You WILL get Hit in War
- Опубликовано: 25 мар 2025
- #Combat #GoPro #Footage
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Earplugs, tinnitus, rolling the dice every time you go out.
You’re gonna love motorcycles.
Motorcycle accidents killed the most us soldiers during the afganistan war.
Motorcycle accidents killed the most us soldiers during the afganistan war.
I've lived my whole life with tinnitus. It's not that bad. It does get randomly worse for a moment but decreases back to the same annoying sound. I've learned to live with it.
@@mabussubam512 I hate how if you focus on it for a moment, it seems to get louder.
Found another funny thing about it years ago. Used to smoke weed, but quit. Decided to revisit it a few years later and found it AMPLIFIED the ringing. Absolutely awful sitting by a fire on a quiet night and thats all I could hear. Needless to say, the herb isn't for me anymore.@TheRealNeonwarrior
Concussions: as a regular civilian i fired a blank pistol a meter from a huge metal door. Firing it once 10 meters away in the open had basically no effect. Firing next to a metal garage door reflecting the blast? The ear on that side went EEEEeeeeeeeeEEEeeeee for a solid couple minutes.
Humans but our ears especially were not designed for any kind of strong pressure wave.
lmao sorta correct in your case you got wats called tinnitus or aka you damaged your ear drum just a little bit. wouldn’t recommend repeating said field test like that. lol concussion effects the brain the ears the eyes and the chest or lungs depending on severity of said concussion. which is the physical force exerted on the body not the noise level.
Some ear-pro and a suppressor wouldn’t hurt, man. 😅
Yeah….. step that up to a center fire rifle cartridge. A real one. Even out in the open in will hurt. Fire any live round in a normal size room. It’s shocking and jarring. God forbid you fire a short barrel ar inside. Its a bullet that doubles as a concussion grenade
@ mehhh 6.5 creedmore in a solid hunting box ain’t all bad i mean im a marine lol so im already got horrible hearing issues might be why lmao nothing like mortars to ruin hearing
@ I imagine civilian weapons don’t compare to artillery. Thankfully I’ve never experienced mortar fire.
Joined the international legion December 2022. Spent about a month in basic before heading to the front. For me, the anticipation was the worst, having never experienced combat before - not knowing what to expect or how I'd react.
Strangely, it wasn't so bad once I'd reached the trenches. The bone-rattling, teeth-slamming artillery is jarring at first, but after a while I got used to it. I reached a point of internal peace. A zen state, if you will. I accepted the fact that I probably wasn't making it out of this alive. I remained focused on why I was there - to protect the people of Ukraine - and if I died, so be it.
The hardest part was losing my brothers in arms. Better guys than me didn't make it home. I don't know why I'm still here, but I'm gonna spend the rest of my time on earth wisely in their honor.
Glory to the heroes
If I had the money, I would be over there right now. I was born in Canada but Great Grandfather came from Kyiv in the early 1900s
Were you previously in the armed forces? I thought the Legion wasn't taking guys who didn't have combat experience. Glad you made it back man.
heroyam slava
@@Rosskles Yes, USAF.
While combat/military experience was preferred, it wasn't a requirement at that time (maybe it's changed since then)
Thank you
@@activatekruger446 I was mistaken then. It must have included any service. As far as I'm concerned, anyone who joins any armed forces and carries out their duties is a veteran. Regardless of active combat deployment or not.
I broke a plastic fork, and I guess it sent one of the pieces flying at Mach one or something because it made that exact noise
No it didnt
@ it was probably just the right shape and speed :shrug:
This reminds me of the Swiss cheese model in healthcare: we have built in filters that have some holes (incompetencies) and sometimes the holes align and the mistake/harm is able to get all the way through
This model is practically used for any error-prone system.
For a great movie on this, watch Dr. Strangelove. The whole thing is about how these complex systems to prevent nuclear war ironically fail in just that sort of swiss cheese way
@@bmoore117the entire point of the doomsday machine is lost if you keep it a secret why didn’t you tell the world?!
