I could listen to Rob all day long. The rarest of things, almost an overwhelming intellect, yet self-deprecating and non-judgmental. Love him!! And obvs Jamie, given that’s why I subscribe.❤
Rob is very articulate and witty. I not only laughed out loud a few times but found it fascinating how carefully he chooses his words. A real intellectual and interesting man.
@@GreatCompanyPodcast Seriously, you are such a great and nuanced interviewer, congratulations to you and all of the team! Please could you try to get Joey Carbstrong on? (Vegan activist & his gang backstory and turning his life around is so compelling and inspiring). He exposed some pretty big stuff in the UK over the past few months and brought out a documentary called Pignorant. I love, love, love your variety of guests and not shying from topics, and would love to see that conversation! Thank you again for your work!
When he was telling the story of his teacher giving him that one compliment that kick started him into enjoying academia really made me want to cry. We don’t understand how much our words can affect people.
A really brilliant guy, in all senses of the word. Great mind ,great sense of fun, great personality ! Agree with many about, listening to him talk for hours and hours. ❤ Bravo Jamie! Excellent episode, made so by both of you! ❤
I agree @Mand1960. Having lost people I loved to suicide I really appreciated the respect he showed towards people experiencing depression & the potential seriousness of outcomes. I found his thoughts very moving & respectful. A very thoughtful man.
A fantastic totally engrossing and highly entertaining interview. Intellectual, insightful, humorous. Jamie is knocking it out of the park- he's a natural as an interviewer, really puts his guests as ease. Loving this series.
Omg...Rob is fab. So engaging and witty. He has wonderful insight and is so down to Earth. He's taught me a few things here listening to him. I could listen to him all day. So interesting. ❤ 😊
I can’t understand how you’ve only got 22.5k subscribers. Your interviews are fantastic. You get so much from your guests and I love your style. I’ve really enjoyed this chat and the chat with Will Young, Harry Hill and Paloma Faith. My favourite was Jo Brand. You pick wonderful people who are comfortable within themselves. There’s no ego just an honest, reflective chat. Looking forward to future guests. I’d really like to see you interview Michael Dunlop. Definitely not his thing but it would be a great watch. His story is phenomenal 😊
I like how he describes his friendship with Benedict. In reality, most of us don't fully grasp what our friends do professionally, yet we cherish their presence at significant life events like weddings-careers aside. Let this be a reminder: Choose a career that you love, not for accolades but for personal fulfillment. At the end of the day, it’s your kindness and friendship that truly matter to people.
he’s so well measured in his responses when dealing with heavy topics, it shows a great level of concern and education regarding issues like mental health, inequality, burnout etc. yet he still injected humor where he could! i loved this interview.
Rob is a very intelligent man and the stories he has are incredible and the way he tells them. But also Jamie didn’t interrupt and let him talk, which I’ve seen with other podcasts. Jamie is extremely empathetic and lovely. And Rob is such a lovely man.
Both guys have great brains and great sensitivity which shows in their expressions. Has Jamie interviewed Alain De Botton? That would be another great interview if you haven't done it already, Jamie.
Hey Jamie been watching since the MIC days . I just wanna say I love the pod , you show so much interest and compassion in the guests lives so lovely to see.
Thank you so much for this interview. Rob spoke so honestly and genuinely about his life and experiences. It was really moving and highly inspirational. Thank you.!
I have whatch and listen to this as a single mum as a girl with autism and adhd that is going on to her third year at law school from Manchester thank you Jamie xxxx
Really enjoyed this one. The Anne of Green Gables quote : "Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it... yet." Really just sounds like Natasha Beddingfield "Unwritten" in my inside voice. Just me then? 🤔
I absolutely love this podcast. So moving and deep and just pure. I'd love for you to interview Tom Chaplin of Keane, I think it would be such an amazing conversation. Anyway, enjoying the chats and, Jamie, you are such an empathic interviewer, I am forever impressed by your sensibility. Love from Iceland.
I thought that Rob Rinder was a rather arrogant and snooty man with not a lot of talent except self promotion. How wrong was I. I am so pleased that I randomly chose this programme to listen to this evening when I cannot sleep. I shall be watching this series obsessively now. Thank you Jamie and Rob.
