This topic has been locked and is no longer available for discussion.
May 17, 2018 5:24 AM
MAPPA Challenge [center][b][url=]MAPPA[/url] Challenge[/b] Easy 0/10 | Medium 0/15 | Hard 0/20 [/center] [url=]HoF Checklist[/url] (Replace "NOTJHIDAY" with your username) [b]Starting Date:[/b] [b]Ending Date:[/b] [spoiler="Challenge List"][list=1] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]SERIES[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]SERIES[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]SERIES[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]SERIES[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]SERIES[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]SERIES[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]SERIES[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]SERIES[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]SERIES[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]SERIES[/url] [/list][/spoiler] |
SheyCroixJun 22, 2024 8:16 PM
May 17, 2018 6:01 AM
Manglobe Challenge [center][b][url=]Manglobe[/url] Challenge[/b] Easy 0/5 | Medium 0/10 | Hard 0/15 [/center] [url=]HoF Checklist[/url] (Replace "NOTJHIDAY" with your username) [b]Starting Date:[/b] [b]Ending Date:[/b] [spoiler="Challenge List"][list=1] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]SERIES[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]SERIES[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]SERIES[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]SERIES[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]SERIES[/url] [/list][/spoiler] |
SheyCroixJun 22, 2024 8:15 PM
May 22, 2018 8:32 AM
Male Idol Challenge [center][b]Male Idol Challenge[/b] Easy 0/10 | Medium 0/20 | Hard 0/30 | Conquered 0/40 [/center] [url=]HoF Checklist[/url] (Replace "NOTJHIDAY" with your username) [b]Starting Date:[/b] [b]Ending Date:[/b] [spoiler="Challenge List"][list=1] [*][color=red][♪][/color] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][♪][/color] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][♪][/color] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][♪][/color] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][♪][/color] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][♪][/color] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][♪][/color] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][♪][/color] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][♪][/color] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][♪][/color] [url=]Series[/url] [/list][/spoiler] |
SheyCroixJun 23, 2024 12:55 PM
May 22, 2018 8:35 AM
Samurai Challenge [center][b]Samurai Challenge[/b] — 0 / 35 [/center] [url=]HoF Checklist[/url] (Replace "NOTJHIDAY" with your username) [b]Starting Date:[/b] [b]Ending Date:[/b] [spoiler="Challenge List"][list=1] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Samurai TV Series: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a second Samurai TV Series: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Samurai Movie: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a second Samurai Movie: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Samurai OVA: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a second Samurai OVA: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Samurai Special or TV Special: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a second Samurai Special or TV Special: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a stand-alone Samurai anime: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Does not have any series listed under "Related Anime", "Adaptation" are okay. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Samurai prequel/sequel: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an anime related to another Samurai series: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Can be a Side Story, Alternative Version/Setting, Summary, etc.; Excludes Sequels/Prequels. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Samurai and Adventure anime: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Samurai and Comedy anime: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Samurai and Drama anime: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Samurai and Fantasy anime: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Samurai and Romance anime: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Includes Romantic Subtext. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Samurai and Shounen anime: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Samurai anime with another genre, theme, or demographic not listed above: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Must be listed on the anime page on MAL. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Samurai anime that started airing in Winter: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Began airing during the following months: January, February or March. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Samurai anime that started airing in Spring: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Began airing during the following months: April, May or June. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Samurai anime that started airing in Summer: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Began airing during the following months: July, August or September. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Samurai anime that started airing in Fall: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Began airing during the following months: October, November or December. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Samurai anime that started airing in 1999 or before: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Samurai anime that started airing between 2000 and 2009: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Samurai anime that started airing between 2010 and 2019: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Samurai anime that started airing in 2020 or later: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Samurai anime with 10 episodes or less: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Samurai anime with 20 episodes or more: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Samurai anime with episodes that are 15 minutes or less each: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Must have more than one episode. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Original Samurai anime: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Samurai anime adapted from a Manga: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Does not include 4-koma Manga or Web Manga. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Samurai anime adapted from another source not mentioned above: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90]Screenshots are suggested for the following 5 items[/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Samurai anime with less than 20,000 members: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Samurai anime that has between 20,000 and 50,000 members: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Samurai anime with more than 50,000 members: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Samurai anime rated 7.0 or higher: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Samurai anime rated lower than 7.0: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Samurai anime rated G, PG or PG-13: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Rating is "G - All Ages", "PG - Children" or "PG-13 - Teens 13 or older". [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Samurai anime rated R, R+ or Rx: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Rating is "R - 17+ (violence & profanity)", "R+ - Mild Nudity" or "Rx - Hentai". [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Samurai anime with a non-alphanumeric character in the main title: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Non-alphanumeric characters refers to any character other than letters, numbers and blank spaces. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Samurai anime with a non-Japanese main title: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Must not contain any Japanese word in the main title listed on MAL. Any other language can be used: English, Korean, Chinese and so on. Made up words can't be used. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Samurai anime with 3 or less words in the title: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] The words must be separated by a space. It excludes single letters and numbers. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Samurai anime with 4 or more words in the title: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] The words must be separated by a space. It excludes single letters and numbers. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Samurai anime with a main title that begins with a letter between A and L: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Samurai anime with a main title that begins with a letter between M and Z: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Samurai anime with a main character that's based on an actual historical figure: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] State the character and historical figure. For example: Nobunaga, Shinsengumi, etc. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Samurai anime with a main character that does NOT use a sword: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] State the character and weapon; Link to a source as evidence; Their weapon can be any other kind or just martial arts. [/size][/color] [/list][/spoiler] |
SheyCroixJun 8, 2024 5:52 PM
May 22, 2018 8:38 AM
Scavenger Hunt #26 [center][b]Scavenger Hunt #26[/b] — 0 / 5 [/center] [b]Starting Date:[/b] [b]Ending Date:[/b] [b]Master Thread:[/b] (suggested; check the rules) [list=1][b]Find and watch a series...[/b] [*] [color=red][X][/color] ... that has a single letter in one of the titles : [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Must be the letter alone, separated by a space from other words; You can use the main title or any of the Alternative Titles. [/size][/color] [*] [color=red][X][/color] ... with a character that has a spoiler tag in its Details page : [url=]Series[/url] [CHARACTER] [color=grey][size=90] State the character used; Can be main or supporting; Check the character page, in the Details tab. [/size][/color] [*] [color=red][X][/color] ... with a character that appears in 5 or more series : [url=]Series[/url] [CHARACTER] [color=grey][size=90] State the character used; Check the character page, under "Animeography". Series must appear listed and related there. [/size][/color] [*] [color=red][X][/color] ... that was reviewed on March 25th : [url=]Series[/url] [REVIEW] [color=grey][size=90] Link the review used; Any year; Check under the Reviews tab; The review must have been made before you completed the series. [/size][/color] [*] [color=red][X][/color] ... with more Staff than Characters listed : [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] They must appear listed; Under the Characters & Staff tab, you have to confirm that there are more people listed under the "Staff" section than there are characters (main and supporting) under the "Characters & Voice Actors" section. [/size][/color] [/list] |
SheyCroixJun 9, 2022 5:10 PM
May 24, 2018 4:51 PM
Multi Genre Challenge [center][b]Multi Genre Challenge[/b] Easy 0/30 | Medium 0/30 | Hard 0/30 | Conquered 0/30 [/center] [b]Starting Date:[/b] [b]Ending Date:[/b] [spoiler="Challenge List"][list=1] [*][color=red][X][/color] [Genre1, Genre2] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [Genre1, Genre2] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [Genre1, Genre2] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [Genre1, Genre2] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [Genre1, Genre2] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [Genre1, Genre2] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [Genre1, Genre2] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [Genre1, Genre2] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [Genre1, Genre2] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [Genre1, Genre2] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [Genre1, Genre2] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [Genre1, Genre2] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [Genre1, Genre2] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [Genre1, Genre2] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [Genre1, Genre2] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [Genre1, Genre2] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [Genre1, Genre2] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [Genre1, Genre2] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [Genre1, Genre2] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [Genre1, Genre2] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [Genre1, Genre2] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [Genre1, Genre2] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [Genre1, Genre2] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [Genre1, Genre2] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [Genre1, Genre2] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [Genre1, Genre2] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [Genre1, Genre2] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [Genre1, Genre2] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [Genre1, Genre2] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [Genre1, Genre2] [url=]Series[/url] [/list][/spoiler] |
