict 3 года назад +7

      @@insertnamehere1555 idk for mods, but in OG you can skip Regular Blood Moons by going into Shrines. But this just increases the chances of Panic Blood Moons which can happen at any time if the game thinks too much stuff needs to be reset

    • @audrapratt9379
      @audrapratt9379 3 года назад +1

      don’t give them ideas