When I was married it was the Worst time of my life. I was ill all the time. I truly believe my ex husband made me physically ill. Although I have been ill a couple of times while I have been on my own just not the same as when I was with a man I was scared of.
Absolutely stress lowers your immune system to the ground. I used to get so sick as a teenager going to an aweful school. Once my mom said I didnt have to go back and could study at home I was fine. Stress fear flight or fight your body literally prioritises your arms and legs to make a run for it and forgets about immune system and your organs.
I have to point out that I disagree in the “Performance” aspect of good Barristers. “Acting” and “Performing / Delivery” are very different things. They are part and parcel, but the Performance & Delivery of a good Barrister is extremely relevant to their success. It is not an “act” that a Jury would “see through”.
I always get the country mansion, stables full of hunters and servants and a massive lake with ducks and swans. I am delightedly refreshed and encouraged by Rob's actual upbringing and background.
I went to the Labour Exchange when I was 15. The Guy looked at me and said what kind of job are you looking for. I told him I wanted to be a stripper with a straight face. I had just heard it was good money I was Not really sure what they did. The guy looked at me and said really with a straight face. When I came out of the building I was trying to figure out what I had said due to the expression on his face.
I could listen to Rob all day long. The rarest of things, almost an overwhelming intellect, yet self-deprecating and non-judgmental. Love him!! And obvs Jamie, given that’s why I subscribe.❤
Overwhelming intellect ? Really ?
@@alexandradane3672 is that an issue for you?
I totally agree! I could listen to him all day. His intellect is overwhelming in this day and age! Such a breath of fresh air! ❤
Alex yes, have you read some of the cases he's worked on as a barrister ? You don't get to his level with GCSE's fella
Rob is very articulate and witty. I not only laughed out loud a few times but found it fascinating how carefully he chooses his words. A real intellectual and interesting man.
First time listening to him and I LOVE his personality! He’s brilliant!
I could honestly listen to Rob Rinder forever. His voice and language and intellect are truly gorgeous. Totally genuine and just amazing.
💯 agree with everything you've said 👏 👏👏
Yup camp as a row of pink tents lol 😁, top guy
This is turning out to be a bloody great podcast series. Well done Jamie and team.
@@GreatCompanyPodcast Seriously, you are such a great and nuanced interviewer, congratulations to you and all of the team!
Please could you try to get Joey Carbstrong on? (Vegan activist & his gang backstory and turning his life around is so compelling and inspiring). He exposed some pretty big stuff in the UK over the past few months and brought out a documentary called Pignorant.
I love, love, love your variety of guests and not shying from topics, and would love to see that conversation! Thank you again for your work!
Your interviewing style is superb - warm, relaxed, genuinely interested. You knock spots off Steven Bartlett
This was such a beautiful interview. Rob Rinder was a delight and Jamie is a great interviewer. Thank you both.
I never would have picked this out as one to watch but I have THOROUGHLY loved this one. He's amazing
Rob Rinder is the most real person that anyone would be lucky enough to meet. He is so open, honest, kind and gentle. What a great guy!
Love Rob Rinder, he's the most eloquent and extraordinary person and he's deep and lovely.
So what are your friends like if this man impresses you ?
Agree, see his 'who do you think you are ' ?
When he was telling the story of his teacher giving him that one compliment that kick started him into enjoying academia really made me want to cry.
We don’t understand how much our words can affect people.
Rob Rinder is the most unique, wonderful, awesome & beautiful, professional person that ever walked this earth. He is a true & honest Gentleman❤️
As a society I'm so glad Rob is in this world. U too Jamie powerful stuff open vulnerable kindness positivity are the words that spring to mind❤
A really brilliant guy, in all senses of the word. Great mind ,great sense of fun, great personality ! Agree with many about, listening to him talk for hours and hours. ❤ Bravo Jamie! Excellent episode, made so by both of you! ❤
I so agree with what Rob said about the often casual use of the word depression especially knowing people who have actually had depression.
This comment , I agree with but Rinder’s view on this is not original.
I agree @Mand1960. Having lost people I loved to suicide I really appreciated the respect he showed towards people experiencing depression & the potential seriousness of outcomes. I found his thoughts very moving & respectful. A very thoughtful man.
A fantastic totally engrossing and highly entertaining interview. Intellectual, insightful, humorous. Jamie is knocking it out of the park- he's a natural as an interviewer, really puts his guests as ease.