SheyCroixJun 27, 2024 6:00 PM
Aug 8, 2018 7:19 AM
August 2018 Challenge [center][color=lightskyblue] [b]August 2018 Challenge[/b] [/color][/center] [color=darkorange][b]Requirements:[/b][/color] 15+ minutes total [color=deepskyblue][b]Start Date: End Date: [/b][/color] [list]❀ Watch an [color=Deepskyblue]Anime[/color] tagged as “[color=Darkorange]Slice of Life[/color]" and either "[color=Lightskyblue]Comedy[/color]" or "[color=Lightskyblue]School[/color]" ❃ Watch an [color=Deepskyblue]Anime[/color] with one of the Main Characters having either [color=Lightskyblue]Blue[/color] or [color=Darkorange]Orange[/color] hair color ❀ Watch a [color=Deepskyblue]Movie[/color] with a duration of [color=Darkorange]90 minutes[/color] or [color=Lightskyblue]more[/color] ❃ Watch an [color=Deepskyblue]Anime[/color] with any kind of [color=Darkorange]Plant[/color] in the [color=Lightskyblue]Cover[/color][/list] |
Sep 1, 2018 12:44 PM
September 2018 Challenge [center][color=red] [b]September 2018 Challenge[/b] [/color][/center] [color=orange][b]Requirements:[/b][/color] 15+ minutes total [color=green][b]Start Date: End Date: [/b][/color] [list]🔥 Watch an anime that aired (or an episode aired/broadcasted) on [color=green]September 21st[/color]~ [url=]Series[/url] 🔥 Watch an anime with [color=orange]"love" or "pretender"[/color] in the title or synopsis: [url=]Series[/url] 🔥 Watch an anime with [color=red]clouds[/color] in the anime's cover picture: [url=]Series[/url] 🔥 Watch an anime with [color=green]"Earth"[/color], [color=orange]"Wind"[/color], or [color=red]"Fire"[/color] in the title: [url=]Series[/url] [/list] |
Sep 18, 2018 7:37 AM
Scavenger Hunt #27 [center][b]Scavenger Hunt #27[/b] — 0 / 5 [/center] [b]Starting Date:[/b] [b]Ending Date:[/b] [b]Master Thread:[/b] (suggested; check the rules) [list=1][b]Find and watch a series...[/b] [*] [color=red][X][/color] ... with a character that wears a hat in their main Picture : [url=]Series[/url] [CHARACTER] [color=grey][size=90] State the character used; Can be main or supporting; Any kind of hat. Helmets don't count; Only use their main picture listed. [/size][/color] [*] [color=red][X][/color] ... with the word "salary" or "job" in the Synopsis : [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] The word can be alone or as part of another. [/size][/color] [*] [color=red][X][/color] ... that was reviewed on April 1st : [url=]Series[/url] [REVIEW] [color=grey][size=90] Link the review used; Any year; Check under the Reviews tab; The review must have been made before you completed the series. [/size][/color] [*] [color=red][X][/color] ... with a character that has "red" or "aka" in their name : [url=]Series[/url] [CHARACTER] [color=grey][size=90] State the character used; Can be main or supporting; Must be either stated word only; The word can be alone or as part of another; Nicknames can't be used. [/size][/color] [*] [color=red][X][/color] ... with two main characters that are 10 or more years apart in age : [url=]Series[/url] [CHARACTER1 | CHARACTER2] [color=grey][size=90] State the characters used; Link to your source; The age gap must be of 10 years or more (for example: a parent and their child). [/size][/color] [/list] |
SheyCroixJun 9, 2022 6:11 PM
Oct 1, 2018 4:57 AM
October 2018 Challenge [center][color=red] [b]October 2018 Challenge[/b] [/color][/center] [color=orange][b]Requirements:[/b][/color] 15+ minutes total [color=green][b]Start Date: End Date: [/b][/color] [list]🎃 Watch an anime with [url=][b][color=red]the Yandere[/color][/b][/url][b] OR [/b][url=][b][color=orange]the Sweet Touth[/color][/b][/url] TV Trope: [url=]Series[/url] 🍭 Watch an anime with a score [b][color=red]below 6[/color] OR [color=orange]above 8[/color][/b]: [url=]Series[/url] 👻 Watch an anime with [b][color=red]24+ episodes[/color] OR [color=orange]a movie[/color][/b]: [url=]Series[/url] 🍬 Watch a [b][color=red]Horror[/color] OR [color=orange]Comedy[/color][/b] anime: [url=]Series[/url] [/list] |
Oct 10, 2018 7:53 AM
(Day of the Week) Collection Same code for all the days of the week collections. Remember to fix the challenge name for which it will be used. [center][b](Day of the Week) Collection[/b] — 0 / 15 [/center] (Replace "NOTJHIDAY" with your username) [url=]HoF Checklist[/url] [url=]HoF Checklist[/url] [url=]HoF Checklist[/url] [url=]HoF Checklist[/url] [url=]HoF Checklist[/url] [url=]HoF Checklist[/url] [url=]HoF Checklist[/url] [url=]HoF Checklist[/url] [b]Starting Date:[/b] [b]Ending Date:[/b] [spoiler="Challenge List"][list=1] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]SERIES[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]SERIES[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]SERIES[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]SERIES[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]SERIES[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]SERIES[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]SERIES[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]SERIES[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]SERIES[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]SERIES[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]SERIES[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]SERIES[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]SERIES[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]SERIES[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]SERIES[/url] [/list][/spoiler] |
SheyCroixApr 21, 2023 4:09 PM
Oct 10, 2018 1:40 PM
Anime Animals/Creatures Collection [center][b]Anime Animals/Creatures Collection[/b] — 0 / 10 [/center] [url=]HoF Checklist[/url] (Replace "NOTJHIDAY" with your username) [b]Starting Date:[/b] [b]Ending Date:[/b] [spoiler="challenge"][list=1] [*][url=]Ao no Exorcist[/url] [*][url=]Natsume Yuujinchou[/url] [*][url=]InuYasha (TV)[/url] [*][url=]Kamisama Hajimemashita[/url] [*][url=]Fukigen na Mononokean[/url] [*][url=]Bananya[/url] [*][url=]Kobato.[/url] [*][url=]Udon no Kuni no Kiniro Kemari[/url] [*][url=]Heisei Tanuki Gassen Ponpoko[/url] [*][url=]Tonari no Totoro[/url] [/list][/spoiler] |
SheyCroixAug 9, 2020 8:10 PM
Oct 21, 2018 2:15 PM
MAL Staff Favorites Challenge [center][b]MAL Staff Favorites Challenge[/b] Easy 0/10 | Medium 0/15 | Hard 0/20 | Conquered 0/25 [/center] [url=]HoF Checklist[/url] (Replace "NOTJHIDAY" with your username) [b]Starting Date:[/b] [b]Ending Date:[/b] [spoiler="Challenge List"][list=1] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Series[/url] [/list][/spoiler] |
SheyCroixJun 11, 2024 7:48 PM
Oct 22, 2018 6:18 AM
Character Tags Challenge [center][b]Character Tags Challenge[/b] Easy 0/10 | Medium 0/20 | Hard 0/30 | Conquered 0/40[/center] [url=URL_LINK]Evidence Album[/url] [b]Starting Date:[/b] [b]Ending Date:[/b] [spoiler="Challenge List"][list=1] [*][color=red][X][/color] [[url=]CHARACTER[/url]] [Tag] | [url=]Series[/url] (Date Watched) [*][color=red][X][/color] [[url=]CHARACTER[/url]] [Tag] | [url=]Series[/url] (Date Watched) [*][color=red][X][/color] [[url=]CHARACTER[/url]] [Tag] | [url=]Series[/url] (Date Watched) [*][color=red][X][/color] [[url=]CHARACTER[/url]] [Tag] | [url=]Series[/url] (Date Watched) [*][color=red][X][/color] [[url=]CHARACTER[/url]] [Tag] | [url=]Series[/url] (Date Watched) [*][color=red][X][/color] [[url=]CHARACTER[/url]] [Tag] | [url=]Series[/url] (Date Watched) [*][color=red][X][/color] [[url=]CHARACTER[/url]] [Tag] | [url=]Series[/url] (Date Watched) [*][color=red][X][/color] [[url=]CHARACTER[/url]] [Tag] | [url=]Series[/url] (Date Watched) [*][color=red][X][/color] [[url=]CHARACTER[/url]] [Tag] | [url=]Series[/url] (Date Watched) [*][color=red][X][/color] [[url=]CHARACTER[/url]] [Tag] | [url=]Series[/url] (Date Watched) [/list][/spoiler] |
SheyCroixJan 22, 2023 2:28 PM
Nov 1, 2018 4:54 AM
November 2018 Challenge [center][color=orangered] [b]November 2018 Challenge[/b] [/color][/center] [color=orangered][b]Requirements:[/b][/color] 15+ minutes total [color=orangered][b]Start Date: End Date: [/b][/color] [list]🍁 Watch a [url=][b][color=Orangered]romance[/color][/b][/url] anime with a female protagonist: [url=]Series[/url] 🍁 Watch a [url=][b][color=Orangered]music[/color][/b][/url] anime: [url=]Series[/url] 🍁 Watch an anime with a [b][color=Orangered]all male[/color][/b] main cast: [url=]Series[/url] 🍁 Watch an anime with a [b][color=Orangered]child[/color][/b] character (under 13 years): [url=]Series[/url] [/list] |
Dec 1, 2018 9:12 PM
December 2018 Challenge [center][color=#1E90FF] [b]December 2018 Challenge[/b] [/color][/center] [color=#1E90FF][b]Requirements:[/b][/color] 15+ minutes total [color=#1E90FF][b]Start Date: End Date: [/b][/color] [list]✨ Watch an anime with the [url=][b][color=#1E90FF]Christmas Episode[/color][/b][/url] trope OR the [url=][b][color=#1E90FF]Our Gods Are Different[/color][/b][/url] trope: [url=]Series[/url] ✨ Watch an anime from the [b][color=#1E90FF]Top 100[/color][/b] list or an [b][color=#1E90FF]award winning work[/color][/b]: [url=]Series[/url] ✨ Watch an anime with [b][color=#1E90FF]less than 31 episodes[/color][/b]: [url=]Series[/url] ✨ Watch a [b][color=#1E90FF]horror[/color][/b] anime: [url=]Series[/url] [/list] |
Jan 1, 2019 5:25 PM
January 2019 Challenge [center][color=goldenrod] [b]January 2019 Challenge[/b] [/color][/center] [color=goldenrod][b]Requirements:[/b][/color] 15+ minutes total [color=green][b]Start Date: End Date: [/b][/color] [list]🌟 Watch an anime from [url=][b][color=green]Gourmet Challenge[/color][/b][/url]: [url=]Series[/url] ✨ Watch a [b][color=goldenrod]Horror/Thriller[/color][/b] anime: [url=]Series[/url] 🌟 Watch anything from the [url=][b][color=green]2018 January Challenge[/color][/b][/url]: [url=]Series[/url] ✨ Watch any [b][color=goldenrod]sequel/spin-off/OVA/special etc.[/color][/b] related to anything you have watched before: [url=]Series[/url] [/list] |
SheyCroixJan 1, 2019 5:33 PM
Jan 21, 2019 1:24 PM
Battle Royale Challenge [center][b]Battle Royale Challenge[/b] Easy 0/15 | Medium 0/25 | Hard 0/35 [/center] [url=]HoF Checklist[/url] (Replace "NOTJHIDAY" with your username) [b]Starting Date:[/b] [b]Ending Date:[/b] [spoiler="Challenge List"][list=1] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Series[/url] [/list][/spoiler] |
SheyCroixJun 23, 2024 10:32 AM
Feb 2, 2019 2:35 PM
February 2019 Challenge [center][color=#FF1493] [b]February 2019 Challenge[/b] [/color][/center] [color=#FF1493][b]Requirements:[/b][/color] 15+ minutes total [color=red][b]Start Date: End Date:[/b][/color] [list]💕 Watch a [url=][b][color=#FF1493]romance[/color][/b][/url], [url=][b][color=#FF1493]shoujo ai[/color][/b][/url] OR [url=][b][color=#FF1493]shounen ai[/color][/b][/url] anime: [url=]Series[/url] 💕 Watch one of your friend/fellow club member's [b][color=#FF1493]favourite[/color][/b] anime: [url=]Series[/url] 💕 Watch an anime from the [url=][b][color=#FF1493]MAL Staff Favorites Challenge[/color][/b][/url] OR the [url=][b][color=#FF1493]Collections - Staff Challenge[/color][/b][/url]: [url=]Series[/url] 💕 Watch an anime based on one of your [b][color=#FF1493]top three genres[/color][/b] on [url=][b][color=#FF1493]Anime+[/color][/b][/url] by weighted score: [url=]Series[/url] [/list] |
Feb 3, 2019 2:06 AM