The premier was going to announce it at the party Congress on Monday. You know how he likes surprises
Same thing in the aerospace industry. All systems that have had error evaluation, let it be the part 135 airline system or an ER patient assesment can have this model applied to.
In a military context a Casualty is defined as a soldier who is unable to serve in their duty which can include someone getting killed or someone who is sufficiently injured enough to be deemed unable to continue the fight, if I recall correctly that either it was during the 18th century or during ww1 that within the Austrian military even a soldier who gets sick may be deemed a military casualty
More people died in WWI from the flu than from weapons.
It is in every military that a soldier getting sick is a casualty. Viral and bacterial pneumonia spreads fast if you don’t squash it. For US soldiers and marines in the Pacific theater, the humidity caused acne outbreaks that often got infected, and those were indeed included as casualties. Skin is a major shield for your immune system. Acne -> Compromised Immune System -> Infection -> Fever -> Death if not treated.
WWI is a bit of a particular case tbf. Disease in the trenches was rampant. About a third of soldiers died through disease I think
I love how you were talking about taking chances. I consider this every single time I get in my truck. Even just waking up in the morning, there's a risk of tripping out of bed and breaking your neck.
got blown up by a 120mm mortar a month ago. 1 in a million shot landed 5 meters from me INSIDE the trench in a narrow intersection
Fuckkkk that, hope you heal up well man
@@FugueSt4te no. Not good. How heartless can you be? Nobody should be dying right now Russian, Ukrainian, or otherwise.
@Red-Brush what about the innocent Palestinian children that you somehow forgot? not white enough for you?
The more I see this dissociative narcissistic first world behavior, the more I'm starting to think we deserve the nukes. You're just exposing yourself as fully heartless, soulless, and incapable of even basic empathy. Maybe even sympathy.
Who hurt you, bro? 😭😂😂
But yeah, maybe we do deserve it.
Look at the Chernobyl exclusion zone. Animals and nature are absolutely thriving wherever humans aren't. I feel like we've done enough damage already.
It's time to pick one or the other, or move past this first world blind nation state worship, that prays to billionaires and politicians like demigods.
And we should instead start living alongside nature, away from all this technocratic dystopia of endless division and hatred through algorithms. They're the best propaganda tool ever created.
I believe in a solarpunk future, not the blind nationalist endless war-for-profit cyberpunk dystopia that most of our "leaders" are dragging us into.
Especially the Elon/Trump/Putin/Xi worship and straight up deityfication is almost Kim style already 😂
"Our dear leader touched this table, he spoke at this place, he was at this restaurant, may his blessings fall on us. It's all a part of his genious 5D chess moves" and all that.
All of them are just some guy at the end of the day. Like the rest of us.
No, they don't play 4D-chess.
More like they're just angry and old gray men who play a game of nuclear chicken with a few billion people and the entire northern hemisphere at stake.
Have hou ever wondered they might just be narcissistic and greedy sociopaths with extremely fragile egos?
Idc if a wounded soldier is Russian, Ukrainian, European, American, or PLA, because it's ALWAYS still an absolutely pointless tragedy.
REGARDLESS of which one of the old gray senile men forced them to go there.
Every single one of us is someone's child. Maybe a parent, sibling, relative, friend?
...and then there's this dude saying "good" to that.
Some ppl are way past the point of redemption ig. Maybe you ppl should be the first ones to get sent to the front because you're clearly so desensitized to it.
In the late 1970s, while in the Canadian Artillery for a bit (10th RCA), I very quickly discovered that a 105mm was very loud when in very bad weather on the firing range at CFB Dundurn, Sk, I tripped, knocking my steel helmet and ear muffs off sending me almost parallel with the muzzle of my gun JUST as it went off! My hearing has never been the same!
Charge 7 right through the noggin 😩
What a bad fuckin trip, Jesus. Did it give you that week-long headache?
