Why is it that if a pornstar doesn't want to get with black guys, it is a major issue?

I can understand the black guys living out an unattainable fantasy but white men who purchase pornography with the desire to see their own women mistreated by another race seem like cuckold misogynists.
I know, it is shameful and disgusting but that is what I have seen from the traffic.analysis sites. Are they perfect? No, but they can't be ignored. I have read.blogs on why bm/af porn is popular in Japan. The theory is that it is the same motive as the Japanese porn fans who like beasiity and a more subtle gay element. I think in the caseof whites.it is basically the same.but the gay element.is very upfront. So the driving force is racist minority men AND gay/closetcase white men. I saw two different posting and 2011. It got closer to 50/50 white male in 2011 So I am not sure if it is now. I think the homo content.became more overt and it tned off even the more hardcore racist guys leaving.the audience more gay or gays/closet cases flocked to the site. To me the question.is.why.these.gay white men. Are turned on by degradation to the point that they would encourage such filth. This phone is too cumbersome, I'll have to stop here.
I'm a fan of IR but I don't like cuckold porn, too gay
If your only response is to hide from someone proving you wrong, then there's not much point me arguing with you further, but for the sake of clarity, you were asked point blank to give a concrete example of me being guilty of the "hypocritical white liberal" thinking you spout off about--to find a factual example of me treating racism against whites differently to racism against blacks. You went into hiding as soon as it was asked--despite, by the way, other users pointing it out too, so don't pull the "I had you on ignore" card out to pretend you didn't see it. Now, either prove it or admit you're full of shit. I'm going to take any lack of response as the latter, as it's simply cowardice at this point. And don't think I didn't take "Lucky Charms" as race-baiting either, you fucking hypocrite.[/Q]
I see your reply and will get back to you when I am home. like.your other replies, it is scattered and full of bull but you.will get a response later. I just don't have th patience toeal with your bull on this tiny phone. You ae remov from ignore though, so I cee your replies. As for other users pointing...I don't see it. I do see other users and and an ocsm Ivan.calling out white liberal non.sense
My agenda? As opposed to YOUR lack of agend You are a fool, I posted my finding. From alexa an internet traffic analysis site. You could have looked yourself if you read the post but I can't trust you to even do that.

Your site has no data on Dogfart's cuckolding audience. Dogfart has some non cuckold sites. But you don't have a agenda?
I'm a fan of IR but I don't like cuckold porn, too gay
I agree. That is revolting, even to many hardcore racist black guys who like seeing whites humiliated, that stuff is probably too much. I wonder what black IR fans think when they realize they have been enjoying a genre shot through with gay overtones and outright gay content.
I agree. That is revolting, even to many hardcore racist black guys who like seeing whites humiliated, that stuff is probably too much. I wonder what black IR fans think when they realize they have been enjoying a genre shot through with gay overtones and outright gay content.

I don't watch IR cuckold scenes because they guy get to close to the girl. They also lick there cum after a scene which is gay.
I don't watch IR cuckold scenes because they guy get to close to the girl. They also lick there cum after a scene which is gay.

Think how bad it is for White people when others stumble across that sh@! on the internet and wonder WTF has become of White men when they are basically the only ones willing to be filmed.doing it. On top of that there are self-hating White liberals trying to make excuses for it. That stuff is sick and degenerate, which is why I would like White fans or anyone who cares about racism to start holding Whites in the industry accountable for being paid to appear in such filth.

Little Red Wagon Repairman

Posts With Autopen
Think how bad it is for White people when others stumble across that sh@! on the internet and wonder WTF has become of White men when they are basically the only ones willing to be filmed.doing it. On top of that there are self-hating White liberals trying to make excuses for it. That stuff is sick and degenerate, which is why I would like White fans or anyone who cares about racism to start holding Whites in the industry accountable for being paid to appear in such filth.

Boom! Right on.
But it is far less common and less popular. There is also more criticism of black performers who go on ghetto gaggers for example.

Dogfart has site like ghetto gaggers its called CumBang. I haven't heard any criticism of black performers who did scenes for CumBang. The site is worse then ghetto gaggers when you account the "Rebel Flag" t shirts.

Little Red Wagon Repairman

Posts With Autopen
Dogfart has site like ghetto gaggers its called CumBang. I haven't heard any criticism of black performers who did scenes for CumBang. The site is worse then ghetto gaggers when you account the "Rebel Flag" t shirts.

I just checked out that Cumbang. Equally wrong and the exact same consequences should apply. I hadn't heard of either of them until today. As a White man I felt sorry for those Black girls but if I were a Black male I'd be furious. Starve them out and hopefully they go away. The guys behind it too.

I'm getting tired overall at any humiliating-type porn whether raced-based or otherwise. I still watch Vintage 1980s porn where everybody seemed liked friends who were having a good time together.
Boom! Right on.
With that said, Freeones members successfully lobbied the admins to take down ads for simulated rape porn that appeared. Members can be banned for racist comments under certain circumstances. So why are they allowing dogfart to post racist content on the forum and site?
I do watch dogfarts scene like Black on Blondes, and others. It's the only IR website that is still around and they came before both Brazzers and NA because they been around since 1996.
I do watch dogfarts scene like Black on Blondes, and others. It's the only IR website that is still around and they came before both Brazzers and NA because they been around since 1996.

Would you still watch it if there were alternative sites? What about L.T. or Justin Slayer? they had years of content.There is also evasive angles, black ice and west coast productions. Don't they all make bm/wf content?
Would you still watch it if there were alternative sites? What about L.T. or Justin Slayer? they had years of content.There is also evasive angles, black ice and west coast productions. Don't they all make bm/wf content?

I do watch LT stuff (Elegant Angel), he have some good IR movies that don't feature ghetto or racist stereotypes in it. West Coast Productions have been around for the longest since 1998 and still going strong. They make the best IR movies out there. The other you said aren't that good too. Also Jules Jordan have made some of the best IR movies, out there, like Elegant gets 1st time anal for there company Jules does get 1st time girl to do IR, and have worked. Bang Bro have an IR called Monsters of Cock (I hated that name), MOFOS (sister companies of Brazzers) have there MILF Like It Black series. Evil Angel does some IR but most of the IR is from Lexington Steele who is now a director at EA. Any company what does IR movies are made by us (black people) get my support as long they are stereotypes.