3rd Year Anniversary Challenge [center][b]3rd Year Anniversary Challenge[/b] — 0 / 51 [/center] [b]Starting Date:[/b] [b]Ending Date:[/b] Have you suggested a challenge that was created? Yes / No — If yes, link: [spoiler="Challenge List"][list=1] [color=#e74b70][b]AIRED-BASED[/b][/color] -- [i]Watch a series aired during that year[/i] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b][url=]Aired 2019[/url] Challenge[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] [color=#e74b70][b]STUDIO-BASED[/b][/color] -- [i]Watch a series from each studio[/i] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b][url=]Manglobe[/url] Challenge[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b][url=]MAPPA[/url] Challenge[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b][url=]P.A. Works[/url] Challenge[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b][url=]Toei Animation[/url] Challenge[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] [color=#e74b70][b]GENRE-BASED[/b][/color] -- [i]Watch a series tagged with each of the following genres[/i] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b][url=]Action[/url] Challenge[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b][url=]Demons[/url] Challenge[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b][url=]Drama[/url] Challenge[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b][url=]Samurai[/url] Challenge[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] [color=#e74b70][b]THEME-BASED[/b][/color] -- [i]Watch a series that is listed for each challenge[/i] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b][url=]Battle Royale[/url] Challenge[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b][url=]CGI[/url] Challenge[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b][url=]Game[/url] Challenge[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b][url=]Isekai[/url] Challenge[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b][url=]Mafia[/url] Challenge[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b][url=]Male Idol[/url] Challenge[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b][url=]Post-Apocalyptic[/url] Challenge[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b][url=]Steampunk[/url] Challenge[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b][url=]Time Travel[/url] Challenge[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] [color=#e74b70][b]CHARACTER-BASED[/b][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b][url=]Character Tags[/url] Challenge[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] -- [i]Watch a series with a character tagged "analytical", "animal ears" or "assassins"[/i] [CHARACTER?] [color=#e74b70][b]INFO-BASED[/b][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b][url=]JST[/url] Challenge[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] -- [i]Watch a series that aired at JST 23:00[/i] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b][url=]Multi Genre[/url] Challenge[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] -- [i]Watch a series with 4 or more MAL's tags (genres, themes and/or demographics)[/i] [color=#e74b70][b]MISCELLANEOUS-BASED[/b][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b][url=]Critics & Connoisseurs[/url] Challenge[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] -- [i]Watch a series that appears listed[/i] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b][url=]MAL Staff Favorites[/url] Challenge[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] -- [i]Watch a series that appears listed[/i] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b][url=]Shiritori[/url] Challenge[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] -- [i]Watch a series where the main title fits a letter from the word "shiritori"[/i] [color=#e74b70][b]SPECIAL-BASED[/b][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b][url=]Monthly[/url] Challenges[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] -- [i]Watch a series that fits any of the 2018 monthly challenges criteria[/i] [CRITERIA/CHALLENGE LINK] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b][url=]Scavenger Hunts[/url] Challenges[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] -- [i]Watch a series that fits a criteria from Hunts 23 to 27[/i] [CRITERIA/CHALLENGE LINK] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b][url=]Highest Scored Anime[/url] Challenge[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] -- [i]Watch a series that appears listed[/i] [color=#e74b70][b]COLLECTION [url=]DAYS OF THE WEEK[/url][/b][/color] -- [i]Watch an anime that aired on each day listed[/i] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b]Monday[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b]Tuesday[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b]Wednesday[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b]Thursday[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b]Friday[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b]Saturday[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b]Sunday[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b]Unknown[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] [color=#e74b70][b]COLLECTION [url=]STAFF BASED[/url][/b][/color] -- [i]Watch one anime from each staff list[/i] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b]SunflowerDaisho's Collection[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b]Naine's Collection of LIEz Collection[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] [color=#e74b70][b]COLLECTION [url=]MONTHLY ANIME CLUB BASED[/url][/b][/color] -- [i]Watch one anime from each staff list[/i] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b]AnnAmaris' Prophecy of Eternal Darkness[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b]Deathline's Dramatical Disarray of Emotions[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b]Forgotten_Memo's Two Dimensions of Introspection[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b]Mint's Question - A Place to Call Home or a Travel to Find Hope?[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b]Hibbington's Relaxing Great Passage of Giggles[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b]HunterD's Peculiar Train of Feels and Smiles[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b]Silyon's Girl Power Collection[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b]SweetKiichigo's Art of having Fun[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] [color=#e74b70][b]COLLECTION [url=]AFFILIATES BASED[/url][/b][/color] -- [i]Watch one anime from the collection[/i] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b]MRC: Literature 101 Collection[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b]Anime Animals / Creatures Collection[/b] - [url=][b]Series[/b][/url] [color=#e74b70][b]CELEBRATING COLLABORATIONS[/b][/color] -- [i]Watch 4 series from the lists below[/i] [size=90]If you have [b]ever[/b] suggested a challenge/collection that was created, you can link to that challenge/collection and skip [b]only 1[/b] of the required anime from this section. See the HoF checklist for this section [url=]here[/url].[/size] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b]aliyn89[/b] - [url=][b]Gakuen Babysitters[/b][/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b]Imyreld[/b] - [url=][b]Kokkoku[/b][/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b]KousakaK[/b] - [url=][b]Joshiraku[/b][/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b]Lady_Nera[/b] - [url=][b]Hanayamata[/b][/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b]SebastianOrf3[/b] - [url=][b]Natsu-iro Kiseki[/b][/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b]TahZin[/b] - [url=][b]Devilman: Crybaby[/b][/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [b]Wyvern22[/b] - [url=][b]Fuuma no Kojirou: Yasha-hen[/b][/url] [/list][/spoiler] |
SheyCroixFeb 12, 2023 6:57 AM
Mar 3, 2019 6:54 PM
March 2019 Challenge [center][color=#228B22] [b]March 2019 Challenge[/b] [/color][/center] [color=#228B22][b]Requirements:[/b][/color] 15+ minutes total [color=#228B22][b]Start Date: End Date:[/b][/color] [list]🍀 Watch an anime from a [url=][b][color=#228B22]studio[/color][/b][/url] starting with [color=#DAA520]M, A, R, C, or H.[/color]: [url=]Series[/url] ✨ Watch an anime with [b][color=#228B22]7 in the rating[/color][/b] (ex: 8.71): [url=]Series[/url] 🍀 Watch an anime with the [url=][b][color=#228B22]multicolored hair[/color][/b][/url] trope: [url=]Series[/url] ✨ Watch a [url=][b][color=#228B22]Game[/color][/b][/url] or [url=][b][color=#228B22]Sports[/color][/b][/url] anime: [url=]Series[/url] [/list] |
Mar 17, 2019 8:37 AM
AzureRikkai's Collection [color=#944481][center][b]AzureRikkai's Collection[/b][/center] [b]Starting Date:[/b] [b]Ending Date:[/b] [spoiler="challenge"] [list=1][*][X] [url=]Howl no Ugoku Shiro[/url] [*][X] [url=]Tennis no Ouji-sama[/url] [*][X] [url=]New Initial D Movie: Legend 1 - Kakusei[/url] [*][X] [url=]Kiddy Grade[/url] [*][X] [url=]Coyote Ragtime Show[/url] [*][X] [url=]Supernatural The Animation[/url] [*][X] [url=]Overlord[/url] [*][X] [url=]Summer Wars[/url] [*][X] [url=]Hybrid Child[/url] [*][X] [url=]Koutetsujou no Kabaneri[/url] [/list][/spoiler][/color] |
SheyCroixOct 14, 2019 7:59 AM
Mar 31, 2019 11:38 PM
March 2019 Challenge APRIL FOOLS! ;D [center][color=cornflowernblue] [b]April 2019 Challenge[/b] [/color][/center] [color=darkorange][b]Requirements:[/b][/color] 15+ minutes total [color=cornflowerblue][b]Start Date: End Date:[/b][/color] [list]🎭 Watch a listed [url=][b][color=cornflowerblue]comedy[/color][/b][/url] or [url=][b][color=darkorange]parody[/color][/b][/url] anime: [url=]Series[/url] ☄️ Watch an anime from the [url=][b][color=cornflowerblue]Post-Apocalyptic Challenge[/color][/b][/url]: [url=]Series[/url] ⛅️ Watch a [url=][b][color=darkorange]True Companions[/color][/b][/url] [b]or[/b] [url=][b][color=cornflowerblue]False Friend[/color][/b][/url] TvTropes anime: [url=]Series[/url] 🌻 Watch an anime that first aired in the [b][color=darkorange]spring season[/color][/b] (any year): [url=]Series[/url] [/list] |
riho88rihoApr 1, 2019 12:02 AM
Apr 13, 2019 5:45 PM
Action Challenge [center][b]Action Challenge[/b] Easy 0/20 | Med 0/40 | Hard 0/60 [/center] [url=]HoF Checklist[/url] (Replace "NOTJHIDAY" with your username) [b]Starting Date:[/b] [b]Ending Date:[/b] [spoiler="Challenge List"][list=1] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action TV Series: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a second Action TV Series: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action Movie: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a second Action Movie: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action OVA: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a second Action OVA: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action Special or TV Special: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a second Action Special or TV Special: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action ONA: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a second Action ONA: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action prequel/sequel: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an anime related to another Action series: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Can be a Side Story, Alternative Version/Setting, Summary, etc.; Excludes Sequels/Prequels. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action and Adventure anime: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action and Comedy anime: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action and Drama anime: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action and Fantasy anime: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action and Historical anime: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action and Mecha anime: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action and Romance anime: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Includes Romantic Subtext. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action and School anime: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action and Sci-Fi anime: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action and Shounen anime: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action and Supernatural anime: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action and Seinen anime: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action anime with another genre, theme, or demographic not listed above: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Must be listed on the anime page on MAL. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action anime that started airing in Winter: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Began airing during the following months: January, February or March[/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action anime that started airing in Spring: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Began airing during the following months: April, May or June[/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action anime that started airing in Summer: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Began airing during the following months: July, August or September[/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action anime that started airing in Fall: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Began airing during the following months: October, November or December[/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action anime that started airing in 1980 or before: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action anime that started airing between 1981 and 1989: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action anime that started airing between 1990 and 1999: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action anime that started airing between 2000 and 2009: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action anime that started airing between 2010 and 2019: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action anime that started airing in 2020 or later: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action anime that started airing the same year you joined MAL: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Any month/day. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action anime with 1 episode: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action anime with 2 to 5 episodes: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action anime with 6 to 10 episodes: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action anime with 11 to 20 episodes: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action anime with 21 to 30 episodes: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action anime with over 30 episodes: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action anime with episodes that are 15 minutes or less each: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Must have more than one episode. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Original Action anime: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action anime adapted from a Manga: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Does not include 4-koma Manga or Web Manga. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action anime adapted from a Novel/Book/Light Novel: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Does not include Visual Novel, Web Novel or Picture Book. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action anime adapted from a Visual Novel: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Does not include Web Novel or Light Novel. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action anime adapted from a Game: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Does not include Card Game. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action anime adapted from another source not mentioned above: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90]Screenshots suggested for the following 6 items[/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action anime with less than 25,000 members: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action anime that has between 25,000 and 75,000 members: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action anime that has between 75,000 and 100,000 members: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action anime with more than 100,000 members: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action anime rated 8.0 or higher: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action anime rated lower than 6.0: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action anime rated G or PG: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Rating is "G - All Ages" or "PG - Children". [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action anime rated PG-13: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Rating is "PG-13 - Teens 13 or older". [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action anime rated R or R+: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Rating is "R - 17+ (violence & profanity)" or "R+ - Mild Nudity". [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action anime with a non-alphanumeric character in the main title: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Non-alphanumeric characters refers to any character other than letters, numbers and blank spaces. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action anime with a non-Japanese main title: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Can't contain any Japanese word in the main title listed on MAL. Any other language can be used: English, Korean, Chinese and so on. Made up words can't be used. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action anime where the first letter of the main title matches the first letter of your username: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] If your username starts with something other than a letter, you may skip that character up to your first letter. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Action anime where all of the main characters are male: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Action anime where all of the main characters are female: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action anime with only adults as the main cast: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Every character listed as Main is 20 years old or older. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Action anime with one of your favorite voice actor/actress in the cast: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] The voice actor/actress must appear listed on your profile. State the VA and character used. Character can be main or supporting. [/size][/color] [/list][/spoiler] |
SheyCroixJun 7, 2024 5:27 PM
Apr 13, 2019 5:46 PM
Adventure Challenge [center][b]Adventure Challenge[/b] Easy 0/20 | Med 0/40 | Hard 0/60 [/center] [url=]HoF Checklist[/url] (Replace "NOTJHIDAY" with your username) [b]Starting Date:[/b] [b]Ending Date:[/b] [spoiler="Challenge List"][list=1] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure TV Series: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a second Adventure TV Series: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure Movie: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a second Adventure Movie: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure OVA: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a second Adventure OVA: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure Special or TV Special: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a second Adventure Special or TV Special: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure ONA: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a second Adventure ONA: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure prequel/sequel: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an anime related to another Adventure series: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Can be a Side Story, Alternative Version/Setting, Summary, etc.; Excludes Sequels/Prequels. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure and Action anime: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure and Comedy anime: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure and Drama anime: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure and Fantasy anime: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure and Historical anime: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure and Mecha anime: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure and Romance anime: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Includes Romantic Subtext. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure and School anime: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure and Sci-Fi anime: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure and Shounen anime: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure and Supernatural anime: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure and Seinen anime: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure anime with another genre, theme, or demographic not listed above: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Must be listed on the anime page on MAL. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure anime that started airing in Winter: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Began airing during the following months: January, February or March. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure anime that started airing in Spring: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Began airing during the following months: April, May or June. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure anime that started airing in Summer: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Began airing during the following months: July, August or September. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure anime that started airing in Fall: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Began airing during the following months: October, November or December. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure anime that started airing in 1980 or before: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure anime that started airing between 1981 and 1989: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure anime that started airing between 1990 and 1999: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure anime that started airing between 2000 and 2009: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure anime that started airing between 2010 and 2019: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure anime that started airing in 2020 or later: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure anime that started airing the year you joined MAL: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Any month/day. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure anime with 1 episode: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure anime with 2 to 5 episodes: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure anime with 6 to 10 episodes: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure anime with 11 to 20 episodes: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure anime with 21 to 30 episodes: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure anime with over 30 episodes: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure anime with episodes that are 15 minutes or less each: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Must have more than one episode. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Original Adventure anime: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure anime adapted from a Manga: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Does not include 4-koma Manga or Web Manga. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure anime adapted from a Novel/Book/Light Novel: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Does not include Visual Novel, Web Novel or Picture Book. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure anime adapted from a Visual Novel: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Does not include Web Novel or Light Novel. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure anime adapted from a Game: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Does not include Card Game. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure anime adapted from another source not mentioned above: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90]Screenshots suggested for the following 6 items[/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure anime with less than 25,000 members: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure anime that has between 25,000 and 75,000 members: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure anime that has between 75,000 and 100,000 members: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure anime with more than 100,000 members: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure anime rated 8.0 or higher: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure anime rated lower than 6.0: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure anime rated G or PG: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Rating is "G - All Ages" or "PG - Children". [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure anime rated PG-13: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Rating is "PG-13 - Teens 13 or older". [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure anime rated R or R+: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Rating is "R - 17+ (violence & profanity)" or "R+ - Mild Nudity". [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure anime with a non-alphanumeric character in the main title: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Non-alphanumeric characters refers to any character other than letters, numbers and blank spaces. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure anime with a non-Japanese main title: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Can't contain any Japanese word in the main title listed on MAL. Any other language can be used: English, Korean, Chinese and so on. Made up words can't be used. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure anime where the first letter of the main title matches the first letter of your username: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] If your username starts with something other than a letter, you may skip that character up to your first letter. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure anime where all of the main characters are male: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure anime where all of the main characters are female: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure anime with only adults as the main cast: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Every character listed as Main is 20 years old or older. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Adventure anime with one of your favorite voice actor/actress in the cast: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] The voice actor/actress must appear listed on your profile. State the VA and character used. Character can be main or supporting. [/size][/color] [/list][/spoiler] |