Loving this series.
Omg...Rob is fab. So engaging and witty. He has wonderful insight and is so down to Earth. He's taught me a few things here listening to him. I could listen to him all day. So interesting. ❤ 😊
I can’t understand how you’ve only got 22.5k subscribers.
Your interviews are fantastic. You get so much from your guests and I love your style.
I’ve really enjoyed this chat and the chat with Will Young, Harry Hill and Paloma Faith. My favourite was Jo Brand.
You pick wonderful people who are comfortable within themselves. There’s no ego just an honest, reflective chat.
Looking forward to future guests. I’d really like to see you interview Michael Dunlop. Definitely not his thing but it would be a great watch. His story is phenomenal 😊
Thank you for this. Rob is just wonderful, love him. Really enjoying your interviews Jamie well done all involved.
I am glad that you said that you look like Jamie's brother. It's exactly what I was thinking while watching this. Amazing interview.
Ooh this was very refreshing!! loved it x
Love how Jamie blushes at times 😊
I loved this interview, so open and honest. What a lovely genuine person Mr Rinder is.
I like how he describes his friendship with Benedict. In reality, most of us don't fully grasp what our friends do professionally, yet we cherish their presence at significant life events like weddings-careers aside. Let this be a reminder: Choose a career that you love, not for accolades but for personal fulfillment. At the end of the day, it’s your kindness and friendship that truly matter to people.
he’s so well measured in his responses when dealing with heavy topics, it shows a great level of concern and education regarding issues like mental health, inequality, burnout etc. yet he still injected humor where he could! i loved this interview.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Jamie, you are a very talented, entertaining and empathetic interviewer. XX
Another great Podcast Jamie .Rob what a wonderful man you are. Thank you for being so open .x
Rob is a very intelligent man and the stories he has are incredible and the way he tells them. But also Jamie didn’t interrupt and let him talk, which I’ve seen with other podcasts. Jamie is extremely empathetic and lovely. And Rob is such a lovely man.
I love Rob he seems such a lovely man,so genuine,such a kind soul,I could sit and have a wonderful afternoon coffee with him,he's lovely
Both guys have great brains and great sensitivity which shows in their expressions. Has Jamie interviewed Alain De Botton? That would be another great interview if you haven't done it already, Jamie.
Hey Jamie been watching since the MIC days . I just wanna say I love the pod , you show so much interest and compassion in the guests lives so lovely to see.
LOVE Rob Rinder, could listen to him forever 🥰
Do you suffer from insomnia ?
Negative internet weirdo.@@alexandradane3672
👏👏👏....I agree! I could listen to him endlessly
Love Rob Rinder, great conversationalist and funny ❤
Just loved him as a judge. Just a very funny and interesting person. Have so much respect for him.
Thank you so much for this interview. Rob spoke so honestly and genuinely about his life and experiences. It was really moving and highly inspirational. Thank you.!
Loved this and I’m gonna watch it again coz I can relate to some of what he says.👍🏻❤️
Jamie you are clearly listening to every word. Just brilliant 👏
So sad about the young man who gave evidence was shot dead. 😞 Fascinating person, this conversation was eye-opening.
I have whatch and listen to this as a single mum as a girl with autism and adhd that is going on to her third year at law school from Manchester thank you Jamie xxxx
Thank you Rob and Jamie.
Really enjoyed this one. The Anne of Green Gables quote : "Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it... yet." Really just sounds like Natasha Beddingfield "Unwritten" in my inside voice. Just me then? 🤔
Just the best thing that's happened to me for years. Thank you both 🎉😢😂❤
Loved this episode, Rob Rinder is so down to earth. I could listen to him all day too. And he can be such a funny c@nt! Also my favourite word 😂
Great Interviewer, Great Interviewee.
What a brilliant podcast. Two truly amazing people.
What a fantastic interview
Great conversation!
Lovely interview. Love from Cape Town.
I would Love to spend a lunch time with Rob! , just drinking teas and talking about his views on life around him 🕊️
Wow. Feel like I just found gold. I’m subscribed now, but this seems particularly high quality conversation. I’m stealing some lines! 🙏💙
What a combo, you guys have always reminded me of one another, you could be brothers! Just listening to Rob’s first book 📕
I could listen to to you two all day and Jamie you are great at this x
💗 Rob. He's such an interesting knowledgeable man. I hadn't realised he had come from a working class background. Humble guy. Great interview 😀
Top stuff guys...can relate to the subject of “living in a football family “...