I shot the M777 with the Marine Corps in Helmand, Afghanistan in 2009. I was the 1 man, so my job was to pull the lanyard. We didn’t have enough time when a fire mission was called to put ear plugs in. While I had both hands on the lanyard to fire the weapon, everyone else was able to plug their ears with their fingers. So I shot dozens of rounds without any ear protection. So yeah, I can relate 😅. Oh and then I joined a metal band when i got home. 🤘🏼
Jesús Christ brother! I can't Even begin to imagine how You felt/feel.
Thank for your service brother,from a mexicano in texas
Just out of curiosity, to the Marine that got deployed to Afghanistan. Did you guys ever get a counter barrage or is that giving the Taliban too much credit?
It's the complacency. That's where discipline keeps you in that safe zone. Comfort is complacency in many ways. Thanks man, I've loved watching your stuff.
Imagine the discipline of a draft dodger.
I think most games don't cover this due to the player based experience but, bullets are only a fraction of casualties caused in war. Back in WWII, 2/3rds of casualties were due to artillery or mortars and the numbers are similar today. As it turns out, shelling over a large area is an effective way to randomly take out enemy troops without needing to shoot and put your life at risk so, most people avoid it. You don't necessarily even need to kill the enemy, just neutralise it. If an enemy loses an arm or gets knocked out into a coma, that is of little interest to you as a soldier. Shelling is very effective at that
Wanting 100% certainty and security in all stats is what kills living life. That doesn't mean everyone has to go to the frontline, climb mountains, or jump off cliffs, but it can be a lesson for life. The problem with the unpredictable is-it's unpredictable. The word literally says it itself. The only guaranteed stat is that you'll die someday. And the uncertainty? That’s the road leading there. Don’t be afraid of dying-just live as well as you can.
Thing is, if you wait for 100% certainty before making a move, you’ll end up standing still while life passes you by. The unpredictable will always be unpredictable that’s the whole point. You either learn to live with that or you let it paralyze you. And trust me, standing still won’t keep you safe, it’ll just make you miss out. Sometimes, you just gotta take the next step and trust that the ground will be there, even though there might be a 100 meter hole underneath. But then you fall, and if you survive, you pick yourself up and keep going.
Well said 👍
God, give us courage to change what must be altered,
serenity to accept what can not be helped,
and insight to know the one from the other.
"even though there might be a 100 meter hole underneath. But then you fall, and if you survive"
Big if isnt it?
Yeah unpredictability, like supporting the meat grinder money laundering operation in Ukraine, you might end up making it unscathed after helping destroy the country!
sure but maybe try not to volunteer to be cannon fodder in a war for globalists, just a thought.
4:38 same bro, during my army basic training though. they have those little tubes that fill up with gas and spark and explode to simulate artillery, and went off right in my ear, literally like 2 feet from it while low crawling under the 249's live fire
I know a friend who has gone out twice, he got blown up last time and got sent home. Nothing major but he went back out about a month or two ago and less than 6 hours in Kiev he got hit and had a concussion. He didn’t get 6 hours the country before getting hit. He’s lucky it was nothing major, we do some Milsim VR stuff just to work on CQC and things like that and getting hit a second time changed him. He’s a lot more strict now and doesn’t want anything done in anyway other than what’s correct
but what's correct?
you are going blindfolded into a maze of mines with nothing but a baseball bat
where is the correct spot to slam?
@@NorroTaku Probably "correct" in this context means making all the decisions that lower your chances of dying/getting hurt. Your example is too fictional to be useful, because in that scenario there is not enough info to OODA. I will go as long to say that if in the review after training you can't find LOGICAL decisions that would have put you in a better position, then you made the "correct" decisions. Having said that, even the best LOGICAL decisions sometimes end with you getting hurt or dying.
I have a friend who got a Traumatic Brain Injury from a car accident. He went the same way, now everything is much more strict and has to align with the "correct way" even when there really isn't a correct way. It's very rough on his wife and kids.