SheyCroixSep 14, 2024 8:13 PM
May 2, 2019 5:58 AM
May 2019 Challenge [center][color=#228B22] [b]May 2019 Challenge[/b] [/color][/center] [color=#FF5A91][b]Requirements:[/b][/color] 15+ minutes total [color=#228B22][b]Start Date: End Date:[/b][/color] [list]🌷 Watch an anime from the [url=][b][color=#228B22]Critics and Connoisseurs[/color][/b][/url] or [url=][b][color=#FF5A91]noitaminA[/color][/b][/url] challenge: [url=]Series[/url] 🍃 Watch a [url=][b][color=#228B22]coming-of-age[/color][/b][/url] anime: [url=]Series[/url] 🌷 Watch an anime with a [b][color=#FF5A91]female director, writer, or composer[/color][/b]: [url=]Series[/url] 🍃 Watch a [url=][b][color=#FF5A91]shoujo[/color][/b][/url] or [url=][b][color=#228B22]josei[/color][/b][/url] anime: [url=]Series[/url][/list] |
ImyreldMay 2, 2019 11:46 PM
Jun 2, 2019 11:40 AM
June 2019 Challenge [center][color=#228B22] [b]June 2019 Challenge[/b] [/color][/center] [color=#FF5A91][b]Requirements:[/b][/color] 15+ minutes total [color=#228B22][b]Start Date: End Date:[/b][/color] [list]🍿 Watch a [url=][color=#FF8C00][b]movie[/b][/color][/url]: [url=]Series[/url] 🌌 Watch a [url=][color=#4169E1][b]Space[/b][/color][/url] anime: [url=]Series[/url] 🌻 Watch an anime set in the [url=][color=#FF8C00][b]countryside[/b][/color][/url]: [url=]Series[/url] 🏄♂️ Watch an anime with [color=#4169E1][b]four or more[/b][/color] main characters: [url=]Series[/url][/list] |
Jun 8, 2019 8:15 AM
Smhmines' Feel Good Collection [color=#5B6258][center][b]Smhmines' Feel Good Collection[/b][/center] [b]Starting Date:[/b] [b]Ending Date:[/b] [spoiler="challenge"] [list=1][*][X] [url=]Akagami no Shirayuki-hime[/url] [*][X] [url=]Hyouka[/url] [*][X] [url=]Re:Creators[/url] [*][X] [url=]Cardcaptor Sakura[/url] [*][X] [url=]Non Non Biyori[/url] [*][X] [url=]Tokyo Godfathers[/url] [*][X] [url=]Seihou Bukyou Outlaw Star[/url] [*][X] [url=]Tasogare Otome x Amnesia[/url] [*][X] [url=]Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt[/url] [*][X] [url=]Samurai Flamenco[/url] [/list][/spoiler][/color] |
SheyCroixOct 14, 2019 10:02 AM
Jun 8, 2019 8:15 AM
Imyreld's Mysterious Collection [color=#2C7977][center][b]Imyreld's Mysterious Collection[/b][/center] [b]Starting Date:[/b] [b]Ending Date:[/b] [spoiler="challenge"] [list=1][*][X] [url=]Houseki no Kuni (TV)[/url] [*][X] [url=]Banana Fish[/url] [*][X] [url=]Omoide no Marnie[/url] [*][X] [url=]Jyu Oh Sei[/url] [*][X] [url=]Made in Abyss[/url] [*][X] [url=]Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex[/url] [*][X] [url=]SKET Dance[/url] [*][X] [url=]Nana[/url] [*][X] [url=]Ballroom e Youkoso[/url] [*][X] [url=]Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu[/url] [/list][/spoiler][/color] |
ImyreldJan 10, 2020 12:18 PM
Jun 30, 2019 10:02 PM
July 2019 Challenge [center][color=#4169E1] [b]July 2019 Challenge[/b] [/color][/center] [color=#006400][b]Requirements:[/b][/color] 15+ minutes total [color=#6495ED][b]Start Date: End Date:[/b][/color] [list]☀️ Watch an anime where at least one episode takes place in the [url=][color=#6495ED][b]summer[/b][/color][/url]:[url=]Series[/url] ⛱️ Watch a [url=][color=#4169E1][b]Slice of Life[/b][/color][/url] and/or [url=][color=#4169E1][b]Comedy[/b][/color][/url] anime:[url=]Series[/url] ⛰️ Watch an [url=][color=#006400][b]Adventure[/b][/color][/url] anime:[url=]Series[/url] 🌻 Watch an anime where the characters are good [url=][color=#228B22][b]friends[/b][/color][/url]: [url=]Series[/url][/list] |
Jul 17, 2019 11:26 AM
Holiday Challenge [center][b]Holiday Challenge[/b] Easy 0/25 | Medium 0/50 | Hard 0/75 [/center] [b]Starting Date:[/b] [b]Ending Date:[/b] [spoiler="Challenge List"][list=1] [color=grey][size=90]To celebrate Vernal Equinox Day[/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an anime that takes place in [url=]Spring[/url] : [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90]If the anime depicts multiple seasons passing, state the episode(s). [/size][/color] [color=grey][size=90]To celebrate Autumnal Equinox Day[/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an anime that takes place in [url=]Fall[/url] : [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90]If the anime depicts multiple seasons passing, state the episode(s). [/size][/color] [color=grey][size=90]To celebrate Summer Solstice Day[/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an anime that takes place in [url=]Summer[/url] : [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90]If the anime depicts multiple seasons passing, state the episode(s). [/size][/color] [color=grey][size=90]To celebrate Winter Solstice Day[/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an anime that takes place in [url=]Winter[/url] : [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90]If the anime depicts multiple seasons passing, state the episode(s). [/size][/color] [color=grey][size=90]To celebrate Coming of Age Day[/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an anime with at least one young adult as main character : [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90]Sources: [url=]Adolescent[/url], [url=]Young Adult[/url], [url=]Teenagers[/url], [url=]Adults[/url]; State the character and tag used ; Character must be between 18 to 30 years old. [/size][/color] [Character: ] [color=grey][size=90]To celebrate Children's Day[/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an anime with at least one child as main character : [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90]Sources: [url=]Baby[/url], [url=]Child[/url], [url=]Babies[/url], [url=]Children[/url] ; State the character and tag used ; Character must be 12 years old or younger. [/size][/color] [Character: ] [color=grey][size=90]To celebrate Respect of the Aged Day[/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an anime with at least one elderly character : [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90]Sources: [url=]Elderly[/url], [url=]Elder[/url] ; State the character and tag used ; Can be main or supporting ; Character must be 65 years old or older. [/size][/color] [Character: ] [color=grey][size=90]To celebrate Spouse's Day[/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an anime with a romantic couple : [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90]State the characters used ; Can be main or supporting ; The couple must be recognized as such in the series. It can be any kind of romantic relationship (ie married, dating, living together, etc) ; If their relationship isn't listed on their MAL Character page, link a source ; Tip: aniDB lists character relationships on each character page that has them added, under "Related Entities". [/size][/color] [Character 1: | Character 2: ] [color=grey][size=90]To celebrate President's Day[/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an anime with an established [url=]Leader[/url] : [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90]State the sub-tag and character used ; Can be main or supporting. [/size][/color] [Character: | Role: ] [color=grey][size=90]To celebrate St. Patrick's Day[/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an anime with a green [url=]haired[/url] or [url=]eyed[/url] character : [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90]Hair/Eye Color must be a single solid color. Mixed colors won't count (highlights, half/half and so on) ; State the character and tag used ; Can be main or supporting. [/size][/color] [Character: ] [color=grey][size=90]To celebrate Mother/Father's Day[/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an anime with a mother or father figure : [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90]State the character used ; Can be main or supporting ; If their role isn't listed on their MAL Character page, link a source ; Tip: aniDB lists character relationships on each character page that has them added, under "Related Entities". [/size][/color] [Character: ] [color=grey][size=90]To celebrate World Animal Day[/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an anime with an [url=]animal sidekick[/url] : [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90]State the character used ; Can be main or supporting. [/size][/color] [Character: ] [color=grey][size=90]To celebrate the start of the Year[/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an anime with a [url=]New Year's Day[/url] themed episode : [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90]To celebrate White Day[/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an anime showcasing [url=]sweets[/url] : [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90]Sweets will refer to "a small shaped piece of confectionery made with sugar". [/size][/color] [color=grey][size=90]To celebrate Marine's Day[/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an anime that takes place at the sea : [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90]Sources: [url=]Sea[/url], [url=]Ocean World[/url], [url=]Submarine[/url], [url=]Underwater[/url], [url=]Ocean[/url], [url=]Submarines[/url] ; State the tag used. [/size][/color] [color=grey][size=90]To celebrate Mountain Day[/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an anime with a mountain scenery : [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90]Sources: [url=]Mountain Trip[/url], [url=]Mountain Climbing[/url] ; State the tag used. [/size][/color] [color=grey][size=90]To celebrate Culture Day[/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an anime with a School [url=]Culture Festival[/url] taking place : [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90]To celebrate Independence Day[/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an anime where [url=]fireworks[/url] are used : [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90]To celebrate Veteran's Day[/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an anime with a [url=]war[/url] taking place : [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90]To celebrate Christmas [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an anime with a Christmas themed episode : [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90]Sources: [url=]aniDB[/url], [url=]Anime Planet[/url] ; State the tag used. [/size][/color] [color=grey][size=90]To celebrate Health and Sports Day[/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a [url=]Sports[/url] anime : [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90]Includes [url=]Combat Sports[/url] and [url=]Team Sports[/url] ; State the tag used. [/size][/color] [color=grey][size=90]To celebrate Valentine's Day[/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a [url=]Romance[/url] anime : [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90]Includes [url=]Romantic Subtext[/url] ; State the tag used. [/size][/color] [color=grey][size=90]To celebrate April Fools Day[/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a [url=]Parody[/url] anime : [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90]To celebrate Halloween[/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a [url=]Horror[/url] anime : [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90]Includes [url=]Gore[/url] and [url=]Mystery[/url] ; State the tag used. [/size][/color] [color=grey][size=90]To celebrate Thanksgiving Day[/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Food Related anime : [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90]Sources: [url=]HoF[/url], [url=]Gourmet[/url], [url=]Food and Beverages[/url], [url=]Food Related[/url] sub-tags ; State the tag used. [/size][/color] [/list][/spoiler] |