I absolutely love this podcast. So moving and deep and just pure. I'd love for you to interview Tom Chaplin of Keane, I think it would be such an amazing conversation. Anyway, enjoying the chats and, Jamie, you are such an empathic interviewer, I am forever impressed by your sensibility. Love from Iceland.
Tom chaplin yes I'd love that too
So enjoyed this episode I really like Rob Rinder he is such an interesting person.
Love this one, this series is really great!
Just brilliant, thank you both muchly.
Thankyou for your wonderful interview God bless you 🙏
I thought that Rob Rinder was a rather arrogant and snooty man with not a lot of talent except self promotion. How wrong was I. I am so pleased that I randomly chose this programme to listen to this evening when I cannot sleep. I shall be watching this series obsessively now. Thank you Jamie and Rob.
Rob has a wonderful wit.
This was a fascinating insight into a very clever intellectual funny man
What a great episode. Also I love this podcast
I really enjoyed this chat. ❤
We need a road trip with Rob and Benedict ❤❤❤
I love Rob's outlook on life, a wonderful, charming person 😊
Absolutely brilliant interview 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏💙💙
I’m 67 and adore rob he’s fabulous he’s got to take compliments 😂😂
I loved this this so much , a very interesting man who has done some very interesting things . Great guest Jamie
When I was married it was the Worst time of my life. I was ill all the time. I truly believe my ex husband made me physically ill. Although I have been ill a couple of times while I have been on my own just not the same as when I was with a man I was scared of.
Absolutely stress lowers your immune system to the ground. I used to get so sick as a teenager going to an aweful school. Once my mom said I didnt have to go back and could study at home I was fine. Stress fear flight or fight your body literally prioritises your arms and legs to make a run for it and forgets about immune system and your organs.
oh your sponsored by liquid death 🤘🏻💀 love the rob finder and your two podcast jamie x
What a great interview! Just fab!
I have to point out that I disagree in the “Performance” aspect of good Barristers. “Acting” and “Performing / Delivery” are very different things. They are part and parcel, but the Performance & Delivery of a good Barrister is extremely relevant to their success. It is not an “act” that a Jury would “see through”.
Hi Jammi and Robert love both of you 😊 xx
I always get the country mansion, stables full of hunters and servants and a massive lake with ducks and swans. I am delightedly refreshed and encouraged by Rob's actual upbringing and background.
Yeah, you too could fake an accent and turn your back on where you came from to use your intelligence to create a false persona and cash in on it!
1:02:50 since when did this channel start censoring?!?!?? i binged all the other episodes, KEEP it uncensored please! ❤️
I wondered this too.. maybe the guest request it? Or maybe he’s been demonetised for it lately?Hope it stays uncensored either way!!
I agree with Rob there are Certain people who you just stand and Look at and think Wow. But I think you are great and Articulate and you get it.
Love love love love love this episode 😍 xxx
This is like Jamie Laing interviewing his older self
Absolutely fabulous podcast
love Rob, such an interesting guy. Love this podcast, Jamie's such a great host
Love this
Loved this x👍
Absolutely brilliant - rob is wonderful
Such an interesting discussion.
Very deep.
I don’t know who Inlike the most Rob or the Interviewer
This is genius
Absolutely fu**ing fabulous
This is going to be great xoxo ❤
Must I???? I literally LOL'D
comparing being gay to lettuce 🤣 this is why we watch you.
Making me giggle.x
A very interesting person. I wish Rob a happy future x
I went to the Labour Exchange when I was 15. The Guy looked at me and said what kind of job are you looking for. I told him I wanted to be a stripper with a straight face. I had just heard it was good money I was Not really sure what they did. The guy looked at me and said really with a straight face. When I came out of the building I was trying to figure out what I had said due to the expression on his face.
Are these two related? Must be at least cousins
I see faux self effacing ego. Adore Jamie.
He’s an angel on earth and doesn’t know it
33:14 pie and piss 😂😂😂
oh my god you do look alike
That scaffolder is out there somewhere.... ;-)