@@NorroTaku any small mistake or poor form ticks him off. None of us get mad cause he’s been through some shit and has seen first hand how a wrong decision can end a life. From what i hear he has lost a few friends cause of poor split second decisions and bad procedure
@@AidanWendel "any small mistake or poor form ticks him off. None of us get mad cause he’s been through some shit"
Boo hoo for him. It's a game, he should get his head out of his A.
"he has lost a few friends "
Wtf did he think was going to happen? He thought it was going to be like his VR game? People die in war.
Seems like the most dangerous thing to do in a combat zone is to get distracted. Some things are just pure dumb luck and you can't avoid them, but it seems like an awful lot is a result of getting distracted and not making the correct decisions.
As a veteran, I can assure you that there is only so much you can do to avoid getting distracted. You cannot be on high alert 24/7, and eventually you will make a mistake. But that’s the cost of battle, and it’s really just a dice roll to see whether you suffer for it or not.
@D00dman which that's just it, like the unexpected will happen, one moment youre laughing, or taking a shit against a tree, the next you're paste. Have no idea in war when you are or aren't being observed now.
I was never military, but i spent 2/3 of my life in the deep end of the security industry. The chances were always high, but i accepted them from day one. I grew up in the inner city, the poor part, my life was always at risk from the day i was born.
To get ear plugs to stay in, you wet them then put them in. They go in further when they’re wet. I work in a factory. I wear them all the time.
Be safe CivDiv! Please make more videos about the FPVs im a experienced FPV Racer and i love when you talk about it :)
I love when he talks about fpv also, I even bought his Ukraini sunflower fpv T-shirt
@ You a pilot yourself?
I was killed in war once. Shit hurts.
glad to have you back
as the virgin said;it only hurts the first time
me too man 😔
gotta go, have my funeral in 30 mins
Легенду слышал в детстве я от брата,
А тот её услышал от отца,
Что павший вновь рождается солдатом,
Чтоб путь пройти с начала до конца.
Ведь корни только крепнут под золою
Весною вновь распустится листва…
Солдат, вчера убитый под Москвою,
Не ты ли был с Конде при Рокруа?
@@ЯрикЛевченко-й6й That’s beautiful, what’s it from?
"The iron dice of war roll over us, and we are the players." - Ernst Junger, German Stormtroop Commander, WWI
I had no idea about the prevalence of concussions. Interesting. Also chilling under the bridge where the guy moves a couple of blocks to cover his head 'just in case'.
My band percussion teacher in highschool is a veteran of the Cenepa war in Peru. He was an Igla missile operator in the peruvian airforce and always talks to us about having not a single kill in the war. He was just targeting the planes flying by his position with the missile and whatever happened next he could not know because the dense jungle covered his view. Most of the time if the pilot could not save the plane he'd eject and get lost in the virgin jungle, where they'd most certainly die. Either way he never knew wether he actually scored a single kill or if he had even taken out an enemy plane, for that matter.
You know you’ve been rocked when you taste gunpowder 😂
Wishing you the best of luck, bud. My grandfather was an infantryman in Vietnam and somewhat understands what your going through, except for the drones and new tech
As someone that wants to get into doing all this your videos are really helpful. Love ur vid be safe dude ✌️
You be safe man.
"You WILL get Hit in War"
as a combat vet with years of frontline experience, I am living proof that is not always true. and I wasn't the only one who never got hit. Exceptions to literally every rule.
Ye but it’s better to train for the worst right ?
@@adamatch9624 absolutely. Plan for the worst, hope for the best. Part of the reason I never got hit was that I planned for the worst to the EXTREME compared to everyone else I served with. They just left it all up to chance for the most part, I did not. I gamed warfare to stack the deck in my favor. Turns out, there is a LOT of science behind winning/surviving at war on the individual level that most people will Never figure out nor learn about. There are tons of things you can do at the individual level to increase your odds. Luck is always a factor, but you can reduce the reliance on luck a LOT more than people would have you believe. problem is that few people Ever think about it deeply enough or long enough to figure it out.