SheyCroixOct 4, 2024 4:13 PM
Jul 17, 2019 11:27 AM
100 URLs Challenge [center][b]100 URLs Challenge[/b] — 0 / 100 [/center] [url=]HoF Checklist[/url] (Replace "NOTJHIDAY" with your username) [b]Starting Date:[/b] [b]Ending Date:[/b] [spoiler="Challenge List"][list=1] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Cowboy Bebop[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Cowboy Bebop: Tengoku no Tobira[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Trigun[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Witch Hunter Robin[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Bouken Ou Beet[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Eyeshield 21[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Hachimitsu to Clover[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Hungry Heart: Wild Striker[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Initial D Fourth Stage[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Monster[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Naruto[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]One Piece[/url] [i][color=green][b](Airing)[/b][/color][/i] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Tennis no Oujisama[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Ring ni Kakero 1[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]School Rumble[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Sunabouzu[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Texhnolyze[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Trinity Blood[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Yakitate!! Japan[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Zipang[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Shinseiki Evangelion[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Shinseiki Evangelion Movie: Shi to Shinsei[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Shinseiki Evangelion Movie: Air/Magokoro wo, Kimi ni[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Kenpuu Denki Berserk[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Koukaku Kidoutai[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan - Tsuioku-hen[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan - Ishinshishi e no Chinkonka[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Akira[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=].hack//Sign[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Aa! Megami-sama![/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Aa! Megami-sama! (TV)[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Tenshi Kinryouku[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Kidou Tenshi Angelic Layer[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Ai Yori Aoshi[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Appleseed (Movie)[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Arc the Lad[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Avenger[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Beck[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Blue Gender[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Chobits[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Chrno Crusade[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]D.N.Angel[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]D.C.: Da Capo[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]DearS[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Rozen Maiden[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Rozen Maiden: Träumend[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Azumanga Daiou The Animation[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Basilisk: Kouga Ninpou Chou[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Black Cat (TV)[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Cluster Edge[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Full Metal Panic![/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Gakuen Alice[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha A's[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Shuffle![/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Kidou Senshi Gundam[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Kidou Senshi Gundam: Dai 08 MS Shoutai[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Kidou Senshi Gundam 0080: Pocket no Naka no Sensou[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Kidou Senshi Gundam: Dai 08 MS Shoutai - Miller's Report[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Kidou Senshi Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Kidou Senshi Zeta Gundam[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Kidou Senshi Gundam ZZ[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Kidou Senshi Gundam: Gyakushuu no Char[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Kidou Senshi Gundam F91[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Kidou Senshi Victory Gundam[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Shin Kidou Senki Gundam Wing[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Shin Kidou Senki Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Kidou Shinseiki Gundam X[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Kidou Senshi Gundam SEED[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Kidou Senshi Gundam SEED Destiny[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Turn A Gundam[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Kidou Butouden G Gundam[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Last Exile[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Mai-HiME[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Mai-Otome[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Shin Shirayuki-hime Densetsu Prétear[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Air[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Aishiteruze Baby★★[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Akazukin Chacha[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Ayashi no Ceres[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Boys Be...[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Hana yori Dango[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Ou Dorobou Jing[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Ou Dorobou Jing in Seventh Heaven[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Bakuretsu Tenshi[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Chuuka Ichiban![/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Corrector Yui[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Chou Henshin Cosprayers[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Uchuu no Stellvia[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Sakigake!! Cromartie Koukou[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Ijigen no Sekai El-Hazard[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Shinpi no Sekai El-Hazard (TV)[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Shinpi no Sekai El-Hazard[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Shinpi no Sekai El-Hazard Season 2[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Final Approach[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Fruits Basket[/url] [/list][/spoiler] |
SheyCroixJun 26, 2024 5:35 PM
Jul 19, 2019 12:29 PM
Adult Character Challenge [center][b]Adult Character Challenge[/b] Easy 0/20 | Medium 0/30 | Medium 0/40 | Conquered 0/50 [/center] [b]Starting Date:[/b] [b]Ending Date:[/b] Helpful links: [b]anime-planet [url=]adults[/url] and [url=]elderly[/url]; anidb [url=]young adult[/url], [url=]middle aged[/url] and [url=]elderly[/url][/b] — Keep in mind that not all listed characters there are valid [spoiler="Challenge List"][list=1] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Anime[/url] | [url=]Character[/url] [SOURCE] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Anime[/url] | [url=]Character[/url] [SOURCE] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Anime[/url] | [url=]Character[/url] [SOURCE] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Anime[/url] | [url=]Character[/url] [SOURCE] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Anime[/url] | [url=]Character[/url] [SOURCE] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Anime[/url] | [url=]Character[/url] [SOURCE] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Anime[/url] | [url=]Character[/url] [SOURCE] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Anime[/url] | [url=]Character[/url] [SOURCE] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Anime[/url] | [url=]Character[/url] [SOURCE] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Anime[/url] | [url=]Character[/url] [SOURCE] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Anime[/url] | [url=]Character[/url] [SOURCE] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Anime[/url] | [url=]Character[/url] [SOURCE] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Anime[/url] | [url=]Character[/url] [SOURCE] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Anime[/url] | [url=]Character[/url] [SOURCE] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Anime[/url] | [url=]Character[/url] [SOURCE] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Anime[/url] | [url=]Character[/url] [SOURCE] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Anime[/url] | [url=]Character[/url] [SOURCE] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Anime[/url] | [url=]Character[/url] [SOURCE] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Anime[/url] | [url=]Character[/url] [SOURCE] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Anime[/url] | [url=]Character[/url] [SOURCE] [/list][/spoiler] |
SheyCroixJun 25, 2024 9:12 AM
Jul 19, 2019 12:31 PM
Child Character Challenge [center][b]Child Character Challenge[/b] Easy 0/20 | Medium 0/30 | Medium 0/40 | Conquered 0/50 [/center] [b]Starting Date:[/b] [b]Ending Date:[/b] Helpful links: [b]anime-planet [url=]babies[/url] and [url=]children[/url]; anidb [url=]baby[/url] and [url=]child[/url][/b] — Keep in mind that not all listed characters there are valid [spoiler="Challenge List"][list=1] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Anime[/url] | [url=]Character[/url] [SOURCE] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Anime[/url] | [url=]Character[/url] [SOURCE] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Anime[/url] | [url=]Character[/url] [SOURCE] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Anime[/url] | [url=]Character[/url] [SOURCE] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Anime[/url] | [url=]Character[/url] [SOURCE] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Anime[/url] | [url=]Character[/url] [SOURCE] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Anime[/url] | [url=]Character[/url] [SOURCE] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Anime[/url] | [url=]Character[/url] [SOURCE] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Anime[/url] | [url=]Character[/url] [SOURCE] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Anime[/url] | [url=]Character[/url] [SOURCE] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Anime[/url] | [url=]Character[/url] [SOURCE] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Anime[/url] | [url=]Character[/url] [SOURCE] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Anime[/url] | [url=]Character[/url] [SOURCE] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Anime[/url] | [url=]Character[/url] [SOURCE] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Anime[/url] | [url=]Character[/url] [SOURCE] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Anime[/url] | [url=]Character[/url] [SOURCE] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Anime[/url] | [url=]Character[/url] [SOURCE] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Anime[/url] | [url=]Character[/url] [SOURCE] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Anime[/url] | [url=]Character[/url] [SOURCE] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Anime[/url] | [url=]Character[/url] [SOURCE] [/list][/spoiler] |