I spent YEARS of my life studying warfare to an extreme degree to be as successful as I was. I spent more of my free time studying warfare, than most colleges students spend on their homework in a four year degree (I have multiple degrees in engineering too, so I know how much people do/don't study). Most guys will Never spend a fraction as much time as I did trying to figure it out.
But I didn't want to die, it was worth my time and effort to stay alive. It paid off spectacularly, and I'm still applying what I learned back them more than 20yrs later in my current career as an engineer.
The other guys bugged me and joked about how much time I spent on the war. And then they'd ask me how I was able to do what I was able to do. They'd claim it was just luck, and every time they did that, the very next mission I'd go do it on command and prove to them it wasn't luck. If it were luck, i couldn't repeatedly do it on command. and I'd collect evidence to prove I wasn't lying. They always shut up after that. But they still never figured out how I was doing it. I offered to teach guys, but most let their "tough guy" pride get in the way of allowing themselves to learn. They just did not value their own lives.
I've considered writing a book about everything I learned many times in the past 20yrs. but some of the info is still dangerous for our enemies to know, so I just can't write it, as it could make the battlefield even more dangerous for the average soldier if the enemy understood everything I shared.
I feel like the war in Ukraine is a lot worse than war in the Middle East. In the Middle East the US military had an insane advantage in equipment and intel. In Ukraine things are more even.
Did you watch the video or is your comment based entirely on the title lol
@@TheTuttle99 it's based entirely on the title and my own combat experiences. If people don't want to be called out, then they shouldn't make absolutist statements.
But I did watch some of the video too.
Damn. Last time I was this early the US wasn't selling out to Putin.
i don’t like em either, but at least russia stands on business. europe says defend democracy in ukraine, then turn around and overturn elections or stop people voting in their own countries. we need to leave europe to europe
@@jabr0n1 Russianbot
@@jabr0n1"We", nice try, Igor
@@Ton-i6iyeah, i’m a russian bot for pointing out the european hypocrisy, a russian bot that says he doesn’t like russia. makes sense.
I was legit like “but why?” and saw a drone in the first frame of the video excellent work my good sir👌
One of the worst concussions I ever received was from an ALS flashbang while in training when I worked for the DOC so I can only imagine what it would be like to have a 155 or even an F1 go off a few feet from you. The leading cause of death from explosives is actually the pressure change from the blast and not the shrapnel, so really there isn't much you can do to mitigate that other than just don't be where things are exploding.
This has been a great video brother. It really highlights how lucky we are to have been able to come home to our loved ones. It's really just a hair's breadth of a thin line between you and your battle when it comes to grand statistics.
Cheers CivDiv, always wanted to know possible outcomes. Seen so many videos of FPV and wondered what the ratios were? Keep up the good work!
ok but how do you stay so ripped - are you lifting in the trenches or some shit? or is war just a really good workout
I'd assume it is yeah
Intermittent fasting and heavy cardio man
We take some other type of "vitamins" in the military 😉
@myalm997 ritalin 😅
@@Xisk77 more like steroids and amphetamins
thank you for fighting the good fight! the world owes you a dedbt of gratitude!
glad you are safe =)
As interesting as always. Thank you for posting. Stay safe.
I wish I knew this during my conscription training. I had become terrified of making any sort of mistake, to a point that I was even hesitant to train during off-time the skills I needed to improve.
Seeing somebody who had been to the front lines discuss confidently the rookie mistakes they've made was eye opening.
Sometimes it's not about how much danger you're in it's about how long you're in that danger.
Like a dude once said: The only hope you have is to accept the fact that you're already dead. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you'll be able to function as a soldier is supposed to function: without mercy, without compassion, without remorse. All war depends upon it.
Love your videos, I learn a lot from them. Hopefully I will never need to use any of that, but I'm ready if I have to. What I'm really curious about is what motivates a person like you to go from one conflict to another when you could find a much safer job somewhere stateside. If you ever decide to make a video on this topic, that would be very interesting.
Nothing but respect from here.
How dare RUclips hide this vid for 13 secs
better than 13 minutes xd
Omg shut upppp
Dead internet theory is not a theory anymore
@@lucyjohnson1360 please lose the ability to type
What do you mean?
vwerrry well done video! i enjoyed it, and i really liked that you told that good detailed immersive story about minimal stuff that lead to high odds of hearing loss,
people usually don't think about the stats or percentages about life.. yes we don't Know them, but we can guess, that 10hrs in car is probably more dangerous than 10hrs trains, etc.
both regular people and soliders have these happening all the time,
regular people have it more slow and low percentages, soliders have high percentages in their face, but for both.. It, will, affect one's life. a lot.
A soldier's "work" is an insane amount of preparation and attention to detail. As a Finnish conscript I know this, and I can only pay respect to the guys at the front line, trying to bring their A-game every day and hour just to survive.
Glad you're safe coach, sending love
The danger stats better kill me because I can’t afford to go to the hospital
Thank you brotha!! Will send to my team at the end of the month
Taki taki, taki taki, ¡rumba!
ive been thinking about this a lot, especially regarding what our home is becoming
Really appreciate your insights.
War is hell
I earned my Purple Heart the same day I earned my CIB in 2004. Tinnitus is so bad I need a fan when I sleep. Now I live in Japan with my wife and kids in peace.
War romanticizers after 81mm mortar from 12km away
I have no idea how I never got concussed in Iraq. Lucky me. Plenty of incoming IDF on the FOB, katyushas sometimes, and somehow nothing bad happened outside the wire, except when a helo had a fucked up landing and I wasn't on that one. Lucky that I went in behind some of the most high speed dudes when we did leave the wire. Force recon was a pain in the ass to deal with, but those are good dudes to have all around blocking for you when you got your own part of the mission to do.
When the mortars start coming in, not much you can do. You shrug it off at the time and feel scared about it all after you get home.
What do you mean by that Force recon was a pain in the ass? Were the guys disrespectful towards you?
Kinda? Not on a personal level, but we basically had our own stuff going on and any time they wanted us, we had to drop everything they were doing and go do what they wanted us to. Going out with them was never an issue, but a LOT of times, they'd go do something ridiculous and then leave us to deal with the aftermath. For instance, one time they raided the truck stop at the 160 KM marker out there in Al Anbar, and detained every male there. Well over a hundred people, their only crime was being in the wrong place at the wrong time. So with no prior notice, we had to drop our mission to go interrogate every. single. person. They grabbed tween kids from their moms and left it to us to deal with the fallout of them being indiscriminate.
So while it was GREAT having those guys blocking for us when we left the wire, they fucked us around plenty, too.
I've been shelled, mortared and machine gunned. And that's only by my own side. 😂
2:15 with drones the percent has to be 20+ more so like instead of 50% it might be 70% with drones everywhere but who am i to say great break down man stay safe
Outstanding video homie.
You know this info is just useful in general, even for civilians. Incase war ever breaks out its just good to know how battlefields sort of function, it can at least help you avoid death.. if its possible
Bro is lowkey desensitized, and I would get why
But with that said, and further listening, it’s just all simple strategy as if frontlines of war was a board game, is basically what I’m getting at.
Training is just reducing chances to get killed
Nice vid, those thoughts on %s must be common among soilders fighting in tranches.
P.S. I'm surprised to see how much putin bots living in your comment section. IDK what you did to get such an amount of attention from them, but good job. For me it is a proof of efficiency, probably your channel is a great threat to russian propaganda.
Also, glad you alive and thank you for fighting for a good guys.
A 120mm mortar round has quite the bang - so you don’t want to be near one when it lands.
My multiple TBI’s and chronic arthritis co-signs this message
You get concussion nowadays and soldiers have headset like sordins . Imagine WW1, you got war and in first days you keep hearing mortar barrage
VA: Yeah but your hearing wasn't service related though right?
Love how this joke has grown to be used by people who probably never served a day in their life. Every doucher wanna-be soldier online makes this joke as if they have any clue.