SheyCroixJun 25, 2024 9:12 AM
Jul 19, 2019 12:31 PM
NHK Top 100 Anime Challenge [center][b]NHK Top 100 Anime Challenge[/b] — 0 / 97 [/center] [url=]HoF Checklist[/url] (Replace "NOTJHIDAY" with your username) [b]Starting Date:[/b] [b]Ending Date:[/b] [spoiler="Challenge List"][list=1] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Tiger & Bunny[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Tiger & Bunny Movie 2: The Rising[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Love Live! School Idol Project[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Love Live! School Idol Project 2nd Season[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Tiger & Bunny Movie 1: The Beginning[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Cardcaptor Sakura[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Love Live! The School Idol Movie[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Osomatsu-san[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Gintama[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Joker Game[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Shinseiki Evangelion[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka?[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Kidou Senshi Gundam[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Digimon Adventure[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Psycho-Pass[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Sword Art Online[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Clannad: After Story[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Girls & Panzer[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Haikyuu!![/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Meitantei Conan[/url] [i][color=green][b](Airing)[/b][/color][/i] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Hyouka[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica Movie 3: Hangyaku no Monogatari[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Shingeki no Kyojin[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Uchuu Senkan Yamato[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Shoujo Kakumei Utena[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Bungou Stray Dogs[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Tennis no Oujisama[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Love Live! Sunshine!![/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Cowboy Bebop[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Steins;Gate[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Natsume Yuujinchou[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works[/url] [*][color=grey][X][/color] [url=][color=grey]Hoshi no Ko Poron[/color][/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Mirai Shounen Conan[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Kidou Senshi Gundam SEED[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]K-On![/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Lupin III: Cagliostro no Shiro[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Bakemonogatari[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Hibike! Euphonium[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Free![/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Girls & Panzer Movie[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Fate/Zero[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Shirobako[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Pokemon Movie 11: Giratina to Sora no Hanataba Sheimi[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Kaze no Tani no Nausicaä[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Gintama'[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Uta no☆Prince-sama♪ Maji Love 1000%[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Kimi no Na wa.[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]K-On!![/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Tenkuu no Shiro Laputa[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Free! Eternal Summer[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]High☆Speed! Movie: Free! Starting Days[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Katekyou Hitman Reborn![/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Yuu☆Yuu☆Hakusho[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]The iDOLM@STER[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Haikyuu!! Second Season[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Gochuumon wa Usagi desu ka??[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Mob Psycho 100[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Kidou Senshi Gundam: Tekketsu no Orphans[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Fullmetal Alchemist[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]One Piece[/url] [i][color=green][b](Airing)[/b][/color][/i] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Macross F[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Shounen Hollywood: Holly Stage for 49[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Saraba Uchuu Senkan Yamato: Ai no Senshi-tachi[/url] [*][color=grey][X] Cardcaptor Sakura (2nd Season) — episodes part of the one at spot #8[/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Angel Beats![/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Mushishi[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Urusei Yatsura[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]K[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Kuroko no Basket[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai.[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Hunter x Hunter[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Pokemon[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Soukou Kihei Votoms[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Juuni Kokuki[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Kekkai Sensen[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Hetalia: The Beautiful World[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Fushigi no Umi no Nadia[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Mononoke[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Kill la Kill[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]InuYasha[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Urusei Yatsura 2: Beautiful Dreamer[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Dennou Coil[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 3: Stardust Crusaders[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Akira[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Macross: Do You Remember Love?[/url] [*][color=grey][X][/color] [url=][color=grey]Gan to Gon[/color][/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei[/url] [/list][/spoiler] |
SheyCroixJun 27, 2024 8:05 PM
Aug 4, 2019 6:26 AM
August 2019 Challenge [center][b]August 2019 Challenge[/b][/center] [color=#3333CC][b]Requirements:[/b] 15+ minutes total[/color] [color=#DFCC76][b]Start Date:[/b][/color] August xx [color=#DFCC76][b]End Date:[/b][/color] August xx [list]🃏 Watch an anime tagged as [url=][color=#DFCC76][b]Parody[/b][/color][/url] [i]or[/i] [url=][color=#DFCC76][b]Satire[/b][/color][/url]: [url=]Series[/url] 🧙 Watch an anime from the [url=][color=#3333CC][b]Fantasy[/b][/color][/url] genre: [url=]Series[/url] 🔫 Watch an anime featuring a [url=][color=#DFCC76][b]gunslinger[/b][/color][/url] as a main [i]or[/i] supporting character: [url=]Series[/url] 📚 Watch an anime adapted from some form of [color=#3333CC][b]printed media[/b][/color] (source must be Novel, Light Novel, Manga, or 4-koma Manga): [url=]Series[/url] [/list] |
Sep 1, 2019 6:55 AM
Demons Challenge [center][b]Demons Challenge[/b] — 0 / 45 [/center] [url=]HoF Checklist[/url] (Replace "NOTJHIDAY" with your username) [b]Starting Date:[/b] [b]Ending Date:[/b] [spoiler="Challenge List"][list=1] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology TV Series: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a second Mythology TV Series: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology Movie: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a second Mythology Movie: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology OVA: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a second Mythology OVA: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology Special or TV Special: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a second Mythology Special or TV Special: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology ONA: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a second Mythology ONA: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a stand-alone Mythology anime: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Does not have any series listed under "Related Anime", "Adaptation" are okay. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology prequel/sequel: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an anime related to another Mythology series: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Can be a Side Story, Alternative Version/Setting, Summary, etc.; Excludes Sequels/Prequels. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology and Comedy anime: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology and Ecchi anime: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology and Historical anime: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology and Horror anime: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology and Martial Arts anime: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology and Romance anime: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Includes Romantic Subtext. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology and Sci-Fi anime: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology and Supernatural anime: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology anime with another genre, theme, or demographic not listed above: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Must be listed on the anime page on MAL. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology anime with 4 or less tags: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Must have listed on its MAL page no more than (a combination of) four genres, themes, and/or demographic. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology anime that started airing between January and June: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology anime that started airing between July and December: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology anime that started airing in 1980 or before: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology anime that started airing between 1981 and 1989: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology anime that started airing between 1990 and 1999: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology anime that started airing between 2000 and 2009: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology anime that started airing between 2010 and 2019: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology anime that started airing in 2020 or later: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology anime with 10 episodes or less: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology anime with 11 to 19 episodes: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology anime with 20 to 39 episodes: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology anime with 40 episodes or more: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology anime with episodes that are 10 minutes or less each: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Must have more than one episode. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch an Original Mythology anime: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology anime adapted from a Manga: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Does not include 4-koma Manga or Web Manga. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology anime adapted from a Novel or Light Novel: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Does not include Visual Novel or Web Novel. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology anime adapted from a Game or Visual Novel: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Does not include Card Game, Novel, Light Novel or Web Novel. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology anime adapted from another source not mentioned above: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90]Screenshots are suggested for the following 6 items[/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology anime with less than 10,000 members: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology anime with more than 20,000 members: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology anime rated 8.0 or higher: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology anime rated lower than 7.0: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology anime ranked in the Top 500: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] The series listed ranking is #100, #200, #350, and so on. It can't be #501, #502, and so; It appears listed besides "Ranked". [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology anime NOT ranked in the Top 700: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] The series listed ranking is #701, #702, #703, and so on. It can't be #500, #450, and so; It appears listed besides "Ranked". [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology anime NOT rated PG-13: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Rating can't be "PG-13 - Teens 13 or older". [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology anime rated R+: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Rating is "R+ - Mild Nudity". [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology anime with a Japanese main title: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Made up words can't be used. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology anime with a non-Japanese main title: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Can't contain any Japanese word in the main title listed on MAL. Any other language can be used: English, Korean, Chinese and so on. Made up words can't be used. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology anime with a main title that begins with a letter between A and L: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology anime with a main title that begins with a letter between M and Z: [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology anime where more than half of the main characters are male: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] There must be 3 or more Main characters listed. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology anime where more than half of the main characters are female: [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] There must be 3 or more Main characters listed. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology anime with a main character that has an unusual hair color: [url=]Series[/url] [color=gray][size=90] State the character used; Unusual colors like: blue, purple, pink, cyan, green. [/size][/color] [*][color=red][X][/color] Watch a Mythology anime where all of the main characters have a natural hair color: [url=]Series[/url] [color=gray][size=90] Natural colors like: black, brown, yellow, red, white/gray on an elderly. [/size][/color] [/list][/spoiler] |
SheyCroixJun 7, 2024 5:44 PM
Sep 1, 2019 8:08 AM
September 2019 Challenge [center][b]September 2019 Challenge[/b][/center] [color=indianred][b]Requirements:[/b] 15+ minutes total[/color] [color=maroon][b]Start Date:[/b][/color] September xx [color=maroon][b]End Date:[/b][/color] September xx [list]🏦 Watch an anime with a [color=maroon][b]Building[/b][/color] in one of it's MAL cover photos [size=85][color=Dimgray][i]September 3rd: National Skyscraper Day[/i][/color][/size] 📺 Watch a [color=indianred][b]TV Type[/b][/color] anime [size=85][color=Dimgray][i]September 10th: TV Dinner Day[/i][/color][/size] 💀 Watch an anime with a character who wears an [url=][color=maroon][b]Eye Patch[/b][/color][/url] or is a [url=][color=indianred][b]Pirate[/b][/color][/url] [size=85][color=Dimgray][i]September 19th: Talk Like a Pirate Day[/i][/color][/size] ❓❗ Watch an anime with [color=maroon][b]punctuation marks[/b][/color] in its official MAL title [size=85][color=Dimgray][i]September 24th: National Punctuation Day[/i][/color][/size] [color=maroon][b]BONUS:[/b][/color] Watch the requirement on the days listed below the requirement. [/list] |
SheyCroixSep 1, 2019 8:24 AM
Sep 5, 2019 7:17 AM
Shey's Sommelier Attempt [color=#99cc00][center][b]Shey's Sommelier Attempt[/b][/center] [b]Starting Date:[/b] [b]Ending Date:[/b] [spoiler="challenge"] [list=1][*][X] [url=]Glass no Kamen (2005)[/url] [*][X] [url=]Tensei shitara Slime Datta Ken[/url] [*][X] [url=]Makura no Danshi[/url] [*][X] [url=]Skip Beat![/url] [*][X] [url=]Princess Princess[/url] [*][X] [url=]Itou Junji: Collection[/url] [*][X] [url=]Doukyonin wa Hiza, Tokidoki, Atama no Ue.[/url] [*][X] [url=]Fukigen na Mononokean[/url] [*][X] [url=]Domestic na Kanojo[/url] [*][X] [url=]Keppeki Danshi! Aoyama-kun[/url] [/list][/spoiler][/color] |
SheyCroixSep 7, 2019 2:39 PM
Sep 5, 2019 7:17 AM
Yuki's Summit Of Entertainment [color=#ffa31a][center][b]Yuki's Summit Of Entertainment[/b][/center] [b]Starting Date:[/b] [b]Ending Date:[/b] [spoiler="challenge"] [list=1][*][X] [url=]Strawberry Panic[/url] [*][X] [url=]Youjo Senki[/url] [*][X] [url=]Gosick[/url] [*][X] [url=]Yuru Camp△[/url] [*][X] [url=]Kimetsu no Yaiba[/url] [*][X] [url=]D.Gray-man[/url] [*][X] [url=]Le Chevalier D'Eon[/url] [*][X] [url=]Flying Witch[/url] [*][X] [url=]Kikoushi Enma[/url] [*][X] [url=]Poyopoyo Kansatsu Nikki[/url] [/list][/spoiler][/color] |
SheyCroixSep 7, 2019 2:40 PM
Sep 5, 2019 7:17 AM
mozgow's Magical Collection [color=#990000][center][b]mozgow's Magical Collection[/b][/center] [b]Starting Date:[/b] [b]Ending Date:[/b] [spoiler="challenge"] [list=1][*][X] [url=]Okusama wa Mahou Shoujo[/url] [*][X] [url=]Cutey Honey[/url] [*][X] [url=]Mahou no Tenshi Creamy Mami[/url] [*][X] [url=]Ginga Ojousama Densetsu Yuna: Kanashimi no Siren[/url] [*][X] [url=]Soushin Shoujo Matoi[/url] [*][X] [url=]Fushigiboshi no☆Futagohime[/url] [*][X] [url=]Puchi Pri*Yucie[/url] [*][X] [url=]Otogi Juushi Akazukin[/url] [*][X] [url=]Chikyuu Shoujo Arjuna[/url] [*][X] [url=]Sugar Sugar Rune[/url] [/list][/spoiler][/color] |
SheyCroixSep 7, 2019 2:40 PM
Sep 5, 2019 7:17 AM
Aera's BiSHiEM@STER Collection [color=#993366][center][b]Aera's BiSHiEM@STER Collection[/b][/center] [b]Starting Date:[/b] [b]Ending Date:[/b] [spoiler="challenge"] [list=1][*][X] [url=]Kuroshitsuji[/url] [*][X] [url=]Uta no☆Prince-sama♪ Maji Love 1000%[/url] [*][X] [url=]IDOLiSH7[/url] [*][X] [url=]Bakumatsu Rock[/url] [*][X] [url=]Kyou kara Maou![/url] [*][X] [url=]Mo Dao Zu Shi[/url] [*][X] [url=]Harukanaru Toki no Naka de: Hachiyou Shou[/url] [*][X] [url=]Otome Youkai Zakuro[/url] [*][X] [url=]Youkai Apartment no Yuuga na Nichijou[/url] [*][X] [url=]Rokuhoudou Yotsuiro Biyori[/url] [/list][/spoiler][/color] |
SheyCroixSep 7, 2019 5:56 AM
Sep 5, 2019 7:18 AM
Flip's Diverse Universe [color=#009900][center][b]Flip's Diverse Universe[/b][/center] [b]Starting Date:[/b] [b]Ending Date:[/b] [spoiler="challenge"] [list=1][*][X] [url=]Monster[/url] [*][X] [url=]Perfect Blue[/url] [*][X] [url=]One Outs[/url] [*][X] [url=]Gin no Saji[/url] [*][X] [url=]Corpse Party: Tortured Souls - Bougyakusareta Tamashii no Jukyou[/url] [*][X] [url=]Golden Boy[/url] [*][X] [url=]Pupa[/url] [*][X] [url=]Genocyber[/url] [*][X] [url=]Texhnolyze[/url] [*][X] [url=]Shigurui[/url] [/list][/spoiler][/color] |
SheyCroixSep 7, 2019 5:56 AM
Sep 5, 2019 7:18 AM
Mixed Bean Bag of Anime [color=#47476b][center][b]Mixed Bean Bag of Anime[/b][/center] [b]Starting Date:[/b] [b]Ending Date:[/b] [spoiler="challenge"] [list=1][*][X] [url=]Kuroko no Basket[/url] [*][X] [url=]Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashii[/url] [*][X] [url=]Inuyashiki[/url] [*][X] [url=]Grand Blue[/url] [*][X] [url=]Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu[/url] [*][X] [url=]Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru[/url] [*][X] [url=]SSSS.Gridman[/url] [*][X] [url=]Jin-Rou[/url] [*][X] [url=]Piano no Mori (TV)[/url] [*][X] [url=]Grancrest Senki[/url] [/list][/spoiler][/color] |
SheyCroixSep 7, 2019 5:59 AM
Sep 5, 2019 7:18 AM
Abhu's Parfait Paradise [color=#b30059][center][b]Abhu's Parfait Paradise[/b][/center] [b]Starting Date:[/b] [b]Ending Date:[/b] [spoiler="challenge"] [list=1][*][X] [url=]Yume-iro Pâtissière[/url] [*][X] [url=]Momokuri[/url] [*][X] [url=]Shugo Chara![/url] [*][X] [url=]Chu-Bra!![/url] [*][X] [url=]Wakako-zake[/url] [*][X] [url=]Full Moon wo Sagashite[/url] [*][X] [url=]Magical Nyan Nyan Taruto[/url] [*][X] [url=]Wakaokami wa Shougakusei! Movie[/url] [*][X] [url=]Omishi Mahou Gekijou: Risky★Safety[/url] [*][X] [url=]Naisho no Tsubomi[/url] [/list][/spoiler][/color] |
SheyCroixSep 7, 2019 6:01 AM
Sep 5, 2019 7:19 AM
BigDud's Big & Bold Collection [color=#0073e6][center][b]BigDud's Big & Bold Collection[/b][/center] [b]Starting Date:[/b] [b]Ending Date:[/b] [spoiler="challenge"] [list=1][*][X] [url=]Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann[/url] [*][X] [url=]FLCL[/url] [*][X] [url=]Top wo Nerae! Gunbuster[/url] [*][X] [url=]Fate/Zero[/url] [*][X] [url=]Akira[/url] [*][X] [url=]Mobile Fighter G Gundam[/url] [*][X] [url=]Concrete Revolutio: Choujin Gensou[/url] [*][X] [url=]Tetsuwan Birdy Decode[/url] [*][X] [url=]Planet With[/url] [*][X] [url=]Yuusha-Ou GaoGaiGar[/url] [/list][/spoiler][/color] |
SheyCroixSep 7, 2019 6:01 AM
Sep 5, 2019 7:20 AM
Anna's Must-Watch Shoujo Collection [color=#b30000][center][b]Anna's Must-Watch Shoujo Collection[/b][/center] [b]Starting Date:[/b] [b]Ending Date:[/b] [spoiler="challenge"] [list=1][*][X] [url=]Ao Haru Ride[/url] [*][X] [url=]Lovely★Complex[/url] [*][X] [url=]Nana[/url] [*][X] [url=]Itazura na Kiss[/url] [*][X] [url=]Starry☆Sky[/url] [*][X] [url=]Bokura ga Ita[/url] [*][X] [url=]Kiniro no Corda: Primo Passo[/url] [*][X] [url=]Hiiro no Kakera[/url] [*][X] [url=]3D Kanojo: Real Girl[/url] [*][X] [url=]Hakushaku to Yousei[/url] [/list][/spoiler][/color] |
SheyCroixSep 7, 2019 6:02 AM
Sep 5, 2019 7:20 AM
Rubik's Super Happy Fun Times GO! [color=#008000][center][b]Rubik's Super Happy Fun Times GO![/b][/center] [b]Starting Date:[/b] [b]Ending Date:[/b] [spoiler="challenge"] [list=1][*][X] [url=]Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon[/url] [*][X] [url=]Uchuu Kyoudai[/url] [*][X] [url=]Aria The Animation[/url] [*][X] [url=]Beelzebub-jou no Okinimesu mama.[/url] [*][X] [url=]Tamayura: Hitotose[/url] [*][X] [url=]Fruits Basket 1st Season[/url] [*][X] [url=]Little Witch Academia (TV)[/url] [*][X] [url=]Kimi ni Todoke[/url] [*][X] [url=]Mahoromatic: Automatic Maiden[/url] [*][X] [url=]Azumanga Daioh[/url] [/list][/spoiler][/color] |
SheyCroixJan 2, 2020 1:37 PM
Sep 9, 2019 7:43 PM
Scavenger Hunt #28 [center][b]Scavenger Hunt #28[/b] — 0 / 5 [/center] [b]Starting Date:[/b] [b]Ending Date:[/b] [b]Master Thread:[/b] (suggested; check the rules) [list=1][b]Find and watch a series...[/b] [*] [color=red][X][/color] ... that has 2 tags AND 2 main characters listed : [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] The series must have only 2 tags (a combination of genres, themes, and/or demographic) and only 2 main characters; There can be supporting characters listed. [/size][/color] [*] [color=red][X][/color] ... with the word "no" or the hiragana "の" twice in one of the titles : [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] The title used must have either (word/hiragana) repeated twice; The word can be alone or as part of another; Under "Alternative Titles", the hiragana must appear on any of the Japanese titles; Chinese titles are allowed; it doesn't matter the meaning, it just need to appear as is. [/size][/color] [*] [color=red][X][/color] ... with the word "safe" in the Synopsis : [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] The word can be alone or as part of another. [/size][/color] [*] [color=red][X][/color] ... with only 3 Pictures listed : [url=]Series[/url] [color=grey][size=90] Check under the Pictures tab; Must be exactly three pictures; A screenshot is suggested in case more are added. [/size][/color] [*] [color=red][X][/color] ... that's a Movie-type aired on the 28th day : [url=]Series[/url] [color=gray][size=90] Any month/year; Must appear listed as "Type: Movie". [/size][/color] [/list] |
SheyCroixJun 9, 2022 6:43 PM
Sep 14, 2019 2:01 PM
TV Scum Challenge [center][b]TV Scum Challenge[/b] — 0 / 100 [/center] [url=]HoF Checklist[/url] (Replace "NOTJHIDAY" with your username) [b]Starting Date:[/b] [b]Ending Date:[/b] [spoiler="Challenge List"][list=1] Get your challenge checklist on the HoF, and paste it here before posting. [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Series[/url] [*][color=red][X][/color] [url=]Series[/url] [/list][/spoiler] |
SheyCroixJun 27, 2024 5:47 PM
This topic has been locked and is no longer available for discussion.
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