@@bakenbeans420I really hope you haven’t made any jokes in your life about anything you don’t have personal experience with
Make it 100%. Gotta pump those numbers up.
Drones and thermal imaging is not as effective as most people think
😊please let me know some options for hearing protection that are compatible with all helmets? Thinking more plugs, than big head sets.
Can't beat the Casino
😊02:00 well camouflaged even less
Mind blowing that you didn't give second thought to earpro, where did you think you were going?
Hey dude, great video. Stay lucky and in the light.... 👍👍
It doesn't matter how he _grips_ it. A 5oz drone cannot carry a 1-lbs "coconut"!
Get used to uncertainty, because it’s all around. The real difference now, is that you have the opportunity to be aware of the possibilities. You have to function with that awareness.
hell ya keep goin dude
No way this was posted yesterday I swear I saw this a while ago but it escaped me
Very true, you can get hit in training environments too. I was an FO and we was doing a massive show of force shoot for some star bois and we was right at the danger close point and the btn FSNCO got hit in the leg and had to get cleaned up and stitched up. Nothing crazy but that goes to show you should always practice how fight and never get complacent.
Lol the way you scroll through all those names at the end.
I am humbled once again by you my friend. Stay safe and give em hell!
When I and my friends were young adults (20-something) we had an explosives/pyrotechnics hobby. One thing we did was "Blast Wave Surfing" which meant we would be as close to the explosion as we dared, all things considered. We used hearing protection (fingers in the ears if nothing else) and it was soooooo cool when the pressure wave hit us. It was an exhilarating whole body experience!
I guess we were sensation seekers.😆
solution: don't go to war
while car accidents can kill, and in rare cases there's nothing you can do about it, usually they are not actually out there to kill you, and that matters a lot
I always thought I’d be useless in war because I over think EVERYTHING. It gives me great relief watching your videos. And I feel like, this kinda of analysis is only beneficial for “us”. As with no disrespect, I feel like you’re kinda like me in that regard. Have been a sub and viewer for a few years. Keep it up man
If you add a slight twist to the tail section it was spinning in the air and make it more straighter more precise when it hits its Target
And will not be tumbling around which would miss its Target just an idea
love the video! Keep it up man! :)
A roll of the dice will never abolish chance
I'm a big statistics guy.. Love gambling because of it.
War would be a drug that I could never get enough of.
Good stuff bro! Don't let fear control your life
Very cool & interesting 👍👍
Civ Good job bud
Glory to Heroes!
Thank you for processing with us.
Adrenaline is a double fuck.
I was knocked out by the concussion of an 82mm mortar hitting less than a foot from me, in Iraq in 2010. I was in a coma for two months.
Hope you're in a better space now, both mentally and physically. God bless!
@@yurisv7315 I am, thank you very much for that!
0:52 my guy, you is way to calm explaining how you almost go killed 😂. I thought it was just the camera sitting there and not you behind it. God damn man. Be careful
Here’s what I was thinking, in a perfect world where you had, exact munitions fired by geolocation, type, and time along with an exhaustive list of all casualties during the same time/place. This will achieve a rough average for that section of the line, you might be able to get better by taking different areas and combining the averages, however, as far as the infantry is concerned, it might as well be luck of the draw.
War is so frickin scary.
I'd 100% shit myself every hour
How dare RUclips hide this from me for 1 minute
One whole minute? Incredulous
Yeah, we all have to live with the fact of risk. I think what’s different for a soldier is that you know that if you slip into any kind of complacency, those risks become much worse, like the flashlight on the frontline example you gave.. a civilian can much more easily forget about the risk entirely and not pay for it.. some people are more vigilant than others, but a soldier has to be extremely vigilant, and I think that you pay a price for that.
So the best stats for war are Perception and Luck?
Respect for the balls of fighting on foreign grounds 🙏🏻
He’s only there because he was too pussy for the USMC😂
Salute from Slovakia🇸🇰🫡
it’s not stats, it’s just physics reacting with eachother. you said it once correctly, it’s LUCK.
Fight on, the Anglo American empire appreciates it